The previous kiss made the phoenix power on the two of them meet, and then Li Ang found that the phoenix power in Qin Grey’s body had a strong irritation to the power on his body, and when the two forces converged, the phoenix power in his body would also grow.

And if you want to blend the forces between them more thoroughly, it is obvious that only negative distance contact is the most direct, and Leon is ready to start a negative twenty centimeter contact with Qin Grey.

The two of them hugged each other and rolled onto the bed, and it didn’t take a total of two minutes, Li Ang felt that the phoenix power in his body, just like when the two kissed before, had a strong reaction, and as the atmosphere warmed, the phoenix power in his body grew more prominently.

The two were in contact with each other, and Leon could also detect the changes in Chingrey’s body, as was the power of the phoenix in her, but unlike his perfect control, Chingrey was more like a puppet of the power of the phoenix, whether it was his mind or personality, he was polluted by the power of the phoenix.

These things are normal in Li Ang’s view, he is not worried, what he needs is Qin Grey, the carrier of the phoenix power, not Qin Grey’s own, two forces of different origins of the same sect blend together and grow together, which is the best result for Li Ang.

The negative distance communication between the two lasted for nearly an hour in total, unlike Lorna’s delicate body, Qin Grey’s body under the transformation of the power of the phoenix was far stronger than that of Lorna, and she was one of the few people who could fight with Li Ang in bed.

Almost an hour later, even Li Ang’s body was so tight that he had a hint of fatigue.

Qin Grey’s body was paralyzed, and her final reaction was no different from Lorna’s, and as a result, the strength of the phoenix in Leon’s body was greater than the sum of the previous month.

As I said before, if you want to take on more phoenix power, physical strength is a primary problem, and the result of this strength growth is to break the balance between the phoenix power and the body.

Now Li Ang was lying on the bed, and from time to time there were scars on his naked body, and the scars did not take more than a second from appearance to recovery, but this could also explain a lot of problems.

“The growth rate of the phoenix power has once again exceeded the body’s self-healing, and at this rate, this situation will last almost a message or two.”

He was glad that he had used the power of the phoenix as a basis from the beginning, and after possessing the self-healing factor and other abilities, he could use the power of the phoenix to strengthen other abilities, so that the power of the phoenix would become the engine that would push it into the air.

Mutants with self-healing factors such as Wolverine and Saber-toothed Tigers have reached a balance between the self-healing factors in their bodies and themselves, and they have no external energy to shoot into and strengthen themselves, so their superpowers are always fixed at a certain stage.

But Li Ang was different, he had the power of a phoenix, and it was easy to grow energy, so that other abilities would grow with him, which was something that no other mutant could do.

When he was still thinking here, the Qin Grey’s next to him had fallen asleep at some point, and when he looked at the beauty around him, he didn’t feel a touch of surprise in his eyes.

This is a special object, enthusiasm like fire, but there is cold as ice, and the double feeling makes Li Ang a little happy just now.

“I have found the treasure, and it seems that it is indispensable to come every day in the future.”

He got up and got dressed, and was pouring himself a glass of red wine when Svija’s voice came into his ears.

“Sir, Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to assimilate with you, do you want to take over?”


Soon there was Nick Fury’s voice in his ears, and there was anger in his voice.

“Do you know what you’ve done?” Mr. Leon! “The voice is incredibly serious.

Li Ang’s voice said plainly: “This is just a small warning, don’t try to divide me into a certain camp, don’t provoke me again, I know a lot of things that you and the top level of the country are doing in secret, now I give you a piece of advice.” ”

Li Ang’s voice paused slightly, and then he said coldly: “I am Li Ang, the only truly free human being on the earth, I was born on the earth, but I am beyond the earth, any of your laws can not be used on me, any of your ideas, can not be imposed on me, if the next time I find out that there are still people behind my back to do some small actions, then the next time will not be so simple.” ”

“Are you threatening me?”

Nick Fury was more serious than ever.

Li Ang snorted and said, “I don’t want to talk nonsense with you anymore, now all you need to do is turn on the TV.” ”

As he spoke, he hung up the phone, and then his hand flickered in front of his eyes, and an invisible electromagnetic signal began to flutter with his hand, and at the same time, thousands of people sitting in front of the television in the United States saw a picture appear on the television.

(Ask for flowers!) )

(Ask for flowers!) )

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