Magneto just fainted like this, his body looked like he was about to fall from the sky, but he was slightly supported by Li Ang, and he was lifted up by an invisible force and floated beside him.

He waved his hand again, and all the visions between heaven and earth had disappeared, the arc of electricity was gone, and the wind had become calm, but the town below had become as if it had been baptized by war, and it had already become dilapidated, and there were people everywhere running away in panic, and there were not only wounded people screaming and wailing.

Seeing this, he only shook his head slightly, for ordinary people, the aftermath of the high-level mutant battle can bring great damage and impact to the society of ordinary people.

In the face of this power, ordinary people have no ability to resist at all, which is why human society will be so discriminatory and hateful to mutants.

There is also a considerable number of reasons, caused by the Brotherhood of Mutants, compared to the moderate faction of Professor X and his party, the Brotherhood of Mutants is a complete wild, wantonly destroying social order, and is simply the public enemy of all order-abiding people.

“In this way, the gene pool can have a few more powerful mutant genes.” Leon said this to himself.

Below, the battle in the factory building was still going on at this time, and the fifteen people of the three groups of the Dark Ministry were now pressing the opposite line, and the people of the Mutant Brotherhood were facing the people of the three groups of the Dark Ministry, and there was not much resistance at all.

Each of the fifteen people possessed a recovery ability comparable to that of a saber-toothed tiger, and with other abilities of their own, they were inherently superior.

As soon as Li Ang’s body flashed, he appeared in the factory building with the unconscious past Magneto, at this time the factory building was only a pedestal, and all the metal creations had long disappeared, and all of them were sucked away by the previous moment of Magneto.

Seeing someone appear, everyone’s eyes were cast over, the dark side saw that it was Li Ang, naturally it was a big set, and the mutant brotherhood saw Magneto unconscious, and each face changed greatly.

“Control all of them.” Leon said quietly.

“Yes, sir!”

Everyone responded, and then one by one, as if they had beaten chicken blood, there was Li Ang to supervise the battle, and they broke out with a more terrifying combat force than Fang Cai, and the people on the opposite side could not lift their heads at all.

Saber-toothed tiger Victor roared angrily, but was entangled by two dark people, and the attacks between them were fists to flesh, or a claw could penetrate a person and bring up a large blood flower, but this was nothing at all, and gradually it was suppressed by the two dark people, until one person’s body suddenly turned into liquid, wrapped like a large water ball, and the latter struggled in this water ball, but he could not break free.

Until half a day later, the saber-toothed tiger Victor was suffocated, and gradually lost his resistance, until he finally faked his coma.

The water ball regained its adult body, and the two shadows took out special instruments and buckled them around the neck of the saber-toothed tiger, a mutant ability suppressor developed by Leon’s laboratory, and after being controlled, it was basically no different from ordinary people.

The other mutant Brotherhood members were no better, and the Burning Man was punched in the head by one of them, and he fainted without saying a word.

The Wonder Woman had her arm broken and was fitted with a power suppressor in severe pain.

The rest were injured, and one by one was quickly subdued, and the whole process took no more than three minutes.

At this time, there was a burst of sirens in the distance, and the sound of a large helicopter propeller roaring in the sky, and Li Ang looked up, and more than twenty helicopters in the distant sky were roaring.

“The movement on this side has been discovered, retreat.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a crack composed of a pale red light appeared in front of him, like a door, and it surged like water, and he directly stepped into it with Magneto.

The fifteen people of the Dark Side, directly with the mutants who were subdued, stepped into it one by one.

This is an application of the power of the phoenix, similar to the phantom cat’s directional portal ability, but more arbitrary than it is.

After they left, the portal quickly disappeared as if it had never appeared, only the sirens and helicopter blades around them roared closer and closer, and the entire town was almost destroyed in this incident, and the number of dead and wounded was unknown.

Countless police and special operations personnel, as well as FBI and CIA personnel, quickly spread out in the town, inspecting everything here, and finally concluded that there were powerful mutants who had fought here, and the impact had reached tens of thousands of people.

The men quickly found Congressman Kelly, who had not been taken away, and confirmed that one of the two sides at war was Magneto and others, while the other side could not determine their identity.

These were naturally not what Leon needed to care about, he had already returned to a laboratory with Magneto at this time, and as for the others, he had teleported to the sixth district laboratory.

Here, he will have to parse Magneto’s abilities.

(Ask for flowers!) )

(Ask for flowers!) )

(Ask for flowers!) )

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