It was the red energy ray of the high-energy high beam of Leon emitted from the eyes of the laser eye, this ray energy level is very high, the destructive force and piercing force are extremely powerful, and it is a type of mutant with great lethality.

This beam of light can even pierce the ten tanks side by side, and if it directly hits ordinary people, the consequences can even directly vaporize them.

But it was such a beam of light, when it approached Li Ang, it was slapped aside by Li Ang with a wave of his hand.


A gap exploded in the building opposite, which was caused by the hit of the beam of light that had changed direction.

“What?” Scott Summers was shocked, even with his strange glasses, he could see the look of shock on his face, and it was the first time he had seen someone who could block his ability so easily.

“Damn! Who are you? Scott said angrily.

Li Ang glanced at him obliquely, and said somewhat helplessly: “I am such a famous person, if you don’t know him, then don’t say anything?” ”

He is speechless about these people, he is a celebrity, these mutants have sores in their eyes?

“Lyre! Come back soon! Scott hurriedly said.

Qin’s body was trembling lightly at this time, and his eyes were still fixed on Li Ang, and Li Ang was smiling at her, at the same time: “Now that there are people who are in the way, you should wait a little while.” ”

As he spoke, Leon suddenly held out his hand to Scott, and a pale red light appeared around him, rolling up violently, swelling like a wildfire in Liaoyuan for an instant, and exhaling and enveloping the entire roof of the tall building.

In the flame-like parcel man, Scott felt a strong heat, and he did not want to shoot another beam of light according to Leon’s position, more intense than just now, and at the same time, because of the beam of light, he directly plowed out a blank area in the flames, forcing all the flames away.

Leon looked unchanged, just a little bit of it, and then very strange, the beam of light just disintegrated in the air, and Scott’s body straightened violently, he felt an extremely powerful binding force, wrapping him tightly, at the same time, there was a tingling sensation on his body.

At this time, looking around, the suit on Scott’s body began to decompose little by little, like snowflakes being evaporated, revealing the skin inside, and the skin gradually became blood red, and the epidermis was also evaporated, revealing the flesh and blood below.


Scott let out a roar of pain, and he felt pain everywhere in his body, as if he had been slashed by a thousand knives, and the pain was unbearable from the inside out.


He roared again, his body was stretched straight, just two or three seconds of effort, his body had become bloody.


Qin didn’t know how, her eyes, which originally had no feeling for external objects, suddenly regained their clarity at this time, and the red light of the Dao Dao burst out of her body in an instant, and like the phoenix power on Li Ang’s body, it spread out like a flame, colliding with Li Ang’s phoenix power.

“It was good.”

Li Ang was not surprised to see this, but a smile appeared on his face.

“No! Lyre, stop, you can’t use this power, it will devour you! Scott yelled out without thinking.

Qin’s body trembled more and more, she looked at Li Ang with trembling lips, the two men’s thoughts clashed invisibly around them, from time to time on the roof there would be a crack somewhere, the rocks would collapse like bullets, or a place would suddenly disappear, and some places would directly burn its flames, and the steel would be directly melted.

“Qin, although you and I have different origins from the same sect, the power in you and me is the same, and now, I let you feel what the true phoenix power is.”

Li Ang shrank his head high, his body slowly floated up, and the pale red fire around him rolled up, all of which rushed behind him, transforming into a phoenix that wanted to spread its wings and soar, and both Chin Grey’s and Scott even heard the phoenix’s cry, and the sound shook people’s souls.

Scott’s body was trembling, his body was already bloodstained by this time, and some places were already showing bones.

“No… Don’t do this…”

Chin Grey, fearing this power in herself, has been resisting at the same time, and in her body, there is also a negative personality, which is catalyzed by the power of the phoenix.

At this time, she watched Li Ang’s actions, her negative personality had almost broken through the blockade of the prison of thinking, and she herself had become a little confused, and her mood was extremely unstable.

“Lyre! Don’t be fooled by him, this power is powerful, and it will only give you sincerity if you feel and accept it with your heart. Like what…… You see. ”

Leon waved his hand, and under Chingrey’s horrified gaze, Scott turned into fly ash and disappeared directly from her side.


With a scream, Chingrey clutched her head and wailed in pain.

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

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