Odin chose to give the Eternal Fire to Leon, not because he wanted to give it, but because of Leon’s strong persecution, the result that could not be taken, he could feel Leon’s irresistible strength, so the temporary retreat was not unreasonable.

On the stone platform, the eternal fire was emitting brilliance, the orange flame moved without wind, and although the flame temperature was not high, it still strangely distorted the air around it.

Li Ang could feel the majestic energy from the flames, it seemed to be able to burn all things, and it seemed to be able to revive all things, and the two feelings were intertwined, extremely strange.

Odin stepped aside with a calm face, still looking at his expression, still very reluctant, but under the power, he had to choose to compromise for the time being, otherwise, Asgard would surely suffer an even more terrible blow, which he could not bear.

Li Ang didn’t say much, reached forward and put his hand on the Eternal Fire, and immediately felt a burning sensation coming from his hand, this feeling was very strange, with a burning pain, but also a coolness, as if destruction and repair were going on at the same time.

He saw that his hand showed no signs of breakage, but the pain was getting stronger.

“Wrong! This is not a flame under normal rules, but a … The power of almost perfect magic, it is burning not any matter, but the source of magic. Finally understood, this thing is the source of magical power, the birth of the universe represents a manifestation of magical power, as long as the magical power still exists for one day, this thing will continue to burn, unless there is no such thing as magic in the entire universe, it will be extinguished. ”

Li Ang had a smile on his face, he found that the harvest he had come this time was far greater than he had imagined, and with this thing, he could more thoroughly analyze the rules that belonged to magic.

“It is no wonder that after Surtel’s crown is contaminated with the Eternal Fire, it will transform into a huge flame giant god, with a body of nearly unlimited divine power, and it can easily trigger the twilight of the gods, which is completely a magic amplifier.”

“Take it.” Odin said to him.

Li Ang bowed his head slightly, and then he used his mind control ability to hold up the entire flame, and saw that a large flame flew up from the disc and began to burn in mid-air.

Just when he thought he had successfully picked it up, the flame was quickly extinguished, disappearing without a trace in a moment, and in the position of the original disk, another flame rose.


He was slightly surprised, he obviously used his mind power to wrap this flame in its entirety, and he could clearly feel that it was indeed the essence of the eternal fire, and the source of the burning was in it, but why would it be extinguished after picking it up?

Leon turned his head to look at Odin, who still had a calm face, but there was a hint of irony in the corners of his mouth.

Li Ang did not bother with him, this time he used the mind power control to pick up the entire disk, and the flames on it were still burning like Fangcai, but within three seconds of picking it up, they were extinguished again, and the new flame appeared in its original position again.


Leon became interested, and he said to Odin, “You already knew it would be like this, didn’t you?” ”

“It’s here, and if you can’t take it, then I have no other way.” Odin said plainly.

“Are you so sure I can’t take away this fire?” The corners of Li Ang’s mouth cocked and he sneered.

“Ahem!” Odin ignored him, apparently to see him play.

This time, Li Ang did not take the liberty of controlling it with his mind, but instead sank his mind and carefully observed the flame with his mind.

Time slowly passed, and five minutes passed, he just quietly stared at the eternal fire, Odin did not urge him, and five minutes later, Leon suddenly laughed.

“Haha, I said what’s going on, this is a flame condensed from the source of magic, and it is obviously impossible to move it with an ability that is not magic.”

Odin’s face changed, and this change just didn’t make Leon look in his eyes, he said, “Did I say it right?” Hahaha! ”

Then, there were runes around Leon, dotted with runes, each crystal clear, reflecting the light like crystals, and these runes flew out, wrapping the flames, and then there were faint lines linking together to form a ring of shimmering light.

This ring is very similar to the color of the eternal fire, and the two seem to merge with each other at this time.

Then Li Ang’s hand contracted slightly, and he saw that the flame was on the ground, shrinking to the size of his fist, and the flame trembled slightly, as if it was going to be extinguished at the next moment, but it was still burning.

Odin was silent, and the hand holding the long staff tightened involuntarily.

“Haha, got it.”

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