The next moment, a strong force burst out from her body, and the pale red light was like a blazing flame, like a karmic fire source, instantly filling the corner of the hall, and the armor on each warrior’s body was clanging, one by one, as if it had been hit by a huge force, and it flew backwards without stopping.

What’s more, they were directly thrown out by inexplicable forces, and the armor on the worst face became broken.

Qin Grey’s mind did not use telepathy or mind power control, just the power of the phoenix power erupted, and the radiance of this power shocked people to lift their heads.

If she wanted to, even if she faced the warriors of the Divine Clan, she could still erase them in one thought.




A terrible scream came out, and the Asgardian warriors who had just been lined up in a neat line suddenly turned over on their horses.

Leon looked at Odin with a faint smile under this force, and Odin did not seem to be affected by the aftermath of the Phoenix Force, but his face had become heavier and heavier.

He knew that the two people in front of him must be different from what he expected, and they must be strong and excessive.

And Qin Grey’s next action also made his vision come true, and he saw Qin Grey’s fierce push forward, and the reddish light swirling around him was like a substance-like flame, directly sweeping towards those warriors, and the burning meaning, even Odin felt a shock.

Seeing this, Odin slammed the long staff in his hand, and with a humming sound, a brilliant golden light erupted from under his feet and swept across the ground, instantly enveloping all the warriors as if they were plated with gold.

The two forces came into contact with those warriors, the former destroying and the latter protecting, as if the warrior’s body were used as a battlefield, and suddenly collided together.



Under the action of the two majestic forces, those warriors were miserable, and the armor on each body began to twist in an instant, along with his flesh or limbs, and began to writhe.

In this case, the body of one warrior after another became unstable, some arms were broken into several sections out of thin air, some were bleeding from the mouth and nose, and more tragically, the body began to bend at a strange angle directly from the waist and abdomen.

The sound of broken bones in the field was frequent, and more was the screams of those soldiers.


Odin was angry, and he stood up in anger, and his body was suddenly stained with a brilliant golden color, like a fiery flame, and the divine power surrounded him, forming a series of magic runes, and there was a strong force on it that escaped, making the hall tremble under this power.

His name is Odin, he is worshipped as the king of the gods, he is the king of the entire Asgard, and he is also the top strong man among the Asa god clan, not to do nothing like in the movie plot, even Leon, under this power, is also a little surprised, because he found that the Odin in front of him is not weak as imagined, but still very strong.

Magic was something that the Asa God Clan was good at, a power that was very different from the mutant ability and the power, and he found that there was a huge destructive power in those runes.

The golden light on Odin’s body transformed into a substantial flame, and the temperature was enough to incinerate the King Kong Divine Iron, and it also had at least three or four thousand degrees, which could instantly shock a person.

Then the flame, like a rope, instantly bound Leon, and then covered him and wrapped him into a cocoon, intending to incinerate him into fly ash.

And Li Ang also felt a strong threat from this temperature, he had a healing factor, indeed he was not afraid of flame incineration, and even the speed of flame burning him, not as fast as his recovery, but it was only a thousand degrees of ordinary flames, like the flame of this temperature, his body would definitely have no small damage.

But this was only a threat, his thoughts moved, and the phoenix power on his body gushed out, wrapping every corner of his body, and then the phoenix force counterattacked like a big wave, directly shattering the flames that surrounded him at one time, and then without stopping, heading towards Odin’s package.

Odin was not surprised that the flames were shattered, he paused the long staff that represented full strength in his palm, and a layer of light flowing shield rose in front of him, which was magical power, and the light blue shield was covered with Xuan Ao’s runes, which could actually block the power of the phoenix outside.

Seeing this, Li Ang just smiled slightly and held out his hand to him.

The latter saw his smile sink in his heart, and the next moment he realized that something was wrong.

Odin found that the metal accessories on his body cracked in an instant, and then turned into a liquid like a wave of water, and then quickly formed a series of sharp steel needles, each of which was more than thirty centimeters long.

These long metal needles then burst out a strong electric current, and the long needles also stabbed into his body along with the electric snake.


He snorted in pain, and the divine body was suddenly pierced, and those steel needles penetrated it, but instead flew out, but melted again, instantly flowing into his heart like liquid along the blood on his body.

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