Leon’s words fell into Odin’s ears, but they made his hands tremble a little, and he found that the person in front of him was most likely a madman, a madman who tried to control the entire universe, and if he did not have power, he would be a conspirator, and if he had great power, he would only become a careerist.

And Li Ang was such an ambitious person in his eyes, but he did not know that Li Ang’s ambition was far more than that.

The Marvel parallel universe, one more eccentric than the other, one more deformed than the other, some of the physical constants of this world are no different from the world he was in in his previous life, but the primitive force that boiled to the point of being uncontrollable was the cornerstone of disturbing all parallel universes.

In other words, all people in parallel universes live on a powder keg, and any person with great abilities can deviate the operation of the entire universe, and then the entire universe will collapse, and there will be only one fate waiting for everyone, that is, annihilation.

Leon had been aware of this for a long time, where there would be these things in the normal world, which made him feel a great pressure like never before, so until now, his goal has been only one, to become the person at the apex of all parallel universes, and he has to make his own rules.

There may be nothing wrong with his starting point, but his wild vision is in the eyes of others, that is, the proper villain look, no one will understand him, and no one will support him.

Fortunately, Leon himself does not have much sense of belonging to the Marvel world, and he will use many means when he can become stronger, even if some means are very evil in the eyes of others, but for him, there is still no problem.

On the other hand, Chingrey had almost resolved the battle, and most of the Asgardian warriors who had poured into the hall had been made inhuman at this time, some of their bodies were torn apart, and some of them were directly annihilated, leaving only scattered fragments of limbs.

The scene was covered with blood, and her destructive desire was fiercely vented.

The next moment, she stood beside Leon, and a pair of dark eyes also stared at Odin.

Seeing the tragic situation at the scene, Odin’s face was twitching, and at the same time, the blood was dripping with pain, all the warriors who died here were the elite of Asgard, each of them had experienced thousands of battles to have the current combat effectiveness, and it was difficult for him to accept that he had been killed so much.

“Earthlings! One day you will regret that you have succeeded in provoking my anger, and at the same time you have placed yourself on the opposite side of peace, and you will usher in war, a war that will not die! Odin roared angrily, and the voice spread throughout Asgard.

However, Li Ang loosened his control over him, did not take his warning to heart in the slightest, but smiled lightly: “In this case, are you willing to hand over what I need?” ”


Faced with two formidable enemies, Odin was anxious to fight to the end, but he was no longer the belligerent Odin of his youth, he was responsible for his own people, for the whole of Asgard, because he knew that if he refused again, the two men in front of him would most likely be angry with the entire people of Asgard.

He couldn’t afford the consequences!

So he forced himself to endure his anger, trembling his hands in front of him to outline a portal, which was composed of the magic power that ruled the space, and stood in front of the three people.

“Come with me!” Odin suppressed his anger and spoke in a deep voice, saying that he took the lead and stepped out into the portal.

Leon didn’t look a little worried, and pulled the piano Grey’s step into it.

Inside the portal is a vast and deep hall, made of boulders and exuding a kind of antiquity and recklessness, which is the treasure house of Asgard, which contains many treasures.

He saw the Infinity Gauntlet, the kind that didn’t have the Infinity Stones set with them, but he knew it was a fake.

There is also the noose of Thor’s hammer, which is also a treasure.

There is also the Ancient Winter Coffin, which is the most precious treasure belonging to the Frost Giants, which contains the power of infinite ice and snow, which can freeze an entire planet, although it is a very powerful treasure, but for Leon, it is not a great thing.

What he needs is the eternal fire, because this is a flame that the universe has just opened, never extinguished, this is a treasure containing the deep information of the universe, and it is indispensable for him to solve the deep information of the universe.

Odin led the two men to the deepest part of the treasure room, and stopped in front of a stone platform, which had a golden disc, and there was a ball of flame burning on the plate, which at first glance seemed to be just ordinary flames, and the temperature was not more than a thousand degrees, but it was burning out of thin air, and I don’t know how many years it had been burning, and how long it would burn.

“That’s it!” Leon smiled.

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

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