Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 492: Resurgence of biochemical crisis

[Broadcasting] Pay attention to "Beginning of Reading" and get the first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who haven't snatched red envelopes after the New Year, this time they can show their skills.

The consequences of the biochemical crisis in the Tokyo area are huge. The nuclear explosion is coupled with the biochemical crisis. Already made no living there. But the disaster did not stop but became more and more intense. Russia began to slowly erupt the biochemical crisis, and all the crises really started.

"Yes, yes, Russia is your next mission." Wesker took out a newspaper and threw it on the conference table.

"Yes! That's it, the local government, the government prohibits the publication and destruction of newspapers. This is a reprint of a sample newspaper. Speaking of it, it has to do with the last biochemical crisis in Tokyo. The problem of the Hydra organization is not ruled out. Sk said very badly.

"Russia explosion crisis, whether superheroes can rescue" This is the headline of the newspaper. The crowd was rushing to read the newspaper. "A tourist was attacked by biochemical weapons while sightseeing in Russia! A total of 25 tourists and tour guides were killed. Local police blocked the scene, and most of the victims' bodies were devoured. The place was isolated." Gil read.

"What's going on?" Chris said.

"In order to block the news, the government held a press conference saying that the collapse of the internal walls of Russia had killed 25 victims, but the report was full of loopholes. Passengers who visited Russia before could hear the roar of the beasts and thought it was intentionally set by staff Horn, add atmosphere, "Wisker said.

"Why? Why is the government hiding?" Lyon asked.

"Yes, why? That's the purpose of your mission. I suspect this is directly related to the Hydra organization." Wesker took a sip of coffee.

"Think about it. There can only be modernization in Russia. How can there be beasts? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Russia has been under full martial law and blockade. The local army is stationed around it, and the police and soldiers entering Russia for reconnaissance have not gone out. Due to the tighter information, the bsaa is not clear about this incident. Only Russia is considered There is also a biochemical crisis inside, huh. Can you believe that such a thing can attract the army to be stationed around? Haha, ridiculous me! "Chris laughed.

"So everyone, the next target is Russia. You will fly the plane to the metropolis of Giza. Your forged documents are ready." Wesker took out several forged documents from the cardboard box.

"The laser-printed photo on the document is made by Ambrella, our company, and the document manufacturing itself comes from the National Security Agency. It is definitely a genuine official fake document. Thanks to the help of anti-counterfeiting work in Lyon."

Everyone went to their own Nada, and Jill removed the rubber bands, causing a lot of documents. Have ID. Passport, entry permit ... Jill took the hospital work permit. "Jane Watson, female, thirty-two years old, married, an orthopaedic specialist at the Central Hospital of New York .........? How am I a doctor?" Gill looked at his picture on the work permit. "But my name is OK."

"Oh! No! I don't want to be a lawyer!" Chris said. "Listen to that name, Tom Lincoln. I like it." Lyon continued to flip through his credentials. Claire is a bank clerk and Alice is a newspaper reporter.

"I have my own arrangements for this matter. It's long. It's a long story. Don't ask, it's the safest to go." Wesker held up the photo. Wesker had his own thoughts and reason and said nothing. . "After arriving at Giza. Someone will meet you and take you there. He is not a good person, but he can be trusted as a secret member of the company. I guarantee it with my personality, so go ahead and let him arrange for specific actions."

Wesker looked at the text message just sent from his mobile phone. "Just got the notice from the company. The company will hold a hearing on the biochemical accident in the Middle East tomorrow afternoon. I and you, Lyon, and Claire flew to Washington this afternoon and arrived at Miami Airport at 4 pm. wait for me.

"Wesker put his phone in his pocket. He said nothing." You guys, after the six of you go. Be careful not to reveal your identity. I do rear work with Claire. "Lyon said.

"When will it leave?" Jill asked. "This ... you are the c1901 flight from Miami to Giza the night after tomorrow. This is a ticket." Wesker took out a few more tickets from his bag. "I'm going to Washington this afternoon. The company is holding an accident hearing for your mission, so it's up to you now. And my assistant will deliver it before you get on the plane, don't worry." Wesker started Pack up and prepare to leave.

"Let's go, Lyon, Claire, and there are flights in the afternoon. You go downstairs for lunch and call at any time." Wesker opened the door of the meeting room, and Claire and Chris finally had a conversation.

"Good luck, brother, everything goes well." "You, too, sister." After a short farewell, the three left, opened the door and got into Wesker's car and disappeared in a busy traffic wave.

"Weske is gone, it's time to watch us," Chris said. "Am I going to go too?" Alice said coldly. The cold was so cold that everyone on the scene was frozen into ice. Everyone knows she is not malicious, but her personality is not very understandable.

"Okay guys, see our flight is ready to get to the airport." Chris stretched his finger in the waiting hall to a plane just near the boarding pass. Claire looked at the boarding time on the flight display, and about half an hour left. Claire had already put on a lady's professional dress and glasses at this time, showing elegance and style. She is now a bank clerk.

Jill is dressed similar to Claire. Chris wears an orthodox suit and looks very gentleman-like, like a lawyer. At first glance, Alice's dress revealed that he was a reporter, a vest with a pocket and a shirt inside. There is a SLR camera on his neck.

At this moment, someone came straight to the crowd from the side, and Chris saw from the glass in the terminal that he was an assistant of Wesker ~ ~ he was rushing over because he was still missing The important thing, "Fortunately, you arrived before you boarded the plane!" The assistant said to the crowd, and took out a very enveloped envelope.

"Here are your credentials. You have to keep them. I have to go beforehand."

After saying goodbye to everyone, he turned and left. Jill packed him in his travel bag. Jill also put on another sun hat, and black framed zero-degree glasses on his nose, much like a successful person.

"Passengers on flight c1901 from Miami to Giza, please check in at boarding platform 8. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Let's go, it's time to fly to Egypt," Lyon said. So everyone started packing, carrying big bags, small bags, handbags, travel bags, and walked to the boarding station. There are two security guards in front of the boarding gate and a ticket checking staff in front.

"Have a good journey." Everyone entered the Boeing 767 after checking in.

ps. Children's shoes for chasing, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The 515 red envelope countdown counts down. Let me get a ticket, ask for extra and praise tickets, and finally rush! (To be continued.)

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