At the moment when those metals were compressed, an extremely strong high-frequency scream erupted, which was caused by the sound of the metal being violently compressed and tearing together, and the sound made the air ripple, spreading rapidly like ripples to the four sides.

Under this shrill sound, ordinary people can easily feel the feeling of chest tightness and vomiting, but mutants are obviously not among them.

Li Ang could not see the expression with the mask, and his eyes looked at the Magneto, whose face changed again, the heaviness of his face, and Li Ang’s strength made him more and more uneasy.

At this time, Li Ang only waved his hand slightly, and even after reducing the volume, it still appeared to be a huge metal ball, and it was directly thrown to the sea surface on the side.


The metal ball was more than thirty meters long, and such a large high-density solid guy smashed on the sea, and suddenly stirred up a monstrous wave, and the sea water seemed to be detonated by a bomb, stirring up a huge splash of water more than 100 meters high, and then rolling up a wave to spread around.

This movement is no smaller than Magneto overturning the metal of the entire town, or even more so.

Li Ang said to Magneto at this time: “Now that there is no metal here, what means do you have?” ”

When the voice fell, his figure suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in front of Magneto’s body, this instantaneous means of movement immediately made Magneto frightened, and subconsciously he quickly retreated backwards, but he was shocked to find that no matter how fast he was, Li Ang was so close to him and moved with him.

Magneto hurriedly propped open the electromagnetic force field, and an invisible barrier suddenly stood between him and Li Ang, which immediately made Li Ang perceive the abnormality, and his movement was blocked, only to feel that he seemed to be in the mud, and his flight speed was sharply reduced.

“Well, the application of electromagnetic forces is quite skilled.”

Then he heard Magneto shout, his hands open high and pointing to the sky, the night was dark, but there was a layer of electric light on his body that suddenly flickered.

Li Ang hid under the mask’s face, his brow raised, he felt the change of the surrounding magnetic field, the electromagnetic force was moving and rubbing rapidly, the air was full of tiny electric sparks, and with the rapid movement of the electromagnetic force, the electric light gradually converged and formed.



With a crisp sound, several thunderbolts formed, twisting in the air like an electric snake, with Magneto as the center, thinking about the radiation around them, in the blink of an eye, they gathered together, and then instantly hit Li Ang’s body.

The electric light exploded on his body in an instant, as if he had been struck by lightning, there was no essential difference between the two, and a strong voltage burst out, as if he wanted to burn him.

But the pity is that there has always been a mental barrier around Li Ang, and the lightning seems to hit his body, but in fact, it hits the barrier, and he himself has not been damaged at all.

All this was invisible, and when the lightning dissipated, Li Ang, who fell into the eyes of the Magneto, was unscathed!


Magneto was horrified, his face suddenly became fierce, and this moment suddenly exploded.

The magnetic force twisted around in a restless way, and out of thin air a series of thunderbolts suddenly appeared, disturbed and controlled by the magnetic force, and the retrospectives gathered together, twisting back and forth in mid-air.

Li Ang didn’t make much movement when he saw this, but silently raised his hand, and the pale red light on his hand flowed, and then suddenly expanded, and quickly spread, instantly enveloping the thick arc that had already formed.

Then I saw the force wave his hand violently, and the thick arc formed by thousands of thunderbolts was as if it had been torn apart by an invisible claw, and suddenly became thousands of tiny arcs scattered in all directions.

“No… Impossible! Magneto was really horrified at this time, he couldn’t imagine how powerful and powerful it was to be able to tear apart this high-energy arc, which was simply challenging his senses.

“Nothing is impossible.”

Li Ang’s words fell, and the figure appeared in front of Magneto again, a hand slowly extended, gradually enlarging in Magneto’s eyes.

He tried to escape, but strangely found that the space around him seemed to be blocked, becoming as hard as steel, and even the gas needed for breathing had solidified.

He was frozen, not only his body, but everything around him, and he saw a reddish light wrapped around him, making it impossible for him to make half a movement.

Li Ang’s hand landed on his head and took off his helmet, and the mask that seemed to cry and laugh revealed a chilling strangeness.

“Welcome, you’re going to be my next experiment.”

At the end of the conversation, Li Ang snapped his fingers, and without the protection of the helmet that isolated the mind control, Magneto was instantly knocked unconscious by Li Ang.

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