In the operations command room far away in Washington, a group of people were staring nervously at the screen, and when they saw the nuclear bomb successfully detonated, everyone could not help but cheer.

“Great! The power of the nuclear bomb will definitely kill that monster! ”

“Good! Finally able to destroy him! ”

“No one can survive a nuclear explosion, and even if we destroy the whole of Manhattan, we will kill him.” The damage he has caused to this country is unprecedented in the past, and such a person cannot keep him nonsense. ”

“Alas, the results of more than two hundred years of construction will be in our hands.”

“Don’t be sorry, in order to deal with him, even if this loss is increased tenfold, it is worth it for us!”

Everyone was ecstatic, and they already thought that Leon could not survive such an attack, because in their perception, a nuclear bomb could destroy everything, which was a miracle of human science and represented the apex of Earth’s weapons.

But they obviously still didn’t recognize how terrifying Leon’s abilities really were, Leon was not an ordinary person, not even an ordinary mutant, and his existence was a bug for the entire universe.

And just as they were rejoicing, someone suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the screen, “God, look at what’s going on there.” ”

The glare of the nuclear explosion has passed, and now the mushroom cloud of the nuclear explosion is visible, and the shock wave that continues to spread in the center, but at a certain moment, the impact of this power is suddenly stopped, and the nuclear explosion even stops rolling, as if someone pressed the pause button.

All eyes were on the past, and they found that in the new place of the nuclear explosion, in the shock flames that should have continued to spread around, somehow a thin line of not too thick was connected to the bottom, and then the shape of the entire nuclear explosion was shifted.

“Oh my God…”

“Heck, what the hell is going on?”

“A nuclear explosion … Pulled away? ”

There was a series of cold air pumping sounds in the conference room, and some people were swallowing saliva and their eyes were full of horror, because they had already seen that it was someone sucking the energy of the nuclear explosion.

The rounded shape of the center of the nuclear explosion, which should have spread around, had now become an ellipse, and at one end there was a line connected to it, like a funnel, in the direction of connection… It was just the top of the sword-shaped building.

“That… Was that Leon doing? Someone trembled.

The change of the nuclear explosion on the screen makes them feel the shock of the heart, which is not at all the ability and power that a person should have, which can already be called a god.

Who can revive the power of a nuclear explosion? Only God can do it, right?

In the hearts of all the people present, such a guy who they thought was very ridiculous, a god-like creature, appeared in front of them, and when they realized that they were facing a god-like person, everyone had a feeling of despair from the bottom of their hearts.

“Lord, if this is a nightmare, let me wake up soon!”

On the screen, the outside of the center of the nuclear explosion became flatter, the thin line became thicker, the marks became more and more obvious, and when the camera zoomed in, everyone saw the figure standing on the top floor.

That figure was none other than Leon, who was holding his hands wide open, as if he were embracing something, and a “thin line” full of nuclear explosive energy connected from his mouth to the nuclear explosion itself.

He was devouring the energy of the nuclear explosion, which was a bit exaggerated, but he did it now, and the power of the nuclear explosion was still at this moment, and if you looked closely, you would find that it was because space-time itself was locked in, so that the nuclear explosion has always been at this level of unexploded completeness.

The surging energy in the nuclear explosion, the high energy level, and the horror of the intensity can only be described as astronomical.

But now this energy was continuously swallowed into the body by Li Ang.

A flame appeared on his body, which was the afterglow of the phoenix’s power mixed with the energy of the nuclear explosion, and the two intertwined flames burned like a humanoid torch.

It was a long time to describe, but it was only an instant effort, and the energy of the nuclear explosion was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and everyone who saw this scene was shocked, and they couldn’t understand how Leon did it.

At this time, Li Ang was enduring the severe pain in his mouth, fully urging the power of the phoenix, using the power of mind control to send the energy of the nuclear explosion into his mouth, and then being swallowed up by him.

This process did not last too long, but in about three minutes, the extremely strong nuclear explosion energy was swallowed up by him, and even the mushroom cloud that had just formed in the sky was swallowed up.

At this time, looking at it again, there is still a shadow of a nuclear explosion above Manhattan, even as if the nuclear explosion has never appeared, calm and strange.

Li Ang closed his mouth, his body slammed into the spirit, and two thick gray fumes spewed out from his nostrils, spewing out the old distance, and then he burped again, and spewed out a mouthful of smoke.

“When people smoked, I smoked a nuclear bomb, and the taste of this nuclear bomb was so strong that it almost didn’t burn my tongue.”

Li Ang seemed to be full, and couldn’t help but burp again, but this time it was pure energy, and that energy was the afterglow of the nuclear explosion, which directly erupted out, and from a distance it looked like a volcanic eruption.

Fortunately, he was half on his back, otherwise the roof would have collapsed because of his burp.

He only had one feeling now, that is, spicy, his tongue was a little numb, the taste of nuclear energy, when it was really spicy, let him not relax now.

“It seems that with the current self, swallowing up a small amount of nuclear explosion energy is already the limit, and if you want to reach the level of devouring stars, it seems that you have to wait to reach the fourth level.”

Even so, Li Ang was extremely satisfied, asking the whole world, who could directly swallow up the energy of a nuclear bomb like him, he was really alone.


He snapped his fingers, lifting the confinement of time and space, and then he heard a booming sound that shook the heavens and the earth, and a strong shock wave spread around.

Until this time, the aftermath of the nuclear explosion was dissipated in bursts, but without the help of the nuclear explosion energy, the aftermath of the nuclear explosion only spread outward for two kilometers before dissipating.

However, this scene was seen by the people in the combat command room, and at this time, the combat command room was silent!

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