The expansion of the personnel of the Dark Department has a complete process, the premise is that the X gene has awakened people, that is, mutants, and then the radical of the mutants, it is best to commit crimes, because there are many such people, just in New York, some special prisons are holding a lot of such people.

It is also such a person, as long as he washes away his mind and instills a new personality into it, that he will receive Li Ang’s complete control. Then give itself some modifications, fuse the healing factor x gene, or the x gene of other mutant abilities, so that it will become a powerful mutant.

As for the death or death of these people in the dark part, to be honest, Leon did not care too much, because in his opinion, these people were not even experimental materials, and in such a society, how much they wanted.

“It’s also time to grow the Dark Ministry, and there will be many places where they will be used in the future.”

Leon thinks so.

After he obtained the mutant abilities of Magneto and the Demonic Woman, he can now feel his own changes every minute, and the healing factor balances his body with the power of the phoenix, so that his physical strength and the power of the phoenix are growing together.

After adding the magic female ability equivalent to the neutralizer, it is directly like a safety lock, locking the healing factor and the power of the phoenix and the ability of magnetic control, so that the foundation is extremely strong.

With the continuous growth of the Phoenix Force, even with the new abilities, it will gradually improve in the future, so that he has a stronger and faster growth space than other mutants.

“Sure enough, what you envisioned is not wrong, the power of the phoenix should naturally be regarded as the foundation of growth, equivalent to strengthening its own booster, rather than its own life-saving ability, at best, it is a trump card.”

His mind power radiated through the thick earth, extending all the way to the surface of the earth without stopping, and even finally extending to a height of more than three thousand meters.

“Now the mental power, or spiritual power, has also made full progress, and it will not be too long before I can even wrap up the entire earth with the power of the mind, and at that time, I can be regarded as having absolute strength on the entire earth and the ability to cope with other major events.”

At the thought of it, the figure disappeared from the laboratory and appeared at an altitude of thousands of meters, surrounded by an electromagnetic barrier, cutting off his own contact with the outside world.

Looking at the metropolis beneath my feet, feeling the dense electromagnetic lines in the air, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“After the ability is strong, sure enough, the mood will also be affected, and now I actually have a little sense of divinity.”

Thinking like this, he shook his head again, knowing that this was an illusion brought about by a sudden increase in ability.

“The mentality has to be calmer, the world is not as simple as I think.”

Then he returned to his residence, the top floor of the sword-shaped tall building, and subconsciously looked at the next door, there was no one there, at this time, it was estimated that Tony Stark’s guy should still be asleep on the meat bed, with his nature, this kind of thing is very common.

He was idle, idle for the time being, but the news that Svija brought next made him slightly stunned.

“Sir, Mr. Tony is missing.”


He immediately remembered the original plot, and it seemed that Stark had been kidnapped by terrorists at this time.

“When?” he asked.

“Stark Industries had not been able to contact Mr. Tony since two days earlier, and I checked the correspondence records of Obadia Stein to determine that Mr. Tony was missing. In addition, I have been monitoring Obadia Stein according to your previous account, and I have been able to determine that he is the conspirator behind it. Svija said.

Leon nodded, he still remembered the plot.

“Sir, I have searched the location of the man who kidnapped Mr. Tony, do I want to send someone to rescue him?” Svija asked.

Li Ang shook his head: “No, let him find a way for himself, he can come back, then he is Iron Man, if he can’t come back, he can’t blame others when he dies.” By the way, send a secret message to Tony’s smart housekeeper Jarvis, tell it about Obadia Stein’s ghosting, and come to wait for Tony to get out of trouble, and there will definitely be a good scene after knowing the reason for the incident. ”

“Okay sir.”

Leon did not take this matter too seriously, in his opinion, this kind of plot because of his existence, between the state of occurrence and will not happen, it does not matter, it does not happen, it is only a good drama, he will be a qualified spectator, that is, sitting on the sofa holding popcorn.

Other than that, he won’t have any other movements.

(There are so few flowers, dare you dare to have more?) )

(There are so few flowers, dare you dare to have more?) )

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