In less than a minute, the whole experiment became like purgatory, many experimenters fell one after another, some of them directly turned into blood, and some people’s bodies were torn into several sections, and the death was very miserable.

At this moment, another captain of the United States moved, and his hands turned into two blades, moving back and forth in the field like a whirlwind, harvesting the lives of the experimenters.

The three captains of the United States in the field were destroying the laboratory, and only the normal-looking captain of the United States was still stupid, but he then turned his eyes to the walls of the laboratory.

“Ah! Run! ”

Finally someone reacted and quickly thought of fleeing, but this person’s voice attracted the attention of a captain of the United States, and then he saw a flash of cold light, and this person’s body was directly cut into more than a dozen points, killing him instantly.

The three captains of the United States instantly turned into the god of death, harvesting life in this laboratory.

Dr. Punk’s body was shaking, and he wanted to escape, but his feet were like lead, his body was trembling so badly, at this time, his whole body was completely filled with fear.

Fifty or sixty experimenters in the laboratory were killed by these captains of the United States in a few moments, and Dr. Punk watched the scarlet American captain walking towards him, his body trembling even more, and he did not know where the courage came from, but instead pressed a button next to him.

That button is the alarm system of the entire laboratory, in order to ensure the safety of the experiment, there is an alarm to the outside, as long as this button is pressed, the outside defense personnel will quickly enter the laboratory.

The sharp sirens soon sounded, and the alarm lights flashed throughout the laboratory, but this did not stop the Captain of the United States from walking towards him, and Dr. Punk probably knew that he would not survive today, and could not help but fall to the ground, looking at the Captain of the United States who was approaching him with fear.

At this moment, the door of the laboratory was opened, and a team of heavily armed soldiers rushed in, and they were stunned to see the bloody scene, and then they saw the four captains of the United States.

“Quick… Organize them quickly! Shoot! I order you to shoot! When Dr. Punk saw the comer, he immediately surged with hope and roared.

The guards also reacted quickly, and the muzzle of the gun immediately began to spew tongues of fire, and a round of bullets poured out.


The air rippled, and the scarlet-eyed Captain of the United States reached out, and all the bullets hovered beside him, and then he shook his fist violently, and under a series of terrible screams, Dr. Punk was horrified to find that all the finishers had been squeezed into a ball of meat, which completely squeezed those people together, and suddenly a large piece of blood burst out.

“Ahh… Ahhh…”

Dr. Punk was terrified. Dot was not frightened, he was desperate, he knew that he could not escape from here, his life had come to an end.

And the scarlet eyes of the meter, did not give him a chance to live, just slightly raised his hand, he sensed the sharp pain in his body, he only felt himself coming, his eyes began to rotate, there seemed to be a roar in his ears, he saw the roof of the laboratory was bombarded out of a huge hole, and then the most normal-looking captain of the rice country flew into it.

Immediately afterward, his head hurt, and then he fell into eternal darkness.

His body exploded, it was blown apart, only one head was intact, and what he had just seen was the last picture of his life.

At this time, the laboratory was full of extreme blood, and the ceiling was blasted into a huge hole, and the normal-looking captain of the United States jumped into it first, and the remaining three captains of the United States also followed in it.

There were still sirens in the laboratory, but no one showed up until half an hour later, when a team of people finally came here, and after seeing such a scene, some people were directly frightened and vomited.

Immediately someone reported what happened here, and then the intelligence department began to track, they checked the surveillance, and knew that the captain of the United States was divided into four for unknown reasons, three of which had already shown great aggression, and the other one did not look much better.

And when Leon got the news about the four captains of the United States, it was the next day, because it was a news, a small town was attacked by unknown people, and more than 40,000 people in the small town died eighty percent, which was simply a massacre.

And Li Ang also learned some key information from it, although he wondered why there were four captains of the United States, but he felt the need to go and see, so he immediately set out to find it.

The kung fu paid off, and in less than half a day, he really succeeded in finding the trail of a captain of the United States, a red-eyed captain of the United States, still the way he was when he came out of the laboratory, covered in no wisps, wandering alone in an empty city.

He had killed almost all of the people in the city, and the streets were littered with bloody severed limbs and broken arms and collapsed buildings, almost like a scene after a war.

And this captain of the United States stood in the street, looking up at Li Ang who fell from the sky, the scarlet color in his eyes, as if the killing intent of substance was coming towards Li Ang.

Then Li Ang saw the captain of the United States suddenly look up and roar, and then rushed towards him.

Li Ang’s eyes shrank slightly, because he saw that there was something wrong with this Captain of the United States, and its impact momentum was actually directly penetrating the space and reaching him in an instant.

Captain Mi Guo reached out a hand, five fingers open, like sharp claws, and directly grabbed him with his head.

The space directly around Li Ang was locked, as if trapped in the iron wall of the copper wall.

He looked up and looked up at him, and the curiosity in his eyes became thicker.

“Who are you?” You should not be the captain of the United States, but it is very strange, and you seem to be the captain of the United States himself. ”

Li Ang shook his head and muttered, just snapping his fingers, this extremely murderous captain of the United States, was directly fixed in front of him.

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