Odin’s face became very bad, and he was enduring the pain at this time, he sensed something strange in his body, something was gushing down the blood to the heart, and a sharp pain was gushing through his body, and the divine body could not stop this pain.

But this did not mean that he had no way to stop it, so he saw him turn around and turn to the divine power, instantly reinforcing the blood vessels, and then the runes penetrated into his body, making his already golden armor even more dazzling.

In his body, Fu Wen made a chain of chains, and instantly found those metal liquids that were messing up, and then the chains were directly trapped on it, and the unique magical power acted on it, actually severing the connection between Li Ang and Metal.


This surprised Leon, who was not surprised by this situation for the first time, and it was obvious that Odin must have had something else on his hand that had not been shown.

Then I saw Odin’s body tremble, and the metal liquid that was messing around in his body was forced out by him, flowing out of those wounds, and then you could see that the wounds on his body healed quickly, which was not weaker than the self-healing factor on Leon’s body.

“Is this the power of magic?”

Li Ang had curiosity in his eyes, he still blocked Odin’s movements, magnetic force may be blocked, but the mind force can not be blocked, this is the power arising from Li Ang’s thoughts, it is the most fundamental thing in his body.

Odin still maintained his original strength, and the runes oozed out of his body again, one brighter than the other, one more brilliant than the other, and there was also a huge pressure on the runes that condensed and came towards Leon’s oppression.

Li Ang stood where he was, under the pressure, the corners of his clothes did not move, and he seemed very calm, and this calmness fell into Odin’s eyes, which was somewhat elusive.

“The root of your power comes from these runes, right?”

Lee smiled at him, and Odin was shocked.

Just listen to Li Ang continue, “Where does the origin of this power come from?” Runes are the embodiment of a collection of your powers, and you also have a force in your body that I don’t understand very well, and this force makes up these runes, and the combination of these runes can form all kinds of abilities, earth, fire, water, wind, and everything. It seems that the problem arises in the body of your clan, or on the bloodline. ”

“It’s not hard to master magic, like this.”

Leon said and held out his hand, and a rune appeared in his palm, slowly rotating in the palm of his hand, and there was a verdant color on it.

“It represents life.”

Immediately after that, the runes changed and became gray.

“It represents death.”

Then the ashes turned into heat.

“It’s fire.”

The fire turned blue.

“It’s the flow of water.”

The blue turns brown.

“This is the earth.”

Brown became colorless.

“It’s a breeze.”

Li Ang said this, his palm squeezed violently, and the rune that represented magic energy collapsed in his hand, only to hear him laugh, “Magic is actually very simple to master, especially for me, as long as I have seen what you have cast, I can easily understand, and after understanding, now magic is no longer a secret thing for me.” ”

Odin’s face turned ugly, looking at Leon as if he were looking at a monster, he said in a deep voice, “Since you have mastered the power of magic, then I hope you can stop, and if you continue like this, you will truly be the enemy of my Asgard!” ”

“No, no, no, it seems that you are mistaken, I understand magic, this is my ability, it does not mean that I am satisfied, just like I just said, give me the magic technology of your clan and the eternal fire, I will naturally go when I get something.”

“Why do you want these two things?” Odin asked in a deep voice.


Leon smiled.

“Because of curiosity.”

He pointed to his chest and said in a loud voice, “I am a scientist and a researcher, I am studying all the knowledge about this universe, whether it is magic or magic, or even scientific forces, these are my research topics, perhaps you may not know that this universe is deformed, the rules of the universe, everything, all show an extreme instability.” This seems to me to be something that can collapse at any moment, and I don’t know how long this universe can exist in this situation, so I’m going to study it. ”

“That’s what your purpose is?” Odin was a little incredulous.

“No, no, no.”

Li Ang smiled and said, “Of course, my purpose is not this, studying these things is just to let me better understand this universe, what I want is a truly stable universe, no mutants, no magic, nothing contrary to common sense, that kind of universe is truly perfect.” But what I see is only some people wantonly using the power in their hands to destroy the stability of this universe, so that it can collapse at any time, which is not the result I want to see, since you do not cherish, then, I come, I will control the universe, and then change the universe. ”

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

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