Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 493: survey

[Broadcasting] Pay attention to "Beginning of Reading" and get the first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who haven't snatched red envelopes after the New Year, this time they can show their skills.

The night sky outside the airplane window shrouded this beautiful and prosperous city. The beautiful moonlight was on the runway. The small puddles on the runway after the drizzle reflected the beautiful face of the moon. The nose of the plane lifted, and the landing gear was off the ground. The lights on the ground flickered and neon everywhere, fully showing the bustling and busy city of Miami.

Looking through the window, Jill looked out the window, and Jill herself didn't know how many times she took the plane, not to mention how long the mission would last. Chris carried the bread from the cabin crew to everyone at night, and he forgot himself that this was the first time he had eaten bread on the plane, and he didn't know when he would meet with the rest of the company. .

Jill fell asleep, and he dreamed of a joyful smile on his beach vacation with his friends. And Alice is reading "Fashion Trail" magazine on the plane. Although it was last month, she wanted to put on every dress in it because she hadn't rested and dressed up for a long time. Because Alice is an elite army fighter of the Ambrella company, her monthly income is also very high, and she wants to sell almost everything.

Lyon e-mailed Wesker via the aircraft's dedicated frequency wireless signal, and Wesker returned the email and talked through the email so late. As for Claire, when she got on the plane, she stared at the seat in front, wondering when she was asleep ...

At half past midnight, the headlights in the cabin went out, only the dim light was on, and there were snoring sounds all around. Many people were already asleep, and Jill and Chris were asleep, and most seemed to be resting. Only Lyon hadn't slept yet. He didn't want to sleep too much, rummaging through the information from Wesker.

He looked at the two next to him and stood up. Take off the outer suit and cover Chris. The cabin attendant came over and said, "Sir, do you need a blanket, sir?" She said in a low voice, "No. No, thank you."

"Sir, call me if you need it."

"Okay, thank you." The flight attendant left. Lyon said lightly, but did not continue to say anything, after all, the multiple attacks organized by Hydra had alerted him. He couldn't help paying attention to this situation.

There are fewer people flying on this flight, because there are not many people going to Russia and they are taking off from Miami, so there are many seats on the plane. Lyon had applied for a flight attendant. He occupied five seats at once, lay down to sleep, and asked for two blankets politely. The service attitude of the flight was really good. It didn't matter if they didn't refuse. If they were dissatisfied, they would give their opinions.

Chris is still a little bit unproductive, knowing how to get comfortable. Doesn't care what others think. He was very calm about many things. Some people said that he couldn't pretend anything at all, and some people said that he was kind-hearted and just didn't show his face.

Everyone has everyone's pursuit, so is Alice. She is the youngest among several people, only 23 years old. She would love to wear grey high heels, a casual outfit and glasses ... go shopping, go to a prom ... she likes black. But she has no time. But she did not regret the path she had chosen.

"Wow ..." There was heavy rain outside the cabin. The rain was very heavy, and the raindrops were as fierce as spraying windows with high-pressure water guns. The plane was over the Atlantic Ocean, and the weather forecast said that a strong typhoon formed in the Atlantic Ocean yesterday. Moving towards the Gulf of Mexico. The typhoon encountered the plane, and James felt a slight bump.

The bumps became a little bit violent, "What's going on?" Alice was awakened. Jill also opened her eyes. She looked out the window, and there was a blue flash of lightning just outside the window! What followed was a huge crackling sound! Gill was shocked and almost shattered the glass window. Chris said lightly. "It's okay, it's just raining." Jill knew it was a typhoon, but why did the plane venture through the airflow and unstable typhoon?

"Passengers please note that due to the uncertain weather, the aircraft route will pass through the side of the typhoon, and the airflow will cause a little bump. So please squeeze your seat belts, please do not leave your seat to ensure your safety, thank you for your cooperation. Said the captain in the horn. The flight attendants also seated themselves in their dedicated seats and fastened their seat belts.

Chris rolled off the chair due to bumps and woke up. Hearing the cabin broadcast, he also sat up and fastened his seat belt. Jill was shaking from the small table in front of Jill with the thermos cup in front of him, and it was buckled on Chris' shoes. The hot coffee inside Chris almost didn't jump up, but fortunately, a seat belt was tied.

At first, the plane was slightly bumpy, and then it started to tremor left and right, becoming more and more severe, like an earthquake. Jill saw a pair of father and daughter not far from him, his daughter looked tense, and his father was also uneasy, afraid that something would happen. However, Jill did not encounter this situation, she was relatively calm, she knew that there should be nothing, so many disasters and calamities have survived, and she was afraid of the plane crash? Most importantly, he wanted to eliminate Hydra, and that was his goal.

After a while, the aircraft's nose rose, and the roar of the aircraft's engine increased, as if to climb above the clouds, where it was safer.

"Tom Lincoln?" The young female prosecutor with glasses asked, looking at the photo on the passport.

"Yes, it's me, that's right." "What's the purpose of your trip to Egypt?"

"Oh, nothing, I'm a bridge engineer. I'm in charge of the construction of the Nasser Reservoir Bridge in Russia ~ ~ Before that, I'm going on vacation because I don't participate in the initial work of the construction. I'm going to the beach for vacation Five-star hotel. "After blinking, Chris blinked his left eye, and Chris gave a thumbs up with a smile.

"Well, Russia welcomes you, Mr. Lincoln, next." Chris left the airport inspector's window with his credentials and came to the crowd who had completed the inspection.

But the prosecutor still felt a little strange, why did he deliberately disguise himself? I wanted to inform the security office to further investigate her information, but felt that it was not necessary. He had already seen the Ambrella logo on them. Since the documents were scanned and verified, let her pass. In this way several people passed the legal immigration check at the airport checkpoint.

"We're here, Wesker, don't worry. Okay, we all listen to that person's arrangement, ok, ok, goodbye." Chris dropped the phone.

"How much?" He asked the owner of the airport convenience store, "this ... international long distance? There are a lot of long distance calls here."

ps. Children's shoes for chasing, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The 515 red envelope countdown counts down. Let me get a ticket, ask for extra and praise tickets, and finally rush! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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