“It’s really in China…”

After confirming the coordinates of the split, Li Ang looked strange, after he crossed into this world, to tell the truth, he had never been to Huaxia, he obviously had a lot of business dealings with Huaxia before, but he had never thought of going to Huaxia once.

If it is really said, this should be regarded as his resistance psychology, he does not know whether the Huaxia of this world is the same as the Huaxia of the previous life, although he has also learned about the Huaxia of this world through many channels, but he has a familiar strangeness to Huaxia, which is very tangled.

He was afraid of seeing the familiar Huaxia in his past life, because in that case, he would not know what mood to face it, but also because his current identity had changed, and his feelings for Huaxia had also changed.

“It seems that I have to go to Huaxia, and I don’t know if that split will also make any movement over there.”

Li Ang did not dwell too much, since he was already on the opposite side of the world, there was no need to face a certain country or force with the previous concept.

“There’s one in the southeast and the other in the east, let’s find these two first.”

Thinking like this, Li Ang said, “Sensing the nearest split from you, let’s go.” ”

“Yes, master.”

The killing promised very crisply, closed his eyes and slightly sensed for a moment, after opening his eyes, he directly rushed out, his body directly squeezed out of the air, and a sonic boom broke out in an instant, and a moment of kung fu had already soared into the sky.

After Leon gave him a personality, the killer had wisdom and learned to think, so that he could naturally understand the incredible abilities in his body, and the use was no longer as chaotic as before.

Li Ang naturally kept up, his body flew up, surrounded by a little reddish light, compared to the huge movement of the killing, his movement was almost inaudible, but the speed was not slow at all, closely following the side of the killing.

More than ten minutes later, he and the two had crossed New York State to Barry in Vermont, a city with a population of hundreds of thousands that should have been a bustling area, but when Leon arrived, all he saw was fire and smoke.

The whole city was sounding loudly, and countless vehicles and soldiers were rushing in one direction, and it was no need to think that this must be the movement of the split.

“Well, which is this split?” Leon asked.

“It’s corrosion.” The Way of Killing.

Leon nodded, and then the two of them flew quickly in one direction, which was the most dynamic place in the whole city.

When you get closer, you can see that in the middle of a wide street, a man full of red fruit is suspended above the street, he has the same appearance as Steve, and his eyes are a kind of dullness, and he has fangs, like some kind of beast, and there are drops of saliva in his mouth from time to time, which is a terrible corrosive liquid, and a drop can make the ground corrupt a large piece and smoke up.

And the smoke is also strong, which can be seen only from the corpses around the ground, because after those corpses are contaminated with smoke, they will quickly dissolve into a pool of liquid, and this pool of liquid is also corrosive.

It’s like a chain reaction, the body fluids of that split body have a terrible corrosiveness, like a virus, with a terrible contagiousness, as if just one drop of body fluid can corrupt the whole world.

At this time, he was engaged in an army, and countless shells fell in front of him, but they were blocked by a layer of strange gases, and after those shells hit these gases, they would be corroded and decomposed in an instant, turning into some strange substance and absorbed by him.

He just stood so quietly, his eyes were dark black, he couldn’t see half a bit of consciousness, some were just muddy, he was different from killing, he didn’t have such a strong killing intention, it seemed that he would only passively defend.

But from those eyes, Leon could see the coldness of indifference, like the glacier of the Arctic, frozen with an extremely terrifying existence.

And this existence is the kind of outstanding ability represented by this split, corrosion! The strong corrosive force, this corrosion can now corrode the substance, but Li Ang felt a little threat from it, because at the same time as the green smoke rose, there was a trace of disorder in the space.

“This thing is so overbearing, it can even destroy the existence of space itself, although this speed of destruction is not as fast as the self-healing speed of space, but if this ability is upgraded a few steps, then even the space can be quickly corroded.”

He looked at it for half a moment, this split was still just passive defense, Li Ang watched the corrosive bodily fluids dripping, the surrounding area had been affected by the ditters, and within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area, it was in a fragile structure that could collapse at any time.

The streets are corroded into fragile sand, the steel is corroded into powder, the buildings are corroded and fragile, and those who are accidentally contaminated with corrosive gases are killed in an instant, and the body is rapidly decomposing.

“It’s really overbearing, if this family’s ability continues to improve, sooner or later he can make the entire universe enter the state of heaven and man.”

“Corrosion of the universe?”

Leon became interested in it, and the next moment, his figure disappeared and then appeared in front of the split.

The split turned its head sharply to look at him, and there was no radiance in those dark eyes, just looking at him with extreme indifference.

Li Ang was surrounded by a reddish light, which was the materialization of the phoenix power, but these reddish rays were flickering slightly at this time, because these phoenix forces were actually affected by the corrosive gas, with an extremely slight damage.

This damage was negligible, as if a person’s nails were slightly worn by a file, but it was enough to make Leon look at the split body differently.

“What a perfect experimental material, I must see how your corrosive ability is generated, come, stand well, I will give you personality.” 」

This split has no personality and self-knowledge, but it is not twisted like a killer, it is still very calm, allowing Leon to approach him, but when Leon reaches out, he directly holds Leon’s wrist.

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