That night, he injected the healing factor into Lorna, who fused successfully, without a hint of rejection, and he used a knife to cut an opening in the palm of the latter’s hand, and his wound recovered within three seconds.

“Well, I feel like my control over the magnetic force is slowly increasing.” Lorna said.

Li Ang raised an eyebrow and nodded, “This is normal, the healing factor is changing your body, and at the same time strengthening your ability, don’t worry, just adapt slowly.” ”

At night, the two naturally came to a friendly match, and the next day they slept until the third pole of the day.

Usually, Leon is still very idle, so during the day with Lorna, the two look at each other ordinary couples to play around, only when they play in the playground, Leon received a call from Tony.

“Man, someone already knows I’m a mutant.” Tony said directly.

“Who knows?” Leon asked him.

“The FBI, the CIA, and… S.H.I.E.L.D. ”

Li Ang heard the words and then smiled, “What is their attitude?” Is it to take you away for slicing research? ”

“No kidding, I’m already being watched by them now, and they’ve restricted my activities, especially the NSA guys, who want to blackmail me into handing over Mark armor.” Oh, and the Mark armor is the same thing I used last night. Tony said in a cannon burst.

“I know man, you don’t have to say this, you called and just wanted to tell me this?” Leon asked.

“Of course not, I want to tell you that I didn’t give you an explanation, but with the ability of those people, they will definitely find you, so you should be prepared early.” Tony seemed a little undertowhelmed when he said this.

Li Ang heard the words but smiled, “Are you guilty of me?” ”

“Damn, I’m not kidding you.” Tony was a little angry.

“Okay, I see, even if you give me up, it doesn’t matter, but I’m satisfied with your attitude, don’t forget that you’re going to work for me in the future.” Leon laughed.


The other side scolded and hung up the phone, with Tony’s temper, it was already rare to be able to take the initiative to tell Leon these things, and Leon did not have any angry thoughts about it, because he knew that the other party was such a person.

“What’s wrong honey?” Lorna couldn’t help but ask when she saw him like this.

“It’s all right, just a little thing, let’s move on.” Li Ang had only a smile on his face and could not see anything else.

The two of them had been out for a day, and when they got tired of playing, Leon sent Lorna back to Adeline’s side while he went back to his quarters.

Only when he came out of his personal elevator, his brow frowned imperceptibly, because he noticed that there was someone in his house.

Opening the door to enter it, I was immediately hit by several guns.

“Hold your head and crouch down!” We are CIA! You’re under arrest. ”

A group of heavily armed special combatants, each holding a gun, a laser red dot aimed at his body, replaced by ordinary people must be scared half to death, but he only slightly raised his eyelids.

There were a dozen people in front of him, fanning around him, and when he entered the door, people on both sides rushed up and tried to subdue him.

Unfortunately, they didn’t know what kind of monster they were facing.

Li Ang only raised his hand slightly, and this action made everyone’s hearts tighten.

“Damn, don’t move!” Someone was drinking.

But Li Ang was not moved, and his hand gradually increased, at this time the commander of the other side shouted: “Fire! ”

In an instant, more than a dozen guns began to swallow the tongue of fire, and a bullet flew out of the muzzle and directly hit Li Ang.

Then the next moment, something that shocked everyone happened, just one bullet after another, as if blocked by an invisible hand, hovered in front of Li Ang’s half-squinting place, as if there was an invisible barrier protecting him.

These people shot out all the bullets in the gun, but when they wanted to change the magazine, they found that their bodies could not move.


The conductor shouted in horror, but Leon just smiled at him and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the dense bullets in front of Li Ang flew back along the way.

At this moment, a man from behind the couch wall ran out and shouted, “Stop! ”

Unfortunately, he called too late.


Countless bullets rained down on the shooter’s body, and one bullet after another was poured out, none of them fell, and all of them fell into the bodies of those special combatants.

Suddenly, countless blood flowers burst out from these people’s bodies, some people were lucky, they were shot in the head, and they died without feeling pain, while some people were unlucky.

With just one face, these attackers have been completely annihilated.

(This is a chapter of the addition, now there are more than 3,800 flowers, more than 700 evaluations, these two have one or two hundred left and can add more, everyone is stepping up!!! )

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