The soldiers in the distance had already stopped attacking, and even when Li Ang started to instill the corruption and indoctrinate his personality, he had already begun an orderly retreat, until the end of the matter, the soldiers present had withdrawn a large half, and the remaining small and half of the people saw Li Ang look at this time, and one by one, their faces suddenly changed greatly, full of panic.

Because in their view, although corruption is terrible, it is still in the category of mutants, and even if he is very powerful, he can always find a way to deal with it.

But Leon… He is really already a powerful incomprehensible, all his deeds, all of which have horrified the whole world, and the facts have proved many times that Leon is the god of the earth, the insoluble terror.

At the same time, Li Ang turned his head to look at the soldiers who had not yet withdrawn, feeling his bland gaze, all of them were excited, and at the same time, their backs were cold, and some of them even screamed out loud, subconsciously wanting to raise their guns to fight back.

But due to the terrible pressure of Leon, no one dared to shoot and anger him at this time, and everyone was silent, and there was no sound in the middle of the field.

Li Ang just shrugged and said, “Let’s go.” ”

The soldiers thought they had heard wrongly, but after reacting, they were even more reluctant to stay here, and suddenly retreated into the distance sweating.

Leon ignored these people, for him, there was no need to take a shot at ordinary people, he wanted to bring pressure to the world, not his own killing to ordinary people, that was not what he sought.

“Let’s go, go find another of you split.”

Leon said that when he flew to the east first, the speed was extremely fast, killing and corruption quickly followed, and the two flew up at the same time, and also looked at each other, both of them had a sense of novelty for each other, and at the same time there was a feeling of already familiar and strange.

Both are separated from a subject, and there is an inexplicable connection between them, and it is not an exaggeration to think of the two as a whole or as independent individuals, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are brothers of a mother and a sibling.

I just don’t know which of these four subdivisions is the subject.

Leon had learned a lot from the fragments of their memories, and the reasons for their experiments and their respective divisions had been found by him.

It has been said before that this experiment is too rough and simple, those experimenters just mixed all the abilities together, although there have been debugging, but the drawbacks have not been lifted at all, so directly connected to Steve’s body, bringing extremely exaggerated changes to himself, making him a special mutant with many variant abilities.

And such a consequence is only one, incompatible with each other, just imagine, a balloon with a limited volume, have to inject more air into it, the final knot: There will only be one result, and that is the explosion.

Unfortunately, the results of the experiment that happened to Steve were that too many mutant abilities seemed to be compatible with each other, but in fact there was a difficult conflict at the genetic level, and the consequence was that Shi could not control his various mutant abilities, tearing his body apart.

And if this tear is replaced by ordinary, it will definitely be torn into flesh, and thanks to Steve’s own super soldier serum, he has a far beyond ordinary human bottom, a super healing ability among many mutant abilities, so that his tear is divided into four points, and these four points are fused into new individuals.

In this way, one Steve becomes four, because they have nearly the same genes, but because the mutant genes become different, but like quadruplets, there is only a very small gap between their genes.

This also caused four individuals, all with similar abilities, but with different emphases on each other, one for unknown reasons, activated the hidden killing attribute in the gene, and became lethal.

The other was dumbfounded, simply knowing how to follow instincts, and Leon now estimated that the remaining two splits must also be strange creatures similar to killing and corruption.

Yes, Leon had positioned these four people as strange creatures, because he was now a little unsure whether these four people were human or not.

From a genetic point of view, the four branches are definitely human, but from the perspective of mutant genes, these four people have fused too many mutant abilities, and the genes are mixed, which is still a normal human?

This thought only swirled in his mind, and was directly removed by him, because in his opinion, the four branches only needed to become his subordinate puppets, and nothing else mattered.

Soon more than ten minutes passed, and Li Ang did not use the teleportation ability, but chose to fly, because the distance between the split bodies was very weak, and he could only sense the general direction, and his teleportation was not easy to position.

It is a wilderness, a primeval forest with tall trees, dense vegetation and a variety of animals hiding in it.

And the killer told him that the split was in this forest.

He did not see the breath of a person in the forest, but there were two splits nearby, and it was not too difficult to find this one, and the three of them had only searched in the forest for a few minutes, and Leon had already found a strange breath.

Li Ang looked down over the forest at this time, and the forest trees not far away were covered by a number of strange gelatinous objects, covering an area of thousands of square meters, which showed a turbid transparent color.

The strange thing is that this gelatin is frantically absorbing free energy, mainly absorbing the heat energy of sunlight.

As if sensing the arrival of the three people, a figure appeared on the gelatinous object, that figure was completely inhuman, six legs and six hands and a total of twelve limbs, at this time oozing from the gelatinous material, and its figure lying on the gelatin resembled a huge spider.

Leon saw this split, and the appearance of Steve, and struck a cold glow in his eyes, as if to treat Leon as a prey, and opened his mouth to spit out a large piece of gelatinous substance from his mouth, like a spider’s web, and pounced on him.

“Interesting, what is this ability?”

Li Ang looked at the flying gel without any fear, but instead smiled.

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