After teaching these guys from SHIELD, Ye Hua chased them out.

Yes, you read that right, he did chase them out.

After they knew Ye Hua's true identity, they all swarmed towards Ye Hua. No one knew why this group of people were so enthusiastic.

Ye Hua had a hard time getting away from this group of people. Where did all the enthusiasm come from?

After letting them calm down, Ye Hua began to give them a lively and interesting training. Every agent burst out with great enthusiasm during the training. There was no other way. This was the training by the instructor himself. When they had just entered the secret service academy ten years ago, this was something they dared not even think about. At this time, who cares whether they have become an excellent one or not, and who cares whether they have performed many tasks.

Cooperating with the instructor is the most important thing. Even if the instructor asks them to jump from the 30th floor, they will jump down with their eyes closed and a smile on their faces.

Of course, this is a joke. Ye Hua might���Let them jump from the 30th floor? What's the difference between that and suicide? If Ye Hua really ordered this, Nick Fury's only remaining eye would probably be blinded by tears.

However, it was said to be a lively and interesting training, but in fact, Ye Hua tested these agents.

Ye Hua wanted to know their level, only in this way could he choose to tell them something, or train them in their weak points.

After the test, Ye Hua shook his head in disappointment.

Except for Hawkeye and Black Widow, there were definitely no more than five qualified people among the 30 agents in Ye Hua's eyes.

Of course, it might be that Ye Hua's requirements were a bit high, but these agents were definitely not elite, and could only be called qualified.

No wonder, when the Avengers joined, only Hawkeye and Black Widow joined. The rest of them were all the kind of people who were eliminated in the first round.

In the final analysis, they were not strong enough and their brains were not smart. Although they were much stronger than ordinary people.

After knowing the results of Ye Hua's test, Nick Fury was silent for a long time.

He even wanted to let these SHIELD agents immediately start training again under Ye Hua's instruction.

But this was impossible. After all, not to mention whether Ye Hua was willing to teach so many people, once everyone started to receive training again, would SHIELD's work still need to be carried out? Would some supernatural phenomena that the police couldn't handle still need to be solved?

Therefore, this matter could only be thought about. It couldn't be implemented at all.

However, Nick Fury still asked Ye Hua to train a few elites, well, elites according to Ye Hua's standards, not elites in his own eyes.

In response to Nick Fury's request, Ye Hua only said one sentence:"How many people can you find who can be used with confidence?"

After hearing Ye Hua's words, Nick Fury's already dark face became even darker.

"Instructor, do you mean inside S.H.I.E.L.D."

Nick Fury looked at Ye Hua and asked

"That's right!"

Ye Hua nodded and said,"According to the intelligence I have obtained, SHIELD is full of unstable elements, such as people sent in by the World Security Council, for example, people from Hydra."

Hearing the word Hydra, Nick Fury took a deep breath, thought for a while, and then asked Ye Hua,"Instructor, can you confirm the list of Hydra people?"

"There is no way to be sure!"

Ye Hua shook his head and said,"I only know that there is a big boss among the Hydra people in SHIELD. As for who it is, I can't tell you for the time being, otherwise, SHIELD will be in big trouble."

"In this case, I will start cleaning up secretly."

Nick Fury nodded and said,"For someone who can make you, the instructor, a little worried, there is no doubt that his power must be very huge, so the cleaning must be done secretly, and it cannot be done in a big way, otherwise, there will really be a big mess!"

"It's good that you know it!"

Ye Hua smiled, then stood up from his chair and said,"You can clean up secretly. When necessary, I will take action to deal with the big boss."


Nick Fury felt relieved when he heard Ye Hua's words. With Ye Hua's help, he will definitely be able to wipe out the cancer within S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now, in Nick Fury's eyes, Ye Hua is the most powerful person he knows.

There is nothing wrong with this. After all, Tony Stark, Thor, and Little Green have not appeared yet, so it is reasonable that Ye Hua is the strongest one. When

Ye Hua came out of Nick Fury's office, he saw Black Widow standing outside the corridor.

Ye Hua thought she had something to report to Nick Fury, so he nodded to her and prepared to leave.

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