SHIELD, New York branch base training room.

More than 30 agents looked at Ye Hua in front of them and couldn't help whispering.

All of them who were idle and had not been on a mission in New York this morning received an order, that is, to go to the No. 3 training room. The director said that he had found a mentor for them and asked them to study hard with the mentor.

The agents who heard this order were all a little confused. Which of them was not experienced in many battles? Which of them had not carried out many missions alone?

You know, in the bureau, level 5 is a watershed. Below level 5, they are all the kind of passers-by who are like peripheral members. Only agents above level 5 can be regarded as the real backbone of SHIELD.

Now, the director actually asked them to learn again. What a joke, do they still need to learn? Is it a waste of time?

A real agent needs experience again and again, not a teacher telling you what to do and what not to do.

After all, the actual situations in reality are ever-changing. Even if the teacher teaches well, it is nonsense without practical experience.

However, it was the director's order after all, so they still came to Training Room No. 3.

When they arrived at Training Room No. 3, they sat on the chairs. When they saw the so-called teacher on the stage, they were speechless and complained in their hearts.

The so-called teacher in front of them was just a young man in his twenties. According to his age, he might not even have graduated from college.

Such a person is a teacher for old-timers like them? Are they going to learn calculus from him?

What a joke.

The crowd was full of discussions and all kinds of disdain, but among this group of people, some people were stunned.

""Natasha, what's wrong with you?"

Hawkeye, who was standing by, didn't care much about Ye Hua at first, thinking that he would just deal with the director's order. He was about to turn around and say something to Black Widow beside him, but he saw Natasha Romanov standing there stupidly.

""Hey, Natasha, wake up, what's wrong with you?"

Hawkeye touched Black Widow's arm gently, and then asked in confusion.

You know, for a professional agent, distraction is absolutely not allowed to happen. It would have been fine if Hawkeye didn't touch Black Widow, but with such a light touch, Black Widow stood up directly as if it was a conditioned reflex. The stool she was sitting on was also knocked over by her big movement.

Hearing a sound from the back, everyone subconsciously looked back, only to find that one of the best agents in their hearts, Natasha Romanoff, a flower of S.H.I.E.L.D., actually stood up directly. They all looked sideways for a moment.

Although they didn't understand what happened, they all keenly felt that something was wrong.

Natasha Romanoff ignored these surprised agents and Hawkeye, but pointed at Ye Hua, who was smiling on the stage, and said in a trembling voice:"My God, you are still alive? How is this possible? Aren't you dead?"

Hearing Natasha Romanoff's voice trembled a little, everyone looked at Ye Hua on the stage in confusion.

What is still alive? What is dead?

What is Black Widow talking about?

This question arose in many people's minds.

Ye Hua on the stage looked at Black Widow with a look of surprise, and asked with a smile:"Do you know me?"

"I know you. Hydra and the Red House once issued an order to gather the best assassins to kidnap or assassinate you."

The Black Widow looked at Ye Hua and said in a trembling voice,"At that time, I had not yet graduated from the Red House, but I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to observe with three students. The three of us saw in the dark how you easily killed those fifteen assassins."

"That memory left a deep impression on me. And I will never forget it for the rest of my life!"

Natasha Romanoff said in disbelief,"But later I heard that you died at the hands of Hydra leader John Schmidt. Oh my God, instructor, shouldn't you have died seventy years ago? Why are you still alive now? You actually appear now, and you are still so young?"

After hearing what Natasha Romanoff said, Ye Hua hadn't waited to speak, and the agents including Hawkeye were in an uproar.

The word instructor, but they have heard it since they were young. Which of the agents here doesn't know the name of the instructor?

If Captain America is a legend in their hearts, then the instructor is a legendary existence!

Invincible on the battlefield. Treating Hydra as cold as winter, he destroyed several Hydra bases by himself, and also taught Captain America, Ms. Peggy Carter, among the elite. Elite.

In childhood, many of these agents had dreamed of fighting side by side with the legendary instructor and winning battle after battle. Even to the point of turning the tide and saving the instructor who was unfortunately killed by the despicable Schmidt.

This is the dream of many young people. Now, the instructor in their childhood dreams actually appeared alive. How could they not be shocked?

Phil Coulson, who was hiding outside the door and watching the agents in the training room, smiled with gloating after seeing this scene.

"Are you surprised? Humph, I was also shocked when I knew the identity of the instructor."

Thinking of the embarrassing thing that happened in Ye Hua's villa when he learned from the director that Ye Hua was the legendary instructor, Phil Coulson couldn't help but cover his head.

The situation at that time was really too embarrassing.

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