Chapter 62 Palladium toxin outbreak

A violent explosion followed, and the two people present and a dozen soldiers were all swept away, and even the steel suit could not withstand the explosion of missiles at close range.

After a long time, the flames disappeared, the smoke dispersed, and when I looked at the scene, I saw Wang Ye directly inserted his feet into the ground, and imprisoned himself in place.

“Damn it! I want your life! Wang Ye looked at the officer who gave the order in the crowd with gloomy eyes, he was in command from beginning to end, and Wang couldn’t wait to tear him alive! As soon as the words fell, the king also rushed out, and suddenly the speed of the cheetah and antelope was heard again, and the whole person rushed towards the crowd without going forward!

“I’ll make a way for you!” Tony in the back saw that Wang also rushed in without hesitation, and the soldiers all aimed their weapons at Wang Ye. Suddenly, Tony suddenly stretched out a row of tracking missile ports on his shoulder, and then raised his hands, and the two incendiary cannons immediately began to operate! Immediately after that, I saw a mechanical sound clicking on his mountain, and dozens of muzzles and small missiles with radar locks all turned over!

“Shoot!” Seeing that Wang was also rushing towards the crowd, the officer inside immediately shouted anxiously. The next moment, those soldiers all came out fearlessly to block that officer regiment, forming a human wall to block in front of Wang Ye! Immediately afterwards, hundreds of muzzles were all aimed at Wang Ye, and a clicking sound sounded, and the overwhelming bullets pressed over!

“Roar!” Wang didn’t care, a pair of eyes were full of blood red, and when those bullets were about to reach Wang Ye’s side, a shocking scene suddenly appeared! I saw dozens of tracking bullets flying from behind Wang Ye like rain, and those bullets that were about to hit Wang Ye suddenly exploded continuously with a bang, suddenly forming a wall of fire, and all the bullets were intercepted!

“Use missiles!” Those soldiers did not stop, and suddenly two soldiers carrying cannon barrels jerked the trigger towards Wang Ye, and with two booms, I saw two shells fired at close range!

“Get out of the way!” Just when the two shells struck, I suddenly saw two golden energy cannons behind Wang Ye blast the two shells away, and then the two missiles rushed into the crowd, and suddenly a violent explosion swept out, those soldiers were overturned to the ground with a bang, more than a dozen soldiers rushed into the sky, the violent explosion crushed their bodies and tore apart, and blood and flesh mixed with internal organs were all over the ground like rain! And Tony behind Wang Ye was now holding the two cannon muzzles in his palm and staring closely at the soldiers with weapons, and green smoke was slowly rising from the muzzles.

Before those people could react, Wang Ye had already rushed up like a flood beast, and the black qi on his body rose up into the sky, and the ground under his feet cracked inch by inch everywhere he went, like an armored car rampaging!

“Stop him! Stop him! The officer shouted furiously, and even crawled towards the back, and the soldiers who blocked the front all began to charge at Wang Ye as if they heard the order!

“Kill him!”


Those people didn’t know how terrifying Wang Ye’s body was, as if they wanted to surround him. Just as it approached, Wang Ye raised his head to the sky and roared.

“me!” Before the words fell, the two soldiers who presented before them were knocked out with a bang, and a large amount of blood spewed out. Wang Ye continued to rampage unabated, and those soldiers with weapons raised had just arrived ten years ago when they suddenly saw a pair of flaming fists rapidly enlarging in their eyes! Only listening to a muffled boom, a soldier in front of him was directly pierced through the chest by a punch, and a large piece of flesh and blood flew out from his back and hung directly on Wang Ye’s arm!


“He’s not human! It’s a monster! “Those soldiers finally knew that something was wrong, no one could withstand a punch wherever Wang Ye went, and in an instant Wang also continued to push forward, those soldiers who rushed over in the flesh were all swept away, the sound of clicking bones breaking continued to sound, and the feet were almost stained red with blood, and those soldiers were blasted out!


Wang Ye rushed through the crowd and flew directly up, and before the officer could escape, he was violently pulled by Wang Ye, and the scene was suddenly quiet.

“It’s your turn!” Wang Ye’s face was hideous, and blood flew into his eyes, and at first glance he looked like a man-eating beast!

“Leave me alone! All fire at that steel freak! Fire to the maximum! At this time, the officer who was caught by Wang Ye suddenly roared at the soldiers like crazy!

“Shut up!” Wang Ye’s eyes were red, and with a click, his hands pinched the officer’s neck fiercely, and suddenly the officer’s eyes widened, and his eyeballs almost burst out! Wang Ye violently tore upwards, hissing and the officer’s neck began to tear, and blood flowed down!

“Fire quickly! Yes!! The officer shouted with all his strength, and before the words fell, his head was torn off by Wang Ye abruptly, and blood spurted out from his neck cavity more than a meter high!

At the same time, the soldiers turned their fire sharply, and hundreds of machine guns and rocket launchers slammed towards Tony. At this time, Tony suddenly felt a dizziness, the green tendons on his face were exposed, and his eye sockets began to turn black!

“Jarvis! What’s going on! Tony asked weakly, cold sweat flowing down his face like a flood floodgate.

“Sir, the palladium element in your body has reached 78%, and you have been seriously poisoned with palladium!” Jarvis’s electronic voice sounded at the same time.

“Damn it! Actually at this time! Tony cursed secretly, and there was a trance in front of his eyes, and palladium toxin actually broke out at this time. Those terrorists would not give him a chance, and before the words fell, hundreds of bullets and rockets were smashed overhead!

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