Although the power of the phoenix is one of the most powerful divine powers in the Marvel world, it is definitely not an invincible existence, to know that this world is based on Marvel comics, although it has always been the route of the Marvel movie, but some of the forces hidden in the shadows are desperate.

For example, the chaotic power of the Crimson Witch, and then the power of the Sentinel’s Million Sun, as well as the Elemental, the Transcendent, the Star-Eater, Thanos, Dormammu, and even the Court of Life and the OAA, some powerful forces in the dark of this world, which are absolutely terrifying to count.

So Leon started the plan early, to strengthen himself and make himself the highest point!

He thinks so, and he does this, and he positions himself not to be good and orderly, nor to have any evil chaos, he is him, not involved in any party, a faction of his own.

“Sir, Congressman Kelly has been taken away, and it is the Witch and the Fire Man, who are now moving north, and our men have followed.” Svija Road.

“Very good, let people keep up and report to me at any time.” Leon Road.

“All right, sir.”

Leon was now connected to the saber-toothed tiger’s mental cage in his mind, and had already determined the location of the latter, not in a hurry, but waiting for Congressman Kelly to meet with Magneto before acting.

The wait was more than half an hour, by which time the entire Capitol Hill side was in chaos, police cars roaring along the road, sirens sounded everywhere, and a pair of Special Operations and FBI men were also on the move.

The attack on Congress and the abduction of a member of parliament is no small matter.

Li Ang only shook his head when he saw this.

“A bunch of reckless people who only know how to use their abilities indiscriminately, what do they expect to do?”

With this thought, Svija’s voice rang in his ears.

“Sir, the hiding place of Magneto and the others has been found, and the three teams have not ventured in, so as not to be discovered.”

Li Ang heard the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, shook his head, and said, “No need to hide anymore, I would like to know who can win when a dozen mutants with healing factors meet with Magneto’s gang.” Tell the three groups to start the attack, with the goal of capturing Magneto and the Witch. ”

“Okay sir, the order has been given.”

Leon nodded, then the figure disappeared in a reddish glow, and the next moment he appeared in a small town on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., which had no downtown Washington at all, and the streets were sparsely covered with pedestrians and vehicles.

He was standing on the roof of a building more than a dozen stories high, and a block below was already moving.

I saw five people coming out of the street, all dressed in suits and masks, and on the other side, there were several similar people gathered from outside.

The three groups of fifteen people are all powerful mutants who have completed x-genetic modification, possess the healing factors extracted from saber-toothed tigers, and these people will show more powerful fighting abilities than saber-toothed tigers.

With Leon’s orders, these people were not hiding themselves, so they rushed directly to the middle of the factory.

Magneto’s gang is now inside, as a temporary foothold, naturally there are people guarding outside, and the guards are also mutants, at this time they have found out that the situation is not right, and immediately launched an alarm with the inside.

Li Ang saw the three groups of the Dark Ministry and instantly launched an attack on those people, the other side was also more than ten people, but compared with the elite of the Dark Ministry, it could only be regarded as a very ordinary mutant, and it was still effective to bully and bully ordinary people, but in the face of Li Ang’s Dark Ministry elite, he could not even survive a round.

Fifteen men easily and neatly defeated them, and the other side lost their mobility in a blink of an eye, and then the three groups attacked the factory.

“Sir, the communication equipment on the three groups was damaged in just an instant.”

Li Ang did not respond, quietly waited, and the next moment, he saw the wall of the factory building shatter, and several figures flew out from inside, some bodies folded together at a strange angle, some bodies were full of steel fragments, and even bloody intestines were broken.

“Well, in the end, it is the Omega-level mutant, who does have the means to solve the opponent in an instant.”

Li Ang nodded secretly and smiled silently.

“Unfortunately, these people are not so easy to deal with.”

Li Ang said that those who were obviously seriously injured, or who should have been killed directly, got up from the ground one by one, and the fatal injuries on their bodies were being quickly repaired.

Then these people rushed in again without Li Ang’s command.

Li Ang nodded slightly when he saw this, and took out a mask from his pocket and put it on his face, the mask was pure white, one side was a crying face, the other side was a smiling face, looking with a sense of strangeness.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot and appeared next to the factory building below.

(Various requests!) )

(Various requests!) )

(Various requests!) )

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