Everyone seemed to have lost their language ability at this moment, looking at the picture on the screen with pity, not knowing what to say, let alone what to do, and Li Ang’s ability was completely beyond their cognition.

“I… What are we going to do? ”

After a long silence, someone finally broke the silence, and his voice trembled a little.

All the people here are in power in this country, including many generals, even the two presidents are here, and there are many heads of secret departments, such as Nanik Fury at this time.

These people were almost all expressions at this time, that is, shock, in addition, some people had a thick look of despair on their faces.

“We can’t sit still, the nuclear bomb can’t work, we’ll do it somewhere else!” Someone roared.

Everyone looked at the person who spoke, it was His Excellency the President, and in the face of everyone’s caring and mentally retarded eyes, the President said with some surprise: “What’s wrong?” Am I wrong? ”

“Your Excellency, there are no ordinary people here, you don’t have to face us by fooling ordinary people, now we are people on the same front, and no one wants to watch Leon destroy everything, so before there is a practical and effective way, you should listen to the professionals.” 」 Some people said helplessly.

He is the president of this country, he is the most politically successful person, so many things like to be solved by political means, what he just said is replaced by ordinary people’s words, maybe it is a few points of faith, but the people here know better than him what the people who cannot deal with nuclear bombs really represent.

“Gentlemen, ladies, the enemy we are now facing is an unprecedented horror, and his threat is a thousand times more terrifying than the D-Nation of World War II. Now think about it, what exactly are we going to do to beat him? Someone got up and asked.

The scene was still silent, at this time no one seemed to be able to do anything, this atmosphere of silence lasted for a long time, everyone was thinking about how to eliminate Li Ang in their minds, but thinking about it, no one could get along in a practical and effective way.

Leon was like a huge mountain, standing in the hearts of everyone present.

Finally, after a long silence, someone spoke up.

“Leon’s threat is all mankind, it should not be up to us alone to deal with him, we should find other countries to help him, if it is really only our United States of America to deal with him, it is very likely that in the end our country will be destroyed.” 」

“He has the ability to destroy the financial systems of all nations, and he certainly has the other ability to destroy the existing order, and none of us know what else he has, but when we do, it will certainly be our doom.”

Many people agreed with this, but asked, “Then how do we unite with other countries?” To be honest, there is such a person here, it is estimated that other countries do not have hands at all. ”

The others remained silent at this time, but Nick Fury suddenly said, “No need for us to please, when they learn of Leon’s harm, it is estimated that those countries will naturally stand with us.” ”

But his words were refuted by the president.

“You don’t understand politics, even in the face of the crisis of world destruction, politicians will still consider their own interests first, and now Leon is in the hinterland of our country, the losses caused to us are intuitive, and the losses caused to other countries are only incidental.”

This statement has made many people agree that, as the president himself said, for the country, the interests are the most important thing.

They consulted here, but for half a day they did not agree on any results, and for a moment everyone’s despair rose, because they found that there seemed to be no way to deal with Leon.

“Folks, in any case, we should launch this initiative first, and now that the finance has collapsed, we need to come up with effective governance measures, otherwise if this continues, even without Leon’s help, our country itself will collapse.”

At this time, Li Ang did not know what was happening in the conference room, he was doing his best to calm the rioting energy in his body, although he had swallowed up the energy of the nuclear bomb, but he had not digested it, with his understanding, if he wanted to digest this massive amount of energy, it would definitely not be completed for a while and a half.

However, he was not in a hurry, with the power of the phoenix in his body, it would not take more than a few days to digest these energies.

He let out a deep breath, even if it was an ordinary exhale, it also stirred up a layer of fiery storm in front of him, straight out of hundreds of meters, no less than the movement caused by an explosion.

“Svija, tell Qin and Lorna, don’t bother me for two days.” Leon commanded.

“Okay, sir!”

After the command, Li Ang sat down in his chair, then closed his eyes and began to digest the energy in his body with all his strength.

The two women routinely fell into a deep sleep by him, although the nuclear explosion of Fang Cai was extremely strong, but the entire practice building was protected by his phoenix power at that time, and in addition, when the nuclear explosion was not fully exploded, he had already fixed the time and space where the nuclear explosion was located, so he did not wake up the two women.

And when the two women woke up, came out and saw Li Ang lying on the recliner, the two women learned from Svija what had happened before, they were shocked and inexplicable.

Although Qin’s look was plain, there was depression in her eyes, and Lorna directly covered her mouth and looked at Li Ang, who was asleep, and whispered: “God, what kind of a person is he, nuclear bombs can be resisted, and even the energy of nuclear explosions is swallowed up, which is too exaggerated.” ”

Leon knew about the outside world, but he didn’t pay attention to it, and now his first priority was to digest this energy, otherwise it would be very troublesome later.

Time passed in his digestive energy, and in the blink of an eye another two days passed.

In these two days, all the time was turbulent, and these turbulences were caused by him, but he did not have the consciousness of the parties at all, and he did not pay any attention to these things.

During this period, the United States issued an initiative to jointly deal with Leon, but it is not surprising that some countries have rejected it, as the top level of the United States has said, there is no interest in things, those countries are not willing to do it at all.

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