In this chaotic environment, no country is spared, the United States is only one of them, the most perfect representative of the catastrophe of the collapse of order, and other countries, there are countries that have suffered more than the United States, such as some countries in Latin America and Africa, which have even fallen directly into war.

Compared with these countries, the losses in Asia and Europe are the smallest, of which Huaxia is the mainstay, and the losses are even more surprising, because the national side can quickly unify the dispatch, and various emergency plans are urgently ordered down, which is a safe landing in this tsunami, which makes Li Ang a little surprised, and cannot help but sigh that Huaxia is really the most tenacious country in the world.

His main goal is to put it on the United States, a country that is a “beacon” of human civilization, and when this beacon is extinguished, it basically means the end of the order of human society.

And the United States did not disappoint him, in peacetime it is fine, there are strong governments and armies, but when the order itself has collapsed, then these forces are obviously no longer able to protect the country.

From the moment the turmoil began, it was not a simple matter to put it down, a free state is not a good thing, everyone is free, it is not just lip service, when the people no longer trust the government, the rebellion naturally arises.

In the days that followed, more than a dozen states in the United States fell into even more exaggerated chaos, because there were already rebels organized, but against the troops who came to suppress the turmoil, the result was naturally war.

This situation lasted for a little more than half a month, thanks to official authority and absolute superiority, and finally the American government finally controlled the unrest after spending a certain price.

Now all the people in the world have a new understanding of the degree of Leon’s terror, and basically all countries with complete regimes have listed Leon as the number one terrorist at this time, or the kind of global wanted.

But everyone knew in their hearts that trying to deal with Leon was definitely not such a simple thing.

Five days after the turmoil was put down, a small-yield nuclear bomb was detonated over the Manhattan neighborhood, and in an instant, it was like a small sun blooming in the sky, as if endless light and heat erupted from it, and a dazzling light source completely covered the sun at this moment.

Li Ang was in the middle of the terrace, and at this time he looked up in the direction of the nuclear bomb explosion, less than a hundred meters away from him, which was already the absolute center of the nuclear explosion.

The high temperature of nearly a hundred million degrees erased almost all existence from reality in an instant, which was a mighty force comparable to the vastness of nature, and even Li Ang had some palpitations at this moment, because this energy level was too high, much higher than the energy level of any attack he had forgotten to encounter.

If he was an ordinary person, then he would definitely be vaporized in this instant, and the traces of his existence would be directly erased, but he was not an ordinary person, he was a magical being who controlled the power of the phoenix, and he was also a person who possessed the space gem and the time gem wonder.

At the moment of the nuclear explosion, his body. The power of the phoenix was wrapped up, and the power of the phoenix gushed out in this instant, wrapping the entire tall building.

The nuclear explosion occurred in an instant, and his reaction was also completed in this instant, just like a subconscious action, without any thinking.

When the power of the nuclear explosion came to his body, he could clearly see that the space seemed to be collapsing under this power, and a series of intense rays of light gathered in one. Form an extremely strong tear, to tear his body into a casual.

And that huge amount of radiation and heat energy was even more intent on vaporizing him.

The power of the phoenix began to disappear under this power, and this vast power, even the power of the phoenix retreated for a moment, but it was only a matter of that moment.

When he reacted, the surging phoenix power began to fight back in all directions with the micro-center of his body.

Li Ang could see the traces of the destruction of the Phoenix Power, and under the resistance of drinking the power of the nuclear explosion, the Phoenix Force was not an opponent at all, after all, the Phoenix Force was good at destruction, not protection.

But he is not an ordinary person after all, even if the power of the nuclear explosion cannot be controlled by no one, it does not mean that he cannot resist, the speed of the phoenix’s power is very fast, but it is enough to support him to survive under this nuclear explosion.

“Sure enough, with my current ability, I still have some reluctance to completely ignore the nuclear explosion.”

Li Ang thought like this, but his mind was moving, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Think this will kill me?” It’s time to show some people what I’m really capable of. ”

After he was promoted from the Phoenix Force to the third level, he had never used his full strength, and even he himself did not know how powerful he was now, and this was the time to test the results.

Li Ang let out a sharp breath, his chest dried up with it, and then he inhaled violently, and the surrounding area seemed to roll up like a hurricane, and all the air rushed towards him.

The blob of nuclear explosion in the sky seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, and the section that approached him instantly became a funnel, and the lower end was in his deeply inhaled mouth.

When the Phoenix Force was at the second level, it could already swallow all kinds of energy, from the smallest involuntary absorption of free energy, to the later ability to independently choose to swallow a certain energy, or even the entire sun, he obviously had not yet reached the level of being able to swallow the entire sun, but such a nuclear explosion energy, he was very eager to try.

The nuclear explosion energy boiled and had no binding power, it was an energy that was only full of destructive power, and this energy was swallowed by him, which immediately made his brow frown.

It’s hot!

This was his first feeling, just like the boiling boiling water in his mouth, which produced a sharp pain.

Devouring energy with his mouth is only an appearance, in fact, all parts of his body can be used to absorb energy, but this performance will be more intuitive.

The nuclear explosion and the apparent distortion occurred, and the funnel at the bottom end became longer and longer, and finally it was pulled like a noodle, and a strong hurricane rolled up in the field, and everything around it was whistling with the hurricane.

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