Li Ang had complete information and intelligence about the captain of the United States, so he was also very familiar with the captain of the United States himself, and the person in front of him undoubtedly had the exact same appearance as the captain of the United States, but the card was like a beast, and there was no reason at all.

What Li Ang saw from his eyes was only a strong desire to kill, that is, the desire to kill everything in the world, he telepathically felt his mind, but found that it was just a chaos, no self-knowledge, no personality embodiment, no thought, and some only the most primitive desire to kill.

The intensity of this desire to kill made him a little shocked, he had never seen such a terrible desire to kill in anyone, it was simply unheard of.

The captain of the rice country in front of him was covered with no wisps, his muscles and flesh were knotted, his five fingers were wide open, and his body was like a steel cast iron, full of a sense of strength, as if even steel could be torn apart by it.

This is a devilish man.

At this time, Li Ang was frozen in the space, and the appearance of his teeth and claws made people’s backs chill, but Li Ang was now looking at him with interest.

He used his telepathic ability to carefully sense the other person’s mood, but in the end he failed, because he used various methods, and he could not find half a normal place in his mind, and some were only a mess.

“Steve, what’s wrong with you?” Leon wondered.

The latter naturally could not respond to him, and when he lifted the blockade of this time and space, the captain of the United States, Steve, fell directly from the air, and the palm of his hand was about to press on his head.

At this time, Li Ang could clearly see the blood stain on his palm, which was the stain left behind after he did not know how many people’s blood had been stained, but he did not dodge, but gently raised his hand, and easily blocked his powerful blow.


As soon as Li Ang shook, a circle of cracks appeared on the ground, spreading out for more than ten meters, like a spider’s web, instantly stirring up a large amount of smoke.

And Leon was not shaking his body, flipped his hand to clasp Steve’s wrist, pulled it with his hand, and threw his body to the ground, suddenly rumbling, making the earth collapse into a small piece, the force of this blow can be much stronger than Steve’s blow.

If this had been replaced by ordinary people, it would have been thrown into a pool of meat paste, but Steve did not have a look of pain, the expression on his face became more and more vicious, and the killing intention in his eyes was like substance, and he only wanted to kill the person in front of him.

However, the horror of Li Ang’s physical strength was simply not something that Steve could imagine, and with Li Ang’s current ability, just by virtue of his physical strength, he could directly press the green fat to the ground and rub it.

So it was obvious that Steve could not break free of Leon’s palm and was carried by him like a broken sack, throwing it around on the ground.




The ground shook repeatedly, like an earthquake, and the turtle scattered one by one, making the entire ground chaotic and shapeless in a moment.

And under this blow, Steve was completely confused.

The scene at this time looks very good, Leon carries Steve and beats him, completely treating him as a rag, and does not care whether his physical condition can withstand it.

And such a scene also made Li Ang have some inexplicable sense of familiarity, and when he remembered where he had seen it, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.


Another blow, Steve was deeply sunk three meters into the ground, and when he looked at him again, the blood on his body was sparkling, and his limbs were strangely twisted and bent, looking extremely frightening.

“Are you sober?”

Leon stood by the pit, looking condescendingly at Steve.

The latter was thrown dizzy, the scarlet color in his eyes faded a lot, he gasped violently, his chest rose and fell, and the blood in his mouth was even more high.

But even so, Stephen did not die, and the twisted limbs were strangely repaired quickly, and the repair process lasted less than two seconds before it was restored with a clicking sound.

“Well, it’s very resilient!” Li Ang’s evaluation of the Eight Classics.

Then with a bang, Steve jumped up from the pit, without a hint of decadence, and instantly rushed to Li Ang, with an electric light in his hand, and his palm transformed into a blade and decapitated towards Li Ang’s head.

“And the ability to transform?”

Li Ang raised an eyebrow, stood in place without half a movement, the mind power control ability was launched, changing the gravity and gravitational values on the side of his body, and then he saw that the flesh and blood blade was coming at a very fast speed, but after approaching Li Ang, it was like falling into the mud, the speed was getting slower and slower, and when it came to his neck, it was directly forbidden to move.

“The strength is very strong, just by virtue of the strength of the flesh, you can just face the green fat.” Leon is still commenting.

Then Steve’s scarlet eyes suddenly burst into light, and the energy rose rapidly, instantly shooting out two beams of light, directly hitting Li Ang’s body.

“Laser eye ability?”

Li Ang’s interest grew, and he gently blew a breath and directly blew away the two laser lights, without any effort.

Immediately after that, Steve’s whole body burned with flames, but the moment the fire was raised, it was blown out by Li Ang, and the latter suddenly had only a trace of green smoke left on his body.

“Is it true that there are other people besides me who are also studying the fusion of abilities?”

Regardless of Steve’s reaction, Leon directly blocked the space-time he was in again, and then pressed his hands on his temple, and launched telepathic abilities with full force.

His thoughts entered the deepest part of Steve’s mind, wandered in the infinite desire to kill, and then succeeded in finding his memories that had become broken by the desire to kill, which were not normal linearities, but became fragments and wandered in his mind.

Leon successfully retrieved these memories and then examined them in detail.

What surprised him was the production of this Steve, the first picture was actually in the laboratory, and then he finally figured out the reason for the appearance of this Steve through careful examination.

Every scene in that laboratory was clarified by him little by little, and even the experimental process was somewhat one-sided.

“The ultimate weapon? Is that the thing? And it’s a failure? ”

“Huh? He wasn’t the only one? ”

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