The fusion did not stop, after fusing the ability of the Demonic Woman, he still lay in the nutrient trough, allowing himself to settle for two hours, and then Svija began to fuse the x gene of Magneto for him as originally planned.

Still just like before, the reddish liquid implanted into his body from the pipe, and began to merge with his own genes, the process was still slow, Leon’s breathing was steady, his eyes were closed, as if he was sleeping, but the eyeballs under his eyelids were turning slightly.

Time passed bit by bit, and before long, the nutrient solution in the nutrient tank began to grunt and bubble up, and these bubbles seemed to come out of his body.

This phase lasted half an hour, and after half an hour, the robotic arms that hung down from above, as well as the robotic arms that emerged from around the test bench, began to tremble slightly.

There was a harsh siren in the room, but it only sounded twice before it stopped, which was the laboratory’s alarm procedure, and any changes that were not man-made or not manipulated by Leon and the authorized person would cause such an alarm.

The shaking of those mechanical arms just now was caused by the leakage of Li Ang’s spiritual power, which naturally made the laboratory’s alarm program respond, and then it was blocked by Svija, which although not an intelligent creature, but a near-intelligent program, some of Li Ang’s supernatural influences, it can be clearly analyzed.

All this is in Leon’s perception, but he naturally does not respond to the outside world now.

And then more than an hour passed, Li Ang has maintained this state, but gradually, the bubbles in the nutrition trough have calmed down, and there is no movement in the half-shaking, and Li Ang is really like asleep, even the eyeballs have not moved again.

Time passed minute by minute, and when two hours after injecting the Magneto X gene, Leon finally opened his eyes.

At the same time, all the surveillance wires that possessed metal wires attached to his body were stripped away by invisible forces, and the robotic arms above and around him were pushed away.

This invisible force is not controlled by his mind, but by magnetism, and this is the first time he has controlled metal in a magnetic way, which feels very wonderful.

His body slowly floated from the nutrient trough, water droplets dripped down, and people changed from lying flat to standing upright.

Li Ang looked around at this time, slightly shaking his fist, with his movements, all the metal-containing things around him were trembling slightly, and as the power of his control over the magnetic force increased, a monitor on the side was pinched into a ball by an invisible force in a harsh metal twisting sound, directly scrapped.


Li Ang exhaled a deep breath, feeling this new ability of his own, and the corners of his mouth gradually outlined a smile.

“This kind of power is really powerful enough, no wonder the original comic said that Magneto is the king who controls magnetic force, and even controls the electromagnetic force of the entire universe when it is the most powerful, which cannot be false.” Although I am using this ability for the first time, as one of the four basic forces of the universe, I do have the power to change the operation state of the entire universe, and now I, even if I only talk about magnetic control, I am now much stronger than Magneto, all of which also benefits from the power of the phoenix and the powerful flesh as the foundation. ”

Li Ang shifted his gaze around, his thoughts moved, and in the magnetic induction, he saw countless lines in front of his eyes within the time limit, these lines were colorful and colorful, filling every corner of his vision.

“Electromagnetic waves, microwaves, visible light, this is the magnetic point of view, I can see any form of electromagnetic waves, every line here, represents an electromagnetic wave, ordinary people can only see the real world less than five ten-thousandths of a thousandth, and now I can see the world that is a hundred times different from ordinary people with this perspective.”

“The world is in front of my eyes… The secret will be further reduced. ”

With that, he stretched out his hand and flicked a pale yellow line in front of him, and a few kilometers away, in a very ordinary family, a person was watching TV, and as Leon was fiddling with the line, snowflakes flashed on the TV. “

“fuck! The cable TV network is such a rubbish! The man watching the TV shouted angrily.

Leon fiddled with a lilac thread again, and then he heard the sound of a conversation in his ear.

“Honey, are you free now?” There was no one in my house, and my parents were out. ”

“Well, I’ll be there soon!”

This is obviously a pair of little lovers, ready to do something shameful.

Then he played with a cyan silk thread, and then he felt a special signal in his mind, which was the signal of the wireless network, he thought slightly, and infiltrated his spiritual power into it, and immediately felt a huge amount of information from it, which was all information on the Internet, and he could even surf the Internet with pure spiritual power, and he could also access the home page of his own company.

“This is the World Wide Web, and if I wanted to, I could hack any website with my own abilities!”


Leon suddenly summoned Svija in the network with his mental power, and the latter responded quickly.

“I am, sir, you are in a very strange state at this time, I can feel your presence on the Internet, this is the first time you and I have communicated with me in the form of information on the Internet.” Svija Road.

“Yes, this is a new application of my ability, and in the future I will be able to communicate with you directly on the network without calling you.” Leon Road.

“Yes sir, this ability will solve most of the communication problems between us, so intuitive that I can understand the true meaning of each of your thoughts without even having to analyze your language and tone.”

“It’s true.” Leon smiled and nodded.

Then he disconnected from the network, and his body slowly drifted down from the air, waving, and the clothes on the side automatically fell into his hands, put them on three or two times, and at the same time said: “Although I can communicate directly with you in the network, under normal circumstances, we still communicate in this mode, which helps you enrich your database.” ”

“All right, sir.” Svija’s response was also crisp.

Li Ang is now very satisfied, he has two powerful new abilities, which is not a small growth for him, which makes him one step closer to his intended goal.

“Find a time later today to let go of all the mutant brotherhood.” Leon Road.

At this stage, these people have lost much effect on him, the x genes on these people have been sealed, the two most powerful abilities he has now possessed, other abilities he does not look up to, but these abilities can be used to strengthen his own power.

“In addition, from now on, expand the people of the Dark Ministry, the specific personnel you choose, remember to choose those who have criminal experience, it is best to choose in prison, and then send someone to rob out, and then wash away the memory and instill a new personality.” 」 He said again.

“Okay sir.” Svija responded.

(Request for evaluation!!! )

(There are still more than a hundred evaluations left to five hundred, and then I can add more chapters Ha, everyone work hard, I can add more at any time!) )

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