Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., is where the United States exercises legislative power, and this is the political center of the whole United States, from which all new laws were born, unlike the entertainment metropolis of New York, Washington was initially positioned as the political center of the United States, full of seriousness.

Tonight, there will be a bill on mutants, and it is likely to pass here, which is the famous mutant registration bill.

This bill requires that all mutants throughout the country must take the initiative to record it, and violators are breaking the law, and if such a bill is passed, it will be a big blow to the entire mutant race.

At that time, the identity of all mutants will be superficial, and their every move will fall into the eyes of people with hearts, and there will be no security at all.

Because of Leon’s relationship, this plot is a period of time late, and its fundamentals have also changed.

Leon wasn’t too concerned about it, but he had already wanted to meet with Magneto, so he had come to Washington early tonight to wait for news in an estate under his name.

He expected that tonight Magneto’s side would definitely move, because he had already positioned the saber-toothed tiger, and this man was now on Washington’s side.

“In the end, the plot has changed, in the original plot, the saber-toothed tiger did not make much peace with Magneto this time, and now it is obvious that it has taken sides.”

Leon stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with a glass of red wine, watching the traffic on the street below him, and the Capitol Hill in the distance, solemn and solemn, at this time, Congress had begun, and the Kelly MP should have begun his impassioned speech.

“Sir, fifteen members of Groups A, B and E have lurked in the surrounding area, and another group has entered the Congress, and now Congress has begun, and Congressman Kelly is introducing his mutant registration bill.” Svija’s voice suddenly rang out.

Li Ang nodded, took a sip of the red wine in the glass, and with a gentle toss, the wine glass floated slowly to the table next to him, he got up and moved: “Let the three groups pay attention, any situation can be reported at any time.” ”

“Okay, sir, but we haven’t found anything like Magneto and the others yet.”

“Don’t worry, they’ll do it right away.” Leon said firmly.

Time passed minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed, and Leon suddenly received a notice from Svija.

“Sir, there was a sudden intrusion in Congress, and the submission of the bill was forced to be temporarily suspended.”

“The image came in.”

“All right, sir.”

The next moment, a projection screen appeared in front of Leon, showing everything that was happening in Congress, and at this time, many members of Congress were in a mess, surrounded by people and scattered around, and in a corridor, there was a fierce exchange of fire with the guards.

When Li Ang saw this, he couldn’t help but shake his head.

“The people of the Brotherhood of Mutants are all a bunch of fools, and this kind of action at this time will only deepen the antagonism between the two ethnic groups, a bunch of empty and brainless guys, no wonder they will be treated as street rats, and everyone will shout and beat them.”

“Sir, are we going to act?” Svija asked.

“No, wait for the mutant Brotherhood to appear.”

As Leon said this, a burst of red light suddenly appeared on his body, and then the figure disappeared from the spot, and the next moment, he appeared at the top of the Capitol Hall, standing in the shadows and looking at the whole situation.

Below, countless people scattered around, looking very chaotic, while behind them were gunshots and a loud roar.

“Let the three teams follow Senator Kelly Hospital and don’t lose it.”

“Okay sir.”

The chaos didn’t last long, and after four or five minutes, the gunfire on this side stopped, apparently the person who caused the chaos had been contained, and by this time all the lawmakers had left, and the situation was controlled by a lot of FBIs.

“Sir, the mutant Brotherhood has appeared and has come into contact with Congressman Kelly’s motorcade.”

Leon nodded, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, “After they catch Senator Kelly, let the three teams follow.” ”

“All right, sir.”

Everything was going according to his plan, and the reason why he arranged it this way was to draw out Magneto, and he wanted Magneto’s x gene, which was not a day or two.

It is reasonable to say that he has such a powerful divine power as the power of the phoenix, and he should not have to pay attention to other x genes, and he himself is also so, his mind control is naturally stronger than the magnetic control of Magneto.

But he needs more powerful x genes, whether to strengthen himself or to strengthen his subordinates, these strong x genes are indispensable.

From the moment he understood that this was the Marvel World, he had always had an idea to become the highest point of the entire Marvel World and even the multiverse!

It’s arguably his ambition, and he’s been doing it all the time.

(Keep asking!) )

(Keep asking!) )

(Keep asking!) )

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