In the television set in front of countless people, a blurry figure appeared, this figure had a dim background, and itself was like a fog, and there was a clear mask mark on its face, but unfortunately, because it was too blurred, people could not see clearly.

“Hello everyone, I’m Phoenix! It’s an honor to meet you, and now I’m going to talk about the world. ”

Countless people saw a voice on the television, this sound is very strange, like an electronic synthesis, resounding throughout Manhattan, New York and even the entire United States, and even farther away.

What’s even more bizarre is that everyone hears different voices, some people hear English in their ears, some are Chinese, some are still French, German and other languages, in short, so that everyone can understand what the people on TV are saying.

And that’s not all, at the same moment, such a voice was heard on the on-board radio of all vehicles driving throughout the United States.

The appearance of this voice made many people feel fear and panic, and then this emotion spread rapidly, and in just a few moments, the entire United States has fallen into a strange atmosphere.

People put down their hands and looked at the people on TV in shock.

“We all live on Earth, and in the billions of years since the birth of Earth, there have been powerful creatures and powerful civilizations. In our generation, technology is highly developed, material abundance, almost everyone can get what they want, but now I want to tell you, what you see is only the appearance. ”

“There are countless ordinary people in this world, and among countless ordinary people, there are mutants and mutants, these people have a variety of strange abilities, some are extremely powerful, such as Magneto, Professor X and others, there are also extremely weak, weak and ordinary people are no different. In the shadows of the world, there are many powerful organizations, such as the S.H.I.E.L.D. bureau in the United States, the Shenspear Bureau in China, and the Hydra that has long been hanged but still has its remains. ”

“These powerful organizations master super-technologies that ordinary people can’t imagine, and in addition, there are many superheroes, these people with powerful special abilities, all the time subverting the scientific common sense of the whole world, people can fly, people can bathe in fire, people can become steel, and so on, beyond your imagination.”

The figure on the TV seemed to be sighing, and seemed to be sighing.

“The general public can still maintain a sound scientific concept under such circumstances, and I sincerely admire that what is crazy and subverts scientific common sense at all times is often displayed in front of you, and you can continue to develop science and technology.” To be honest, I’m really surprised that you’re not crazy. ”

At this moment, I don’t know how many people heard Li Ang’s words, these people include ordinary people, high-ranking officials, and mutants.

Ordinary people think it’s a prank, officials and the like feel threatened directly, and some mutants think he’s a talent and dare to be so high-profile.

“But your vision is still too shallow, only to focus on the earth’s grain-like land, and you don’t know that you should have looked up at the starry sky, where there is a powerful existence that you can’t imagine.”

“We are not alone, and we even say that in the whole starry sky, the earth is like a weak baby, and there are some threats that you are not aware of.”

“The Kree, the Krulls, the Shia, these powerful alien empires, have always been a threat to Earth. And Asgard, Jotunheim, Moosbelheim, these things that have long existed in mythology, you still don’t know. There are more terrifying beings such as Thanos, Star Devourer, and such a horror, and you don’t know anything. ”

“I tell you this, it is only equivalent to a science popularization, which is a small gift from me to mankind all over the world, and at the same time a warning to some people.” What you don’t know, I know, and what you know, I know better than you. ”

“If you want to know more, look for it, and you’ll find the answer you want to know.”

The figure on the TV flickered and seemed to disappear, but then suddenly it came out again.

“By the way, I almost forgot one thing, the tsunami that happened in New York today, I made it, well, and the previous stock market crash, which is also my means, if I want to, I can destroy the whole world at any time, but hopefully that day will not come too soon.” 」

At the end of the conversation, the figures and voices on the TV have disappeared, and countless TVs have returned to their original channels, but some of the TV channel hosts are looking at each other, obviously they have seen the picture just now.

Leon, who alone faced the whole of America, and even the whole world, did a terrifying live broadcast.

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

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