Chapter 63 Facing an army alone

Suddenly, Tony’s whole body was churning like a sieve, and hundreds of bullets bombarded his steel suit, and the armor on Tony’s body began to shatter inch by inch in the midst of Mars.

Tony was completely shaky like a terminally ill patient, cold sweat continued to flow down his body, and countless meridians appeared on the reaction furnace in his chest.

“Damn it! What the hell to do! Jarvis, how much energy is left! Tony struggled to get up.

“Sir, the body is damaged, and the energy is left by fifty percent, do you want to turn on the energy cannon to fight back!” Jarvis said.

“Open!” Tony gritted his teeth, raised his hands sharply, and suddenly a wide range of energy cannons burst out of his hands! At the same time, two tracking missiles exploded and exploded with only two meters left in Tony! Suddenly, the flames burst into the sky, and the rumbling sound mixed with flames and earth debris spread. A huge shock wave swept violently with Tony as the center, and the ground under his feet was torn like water lines, and the flames instantly engulfed Tony!

“Stark!” Wang Ye roared loudly, grabbed a soldier beside him and threw it towards the flames! At the same time, the flames exploded even more violently, and suddenly a flame burst out from the sky above the flames, and then I saw Tony rushing out of the flames with a swish in a torn steel suit!

As if he had exhausted his energy, after flying into the air, Tony fell to the ground with a bang, and saw that the steel in his body had been seriously damaged, and it was pitch black everywhere, and the armor on his chest and back was broken and there was an arc of electricity. The mask on his face was blown away, and Tony fell to the ground covered in blood.

“Sir, the energy is less than ten percent, and the armor is damaged by more than eighty percent, it is recommended to evacuate immediately!” Jarvis’s electronic voice suddenly sounded, and then it stopped abruptly like a crash.

At this moment, the sound of rumbling tanks sounded, and the earth began to shake. The scattered soldiers quickly dispersed, and I saw a tank and two armored vehicles pulled out of the crowd, and the muzzle of the black hole was directly aimed at Tony lying on the ground!

A sound of shells loading came out of the tank, and gradually the muzzle began to be lowered, and it was about to directly bombard Iron Man! At this moment, suddenly a black shadow rushed from the side, and the two soldiers blocking the front were directly knocked away by a huge impact!

“I grass!” Wang Ye burst out at the maximum speed of the rampage, suddenly crossing a distance of more than twenty meters in an instant, and at the moment when the shell was about to be launched, Wang Ye slammed sideways and used his whole body strength to crash towards the barrel of the tank! Only listening to the sound of metal colliding, the upper part of the tank muzzle was slammed by Wang Ye and turned out to the right! Immediately after that, with a boom, the shells of the tank bombarded the ground directly!

Without waiting for the tank to turn back, Wang also flew directly up and pulled Tony up from the ground!

“Dead is not dead! Dead or not! If you don’t die, hurry up! Wang Ye’s eyes were red and he shook Tony desperately, and all his armor rattled.

Tony opened his eyes with difficulty and glanced at the hundreds of soldiers surrounding them. These soldiers were all armed to the teeth, and there were heavy weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles, even the king could not resist, so he said with difficulty: “No! These are thieves, they are not an army, they are mercenaries! It is not regulated by the government and will not show mercy to your subordinates! ”

“I don’t need them to keep their hands! You’re me! Get lost!! The king didn’t care and shouted loudly at Tonydi! As soon as the words fell, the tank over there was ready again, and the muzzle of the gun was sharply aimed at the two!

“Fire!” Just listen to a deafening crash, and a shell boom bombards over! At this time, there was no time to say anything, Wang Ye grabbed Tony’s arm, and suddenly the explosive power of the black bear burst and threw Tony out towards the sky! ~

“Fuck off!” Wang Ye gritted his teeth and shouted, Tony glanced at this side with red eyes, gritted his teeth, the thruster under his feet instantly exploded, and the last remaining energy was all put on the propulsion device, and he broke through the smoke like a rocket and flew out towards the outside of the arena!

Looking back again, Wang Ye had no worries here, and the brick laughed miserably and slammed into the flying shells!

“Come on! Whore! Wang also roared out this sentence from his throat, the cannonball smashed over before the words fell, Wang Ye suddenly stretched out his hands and forced it up, only to hear a violent explosion, and suddenly a huge force rumbled on his hand, almost instantly the arm of the web page clicked and began to twist and deform! Immediately afterwards, a scorching temperature erupted from the shell, and it exploded violently with a boom, and suddenly the sky-rushing flames and shock waves crushed the ground under his feet, and Wang Ye’s figure was instantly swallowed up!

“Is he dead! What do you think! The mercenaries frowned and looked at the exploding flames, and Wang Ye’s figure had disappeared in front of them. Wang also knew in his own heart that these mercenaries were all outlaws, and it was absolutely unscrupulous to take money to do things, and he stayed and fought to the death to get Tony away. When he eliminated the Viper Party and the New York Foot Gang, he saved enough hero points to fuse a creature that had never appeared before!

Just as the mercenary was looking left and right, an icy voice suddenly came out from the flames: “It really hurts!” ”

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