More than a dozen special operators were killed and injured by bullets in their own guns in this instant, some fell down in mourning, while others were directly killed.

The scene suddenly became like purgatory, countless scarlet blood gushed out like a fountain, and in a moment it stained a large area of the ground red, and those who were wailing also followed in a moment.

At this moment, the person who had just run out from behind the wall had already widened his eyes, his face full of shock, pointing at Li Ang for half a day and unable to speak.

“Who are you?” Leon asked in a flat voice.

“Damn! Do you know what you’ve done? “The man was furious and a little angry.

“None of this matters, what matters is, who the hell are you?” What is the purpose of coming to my side? Li Ang’s face did not change for a moment.

The man in front of him was a middle-aged white man facing very ordinary, each a little shorter than him, with a somewhat pitiful hairline, wearing a suit and holding a pistol in one hand.

“I’m S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil, and you are now suspected of endangering national security, and I have the exact arrest warrant here, but now it is clear that you have to add one charge to the crime of resisting arrest and killing.” Agent Phil’s face was solemn.

Li Ang was slightly surprised, so he had the heart to take a good look at the person in front of him, but then he smiled: “Are you sure you want to arrange such a crime for me?” It seems that at this time, the person you should arrest the most is not me, right? ”

Seeing that he had no fear, Agent Phil’s heart also sank, although the intelligence said that he was a mutant, but he did not expect Leon to be so difficult and so fierce.

“Also, tell me, what point do I endanger national security?” Leon said suddenly.

He has a status and a position in this world, and there are forces that people cannot resist, and if he wants to, he can even single-handedly counter the entire country, which is not just talk.

So in this case, it is better to say that he killed decisively, or that he did not care about the state apparatus, in short, he will not show mercy to those who are hostile to him.

Let go of the saber-toothed tiger and Magneto, that’s because these people are still useful for keeping, and these special operators are really no big deal for Leon.

Agent Phil looked heavy and said slowly, “We suspect that you have the ability to transform ordinary people into mutants, which endangers national security, so you need to go back with us and assist us in the investigation.” But now that you’re rebelling against law enforcement, which is already a crime, I have more reason to arrest you. ”

Leon just shook his head and smiled, squinted at him, and then his body floated up more than twenty centimeters, so lightly drifting over the dead bodies and blood on the ground, past Agent Phil landed at the table, took a bottle of red wine and poured a glass in his hand to taste.

Seeing him do this, Agent Fei’s heart couldn’t help but sink, but the next moment he heard Li Ang laugh and say, “You may not have figured out one thing, I am a law-abiding citizen of this country, and I am also a high taxpayer of this country, my annual taxes and fees are as high as ten billion US dollars, don’t use your imagination to disgust me, this means can’t scare me.” ”

“Another thing you have to understand is that you suspect that I am afraid of having the ability to transform ordinary people into mutants, even if I admit it, then I have not broken any law, you say that I endanger national security, please tell me, which law prohibits the transformation of ordinary people into mutants?” 」

“Finally, this is my private residence, even if you hold an arrest warrant, but under the false charges, the arrest order is obviously problematic, and based on this alone, even if I kill all of you, I will be fine, and it is a big deal to fight some lawsuits with you.” Also, go back and tell the one-eyed dragon that the next time there is such a temptation, I will go to your lair! ”

After Li Ang said this, he put down the goblet in his hand, casually pointed to the door, and said: “These are my advice to you, whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D. or other intelligence services, it is best not to bother me if you are fine, if you really anger me, there are some consequences that you can’t afford, so please leave.” ”

His words made Agent Phil’s face change and change, and he wanted to lift the gun in his hand, but he always had a cone-like sense of fear in the face of Leon, which had saved him several times in the past, so he could only endure it and not make a sound.

“Are you going to disobey the laws of this country?”

In the end, he could only threaten like this.

Li Ang smiled when he heard this, and said directly: “Law? That’s just a rule made by the strong for the weak, do you think I look like the weak? You better sort out your own mess, as far as I know, there are a lot of Hydra people in S.H.I.E.L.D., DON’T BLAME ME FOR NOT REMINDING YOU. ”


Agent Phil was agitated, and his face changed dramatically.

Leon shook his head and held out his hand to Phil, who subconsciously exclaimed, “What are you going to do?” ”

The next moment, Phil and the corpses on the ground, along with the blood and water, suddenly disappeared.

“That’s a lot of talk.” Leon skimmed his lips.

(This book will be on the shelves in a short time, so far, there is not a single tip, so ask for a tip to support the façade, please.) )

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