Li Ang frowned slightly, and he felt a tingling pain coming from his wrist, as if someone had gently picked his skin with the tip of a needle, the tingling sensation was very weak, but it still surprised him.

“This corrosive force is really energetic.”

A smile appeared on Li Ang’s face, he did not go to block the time and space, but instead turned over his hand and clasped the wrist of the split body in front of him, and there was also a tingling pain in the palm of his hand, and even green smoke rose slightly.

It was the movement caused by the corrosion of the phoenix power and the flesh, but Li Ang knew very well that his phoenix power and skin were not corroded much, it was only the result of his phoenix power and corrosive force resisting each other.

Immediately afterward, Li Ang violently pulled the split in front of him to the front, and the other hand shook his fist and waved at him, and the latter immediately reacted and made a blocking action, which was an instinctive reaction.


Li Ang’s punch was carried with the power of the phoenix, although it was not full strength, but there were not many people on the earth who could block his punch now.


The split head was directly exploded by him, and the red and white things splashed, and after these body tissues splashed out, they directly turned into a cloud of corrosive fog, enveloping all the surrounding areas.

The streets were hatched again, and the objects contaminated by the corrosive fog, the steel was corrupted into fly ash, the tall buildings were also corroded and collapsed, and the streets directly became a rotten substance like black sand, all emitting smoke.

At the same time, a part of the corrosive fog flew back and merged into the body of this split, and the broken head of the split body also recovered rapidly at this time, and in less than a second, the head had recovered as before.

At this time, this split in front of Li Ang also counterattacked, opening his mouth violently, and a large cloud of black smoke flew out of his mouth, directly enveloping Li Ang’s body.

Li Ang immediately felt the changes around him, the power of the phoenix that protected him, and at this time it was flickering in bursts, and the frequency was much stronger than what he wanted.

“Well, the corrosion ability of this black mist is nearly a hundred times stronger than the corrosive gas that lingers around it, and the consumption speed of my own phoenix power has also increased a lot.”

Li Ang was secretly a little shocked, but he was only slightly surprised, because the consumption of the phoenix’s power now was not a problem for him at all, he was now the most well-known villain boss on the earth, his own ability was strong to an uncountable extent, this corrosive force, he easily resisted it in minutes, and he only had a trace of negligible damage.

And this little bit of damage is like a nail being filed two or three times by a file…

“The ability experiment is almost over, so let’s finish it.”

Li Ang snapped his fingers, and the void of this split itself was blocked, and the split body was naturally forbidden to move, and the black mist was directly induced by Li Ang to the phoenix power around him, which was clean.

As if dealing with a killer, he pressed his hands to the holes on either side of his head, and his thoughts went deep into his mind, first checking his memory.

The memory of this split is similar to that of killing, the memory also shows the appearance of fragments, and the source of the record also begins in that laboratory, and Leon also sees the scene when the laboratory is raging.

The fragments of memory were sorted out, and Li Ang saw the whole process of this split coming here, quite speechless, because this split was completely a mess compared to the endless killing thoughts in the killing brain, no self, no personality, acting entirely by instinct, even the nature of animals is not as good, there is no concept at all.

It is very likely that one second is still a harmless person, and the next second will become a person who kills like a person with boundless thoughts on the side of killing, more likely to find a place to sleep directly, and may also use the ability to move around in space.

Yes, although this split has amazing corrosion ability, it actually has other abilities on its body, and there are many abilities.

“Forget it, get him a personality first.”

Without much thought, Leon began to sort out his mushy brain, bring him new cognition, give him a new personality, and at the same time instill the idea of obeying himself, just like dealing with killing.

This process did not last long, and in less than ten minutes, Leon completed the task of creating personality for this split.

The Split was motionless in this process, because the time and space he was in were sealed by the sealed ice, and he couldn’t move if he wanted to, but as time went on, the dark color in his eyes was a lot darker, and a trace of the unique spirituality of intelligent creatures gradually flashed in it.

When this process was completed, Leon lifted the space blockade and knelt down on one knee in mid-air with indifference.

“The host.”

The voice was cold, there was no mood swing, it was cold like a piece of ice.

Li Ang knew that he had succeeded, and he deliberately created a calm personality for this split, because the ability of this product was too prominent, and if the personality was not calm enough, it was estimated that it would easily run away, in that case, the value of this split would be greatly reduced for Li Ang.

He wanted an obedient puppet, not a prisoner who could not control his own power.

“You have the ability to corrupt all things, and in the future, you can even easily incubate the universe itself, and your growth is extremely strong, so I will give you a name for this ability.”

Li Ang said with a slight deep groan for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth drew a smile, and then said: “From now on, you will be called corruption, simple and clear, just like your ability.” ”

“Yes, master.” The sound of hatching is still cold.

Li Ang smiled and nodded, looking at the hatching in front of him, turning his head to look at the killing not far away, the smile on his face was very bright.

He suddenly had two amazing ability subordinates, and he also had his own team, not a light rod commander.

“Killing, corruption, and another split in the east, I just don’t know what his abilities are, if you add the one in Huaxia, this is four, if I can control the other two branches, then I have four apostles.”

At the same time that Leon was making a move on the hatching, the attack of the army over there had stopped, because they had already seen the comers, and Leon’s presence made them extremely afraid.

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