Leon could feel the trembling on Lorna Dane’s delicate body, and at this time she finally removed her disguise, and the fear in her heart was completely exposed, no matter what, she was just a little girl who was still underage.

In the face of a person who can defeat and kidnap Magneto, she really has no intention of resisting.

Seeing her uneasiness, Li Ang laughed instead, and said, “There is one thing I need to explain to you that I will not do anything to your father, at least one thing is guaranteed, that is, your father’s life will not be in any problem.” ”

“No, that’s not what I care about.”

Lorna Dane shook her head.

“His life or death has nothing to do with me, I just want to know what you will do with me.”

Li Ang raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Deal with you? You may be thinking too much, why should I deal with you? ”

“Because I’m a mutant.” Lorna Dane said.

It was so interesting to see her pretend to be calm with fear, and Li Ang almost couldn’t stop laughing.

“I won’t do anything to you, you can rest assured, the reason why I tied up your father is just to get something on him, as for what it is, you don’t need to know.” You just have to remember that I won’t hurt you. Leon affirmed.

“Really?” Lorna Dane looked at him and asked.

“Of course it’s true.”

Hearing him say this, Lorna Dann was obviously relieved, and only then did she find herself wrapped around Li Ang’s waist, and the whole person was attached to him, she did not show the shyness of the oriental woman, but fell generously, reached out and climbed Li Ang’s chest, and directly closed her eyes and put the small head together.

Only then did a question mark appear in Li Ang’s mind, and he felt his lips being pressed up by the soft lips of the other party.

“French kiss?”

Li Ang this idea arises, and then immersed in it, sitting in the arms is not his style, the beauty is in the arms, the other party sent a fragrant kiss, do not white.

A passionate kiss took three minutes, and finally made Lorna Dane gasp.

“Oh my God, your lung capacity is really amazing, what are you capable of mutants?” Lorna Dane asked curiously.

“As a matter of sincerity, you should tell me first.” Leon laughed.

“I can control the magnetic force, like this.”

Lorna Dane said and held out her hand to the side, and saw that the metal on a bench next to her began to tremble, and then the metal fell off the bench and was squeezed into a round ball by an invisible force, and finally Lorna Dann withdrew her hand, and the metal ball fell on her hand.

“Like this, I can control the metal, but the strength of the control is not too high, and I can only lift a ton of metal at most, or hover three bullets.” Lorna Dane said directly.

Leon was surprised by the girl’s honesty, and then asked, “When did you awaken your abilities?” ”

“I was in a coma a little over a month ago.” She said.

Li Ang nodded, then looked at her with a smirk and asked, “Then why did you just say that I can help you?” ”

Lorna Dane sighed for some reason, so she rested her head on his shoulder before saying, “Since the day I knew I was a mutant, I have understood one thing, ordinary life will definitely have nothing to do with me in the future, and as a mutant, I will be discriminated against by normal humans.” My biological father was working for the social status of the mutants, but the direction of his efforts seemed to me to be wrong, too extreme, and now the mutants have such a living environment, and a large part of the reason is that he caused it. ”


She paused and said, “And I don’t think he’s right, but I don’t think Professor Charles is right, mutants do need to fight for their rights, but the means of fighting are not so intense, mutants can actually create more value for society as a whole.” ”

As she stood up, she held out her hand again, and the metal ball in her hand slowly floated out, and then spread out in mid-air, squeezed into a sheet by an invisible force, and then the sheets split apart, buckled together with each other, and gradually formed the shape of a small house.

“For example, if I can put it on the building, I don’t know how much I can reduce the application of large machinery, of course, this is only the most obvious, if put into scientific research or production, my ability will be more valuable.”

Li Ang raised an eyebrow, and now he was really surprised.

Is this still the extreme and irritable North Star from the original book? Such a correct three views, who in the end created her?

Leon found himself somewhat mistaken in his understanding of Marvel’s original book.

Seeing his face, Lorna Dane shrugged and said, “You don’t have to look at me like this, I’m different from other mutants, I have my own insistence.” ”

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