A faint red glow appeared on Li Ang’s body, his clothes were windless, his own breath was slowly rising, and the whole person seemed to be activated, gradually coming out of the deep darkness.

And the woman was the same, looking at him in disbelief, feeling the same power in his body, his heart was agitated, at this time there was no one else in his eyes, and only Li Ang who was standing on the high floor between heaven and earth was left.

“Phoenix Girl, Qin Gray!”

Li Ang silently recited the name in his mouth, as if with a magic power, attracting him.

Although the two were far apart, they both clearly saw each other, and at this time, they did not see each other correctly, but both felt the familiar power from each other.

The power of the phoenix!

“Who are you?”

The figure of a woman appeared in Leon’s mind, and then the body of the phoenix woman soared into the sky and sped towards him, while not far away, a man with strange glasses shouted.

“Qin, where are you going?”

Qin didn’t pay any attention at all, because only Li Ang was left in her eyes at the moment, and she wanted to ask why there was a feeling in her that was extremely familiar to her.

Li Ang looked at the piano that appeared in front of him, and a smile appeared on his plain face, and that smile was very strange, like with familiarity, and like with novelty, and there was a little exploration in it.

“Who are you?”

This time, the body stood opposite Li Ang and opened his mouth, his voice full of doubts.

“I’m Leon, a person who has some connection with you.” Leon smiled.

“Origins?” Qin wondered, she didn’t understand what it meant.

“Can you feel the power in yourself?” Leon said suddenly.

“What?” Piano doubts.

“It’s like this.”

Li Ang suddenly opened his hands, and a reddish light burst out from his body, surging like a stream of flames, while the pale red light behind him spread to both sides, like a pair of huge wings.

Qin’s body trembled, she only felt that her own strength was invisibly pulled, and her body also emitted a pale red light, her body trembled, the phoenix power was almost out of her control and began to stir, and a pair of huge wings appeared behind her, opposite Li Ang, just like a phoenix and a phoenix wanted to hear songs and dance.

“Phoenix Power, how can you have Phoenix Power?” The sound of the piano was trembling.

“You know, we are the same kind, we all have this power from a very young age, but we are different, because you are always resisting this force, and I… It is in control of this power, such as this. ”

Li Ang said and held out his hand, a flame in his palm was burning, it was a condensation of extremely pure phoenix power, feeling such a pure phoenix power, Qin’s face showed a touch of fear, she was afraid of this power, even if she herself had the same power.

Li Ang’s hand was gradually tightening, and the pure phoenix power was compressed with Li Ang’s hand and began to tremble, and the air in his hand was vibrating.

Qin’s face changed again, this time full of shock, only those who possessed the power of the phoenix could understand what Li Ang’s move really represented.

The sound of the flame was not a hum, but rather, the power of the phoenix wailing, surrendering!

The power of the phoenix was surrendering to Li Ang, so how could Qin, who had always lived in the shadow of the power of the phoenix, not be shocked!

“No one, no one can control this force, this is the power of darkness, how can you do this?”

Qin was muttering to herself, and her eyes never left Li Ang’s hand, and the latter just let go of his hand to disperse the flame in his hand, and then held out his hand to Qin, at the same time: “If you want to know why, come here.” ”

Qin’s body trembled, the expression on her face changed, from the initial surprise to the current struggle, no one knew what was going on in her heart, only Li Ang could feel the wandering in her heart.

Just like a lonely person who suddenly met her own relatives, the phoenix power in Li Ang’s body was a family-like existence for her, but this relative was something she was extremely afraid of.

Qin trembled and walked towards Li Ang step by step, and at the same time extended his hand to Li Ang, the distance between the two was getting closer and closer, but just when the two hands were about to touch together, a voice suddenly sounded at the side.

“What are you doing? Violin! Come back! ”

Qin’s body trembled, and his outstretched hand hovered in mid-air.

At the same time, a fiery red beam of light shot straight towards Li Ang.

(I’m sorry, today’s codeword time is relatively late, but today’s task will be completed, so continue to ask for flowers and evaluation!!! )

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