The whole laboratory became silent again, and everyone was nervously watching the figure that had fallen to the ground, at this time, the captain of the United States was full of red fruit, and his height had changed completely compared to when he was salvaged, more than two meters and three meters tall, making him look like a giant.

And the lean muscles of the whole body made him look majestic and extraordinary, full of a strong sense of strength.

Without Dr. Punk’s orders, someone had already stepped forward to carry Captain Mi to a test bench and began to test him with various instruments.

Soon, all kinds of data were out and then put in Dr. Punk’s hands.

“The flesh is as strong as steel, even the anti-equipment sniper rifle can not be broken, only a high-power concussion knife can cut through his skin, and then it will be stuck by muscle fibers.”

“The recovery ability is extremely strong, the wound will have a very short bleeding, the time is not more than 0.7 seconds, and then the wound will recover in 1.6 seconds, the metabolism is twenty-seven times that of ordinary people, can swallow energy, replace food.”

“Cell division limits … Dismissed! The target character has achieved true immortality! ”

“The subject’s personality has been completely destroyed, there is no self-knowledge, but the various functions of the brain are well preserved and can be instilled with new knowledge and cognition from the new.”

“In the other seventy-nine, the x genes fuse very perfectly with each other, and there is no conflict between them. This is the most perfect experimental result. ”

Dr. Punk couldn’t help but tremble as he looked at the experimental data in his hand, it was his hard work these days, and it was the final weapon used against Leon, and now that the experiment was successful and the final weapon was completed.


Dr. Punk burst out laughing, which quickly aroused the excitement of the others, and for a moment the entire lab was filled with laughter and cheers.

At this moment, the captain of the rice country on the test bench suddenly sat up, and this change made the laughter of the whole laboratory stagnate, and everyone saw the captain of the country open his eyes.

His eyes were full of confusion, he looked very unfocused, he couldn’t see the aura of an ordinary person, and now he didn’t look like a person, but more like a machine.

“What’s going on? Why did he wake up on his own before he had given the target the order to wake up? Dr. Punk asked hurriedly.

The experimental assistant on the side was also a little surprised, hurried over to call up the data, and then was surprised: “The subject is not awake, his brain activity is only three percent, which is not enough for him to wake up from his current state, and he has no personality and self-awareness, which should be an instinctive reaction.” ”


At this moment, the captain of the United States roared at his head, his face became distorted, and his face was full of pain.

“Quick, inject him with a large dose of super tranquilizer!” The experimental scene hurried up.

Suddenly, someone stepped forward to operate the experiment, a rapidly concussing blade cut the skin on the back of the captain of the United States, and at the same time, a needle made of Edelman alloy pierced into his back, and a large tube of super tranquilizer was injected into the body of the captain of the United States.

Captain Miko’s body sparkles. After a quick calm, but no one saw his eyes, but there was a variety of inconspicuous luster shimmering.

“The subject was controlled.” The experimental assistant breathed a sigh of relief.

But somehow, Dr. Punk raised a warning from his heart, and then he saw Captain Mill’s body tremble again, and this frequency became higher and higher.

“What the hell is going on?” Dr. Punk exclaimed.

And at this time, the sound of bone joints breaking suddenly came from the body of the captain of the United States, and the sound of clicking and clicking was incessant, and when everyone was shocked, they saw that the body of the United States began to expand, and the body became like a liquid, which began to surge, and the surface even rippled.


Then Captain Miko’s body exploded violently, shattering into four clumps of flesh and blood, scattered on the ground next to the test bench, some of which showed the color of skin, some of which looked like a ball of blood, some of which were a strange brown, and the other was… Captain Mikoku!

Yes, the captain of the United States was in these four clusters of flesh and blood, he alone occupied one of the masses of flesh and blood, this mass of flesh and blood quickly formed his head, followed by shoulders, then chest and limbs, in just a few moments, this mass of flesh and blood became a Captain of the United States of America who was more than one meter eight.

This lump of flesh and blood turned into the captain of the United States, still with a little mucus on his body, but now his body size is much smaller than before, although he is still muscular, but it looks like he has just been dug out of the glacier.

The other three clusters of flesh and blood substance continued to squirm, and the blood also formed a human form, the same as the captain of the United States, but his eyes were red, and the expression on his face was also very fierce.

Another captain of the United States, composed of flesh and blood, his eyes showed a dull black, he had fangs, and from time to time there were drops of saliva in his mouth, which landed on the alloy floor, instantly corroding it out of a small pit.

The last captain of the United States, in a strange state of deformity, had four hands, and there was a liquid dripping down his body, and before the liquid could land on the ground, it had already turned into steam, and this steam quickly spread in the laboratory.


Suddenly a closer experimenter screamed loudly, he scratched his body with his hands, and soon his own flesh and blood were blurred, but he seemed to have a sense of taste, and even directly ripped off his own trachea, and his body pulled out and fell, but a more strange scene appeared, and the experimenter’s body began to melt rapidly, until a moment later it melted into a pool of blood.

“This… What’s going on here? Dr. Punk’s voice trembled.




A series of screams rang out, and by this time it had already been discovered that all the people who were screaming were people who had been exposed to the steam of bodily fluids, and they were scratching their bodies like the first experimenters, and after a few moments they became blurred with blood and flesh.


There was another scream, but it was the red-eyed Captain Mi Guo, who appeared behind an experimenter at some point, and directly tore this person into two pieces.

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