Adeline had prepared a sumptuous dinner at home, and it was still too early for dinner, of course, but the Americans were free and comfortable, and these were only drizzles.

Along the way, Leon and Lorna Dane also get acquainted with each other, and Leon takes the opportunity to ask something about her family, who tells him very directly.

In this way, Li Ang understood that she was the daughter of the Electromagnetic King, but she did not have much concept of her father, who was fostered outside since childhood, and who had not received love from her parents since she was a child.

He originally lived in New Jersey, with his adoptive parents, and only arrived in New York after high school, less than two years after jumping three grades, and now at the age of sixteen, he has basically completed his senior year of high school.

Similar lives, so that the two have extra topics to talk about, after arriving home, the two have been able to call each other by abbreviation, Li Ang called her Lorna, and she directly called Li Ang Li.

Adeline very much hopes to see such a scene, naturally full of joy, a table of delicious food, most of which are Chinese food, in addition to steak and other Western food, the combination of Chinese and Western makes people appetite.

The three of them talked about a lot at the dinner table, but the main topic was Leon.

Lorna Dann was indeed very curious about Leon, asked him a lot about the company, and it was clear that she was still a very ordinary girl, with a vision of the future, but every time in the smile, she could feel a little uneasy and worried.

Leon certainly knew why, but he didn’t break it either.

After dinner, the two help Adeline clean up the mess, and then Lorna Dann and Leon decide to go out for a walk, an idea that Adeline agrees with, but does not go with the two.

The two of them just wandered the streets of the community, and such a time was also a rare way for Li Ang to relax, and he did not resist.

“Do you know that according to estimates, one person in a thousand people in this world will be a mutant, and this flatness and proportion will become higher and higher.” Lorna Dane said suddenly.

Li Ang raised an eyebrow and asked her, “Why did you suddenly say this?” ”

Lorna Dane shook her head and added, “Mutants are supposed to give hope to the world, they are new humans, representing the new fruits of human evolution, not the two races as they are now, making the two races oppose.” ”

Li Ang looked sideways at the words, and he took a serious look at the girl next to him, unexpectedly mature.

“You’re right, but unfortunately, it’s a matter of two ethnic groups, and individuals like us are too small to change anything.”

Leon’s words were clearly modest, and with his current ability and status, if he wanted to, he could indeed change this situation, although difficult, but not impossible.

“No, individuals can change a lot of things.” Lorna Dane shook her head.

Then she suddenly turned to face Li Ang and moaned slightly, “Do you know mutants?” ”


“I mean, do you have mutants around you?” Lorna Dane said.

When Li Ang saw her like this, he nodded slightly, and said softly, “There are indeed mutants around me.” ”

This answer surprised Lorna Dane, but when she heard it, she laughed and said, “Then it will be simple, I will tell you a secret.” ”

“What secret?” Li Ang already had a conjecture in his mind.

“I’m a mutant.”


Leon frowned, and then asked, “This should be the deepest secret in your heart, and we have only known each other on the first day, why did you tell me such an important secret?” ”

Lorna Dane said, “My intuition tells me that you are the one who can help me.” ”

Li Ang was speechless, and said little girl, are you watching too many novels and movies? I’m the one who kidnapped your old man!”

Seeing his silence, Lorna Dann suddenly approached him, almost touching him, and could feel each other’s breathing, she just looked directly into Leon’s eyes and said slowly, “You’re also a mutant, aren’t you?” ”

Li Ang’s frown slowly relaxed, and a smile gradually appeared on his face, asking, “Why are you so determined?” ”

“Because… It was Victor who told me. ”


Li Ang did not react for a while, and then he cried and laughed, at this time, his face became very flat, and he also looked directly at the other party, and he saw the imperceptible panic and fear in the depths of the other party’s eyes.

“That’s the way it is, you know it, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yes, I know you kidnapped my father, and that’s what Victor told me, and he told me better be careful of you, but I never imagined that Adeline would be your adoptive mother, and that sometimes the world is really too small.” Now that I’m in your hands, what are you going to do with me? Lorna Dane said calmly.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze at this moment.

Li Ang looked at her half-dazed but suddenly smiled, reached out and wrapped his hand around her waist and took it into his arms, and then said, “You really made me interested, girl, this is what you yourself fell into my hands.” ”

(The flowers are over two thousand, and the addition is put tomorrow, which means that there will be at least five more tomorrow!) In addition, the evaluation is almost five hundred, everyone is working harder, the evaluation has been five hundred and there is a chapter plus more. )

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