
Li Ang smiled and looked at the gummy cobwebs that flew in, his eyes fixed on it, his mind moved, and the time around him became extremely slow, just like the whole world entered a slow play mode, from 2x to 4x to 8x, everything in the world was slowed down.

In fact, it is not that he has slowed down time, but that he himself has entered the mode of slow passage of time, and this hand is extremely easy for him, in this state, he can easily observe the colloidal cobweb.

As his gaze drew closer, the structure in the cobwebs was clearly explored by him, only to find that this was actually a completely new element, even if he had never seen it, the combination between molecules was extremely tight, the strength was higher than steel, and the toughness was extremely strong, and even he found that this thing was not afraid of fire, and the corrosion resistance was super strong.

This material alone, ordinary mutants can not deal with, there is still a strong stickiness on it, more than a thousand times more viscous than spider silk.

Li Ang broke away from the slow mode, and the colloidal cobwebs flew directly towards him with the sound of whistling wind, and instantly arrived in front of him.

He raised his hand, and the mind control was like water flowing out, instantly wrapping the colloidal cobweb, which hovered in front of him strangely, and then more eerily spontaneously combusted, the flame was reddish, the temperature was not very high, but it was under this flame that the colloidal cobwebs were rapidly dissolving.

No, it should be said that it is decomposition, because it is only a breathing effort, and the colloidal cobwebs directly become a ball of fly ash.

And the split not far away, after seeing this scene, did not show any look of fear, but faintly revealed a color of curiosity, and was carefully looking at Li Ang, and that curious look was more like the novelty of the hunter after seeing the prey.

Because this split also has no personality and self-knowledge, but Leon can feel that he does not understand, this split seems to be more inclined to animals, and that instinct is much stronger than killing and corruption.


Before Li Ang could move, he felt the strong wind in front of him, and he saw this split body rush to him in an instant, like a spider-like body, but it was extremely flexible, four hands were open, and the five fingers on each hand were with sharp claws, which could easily pierce through steel.

Li Ang curiously let him get close, the latter’s sharp claws stabbed directly at his eyes and neck, the fierce wind had blown in front of Li Ang, and the average person would definitely have a tingling scalp, but Li Ang was still good at a good time.


A crisp crashing sound, but the split hand had already hit Li Ang’s neck, this powerful but rapid and fierce blow, did not let Li Ang be injured, but issued a crisp sound of gold and iron strike.

And the performance of the split body can only be like this, because of the hand, the split body is firmly locked in front of him by his mind control, just like a monster with teeth and claws, and there is a sense of comical in Li.

“Let me see what you went through when you escaped from the lab.”

Li Ang’s eyes lit up slightly, the telepathic ability was launched, the thought went directly into his mind, and he immediately saw many pictures, these pictures were similar to the pictures obtained from the killing and the mind, all starting from the laboratory, following a split to escape from the laboratory, this split directly used the ability to move in space, appeared in this forest, and then really regarded himself as an animal, and actually learned to hunt without a teacher.

So far, there are no less than a hundred small animals buried in the hands of this split, which makes Li Ang cry and laugh, this split is really too strange.

Then Li Ang understood that what this split was good at was change, somewhat similar to the ability of the Demon Woman, but because of the genetic enhancement and fusion, this ability was terrifyingly changed, and he could even change into a variety of different creatures, or he could combine his body at will, even if it became a human centipede tens of meters long.

Thinking of this Li Ang is a little cold, and the focus of this split is really a bit strange.

“Forget it, no matter what the focus of your ability is, it will always be my puppet, and I will give you personality and self-knowledge, and later… You are the aberration of my men. ”

It took Li Ang to reapply the old law, which took about ten minutes to eliminate the confusion of the distortion of his mind, and then gave him a new personality and self-awareness, and did not give him the idea of obeying himself, which was a double insurance, so that he would not make any resistance to him, because this personality was born by him, and he could give him a new personality with one thought.

At the same time, Leon let go of the physical restriction on the distortion, who landed firmly at the top of a tree with him, and then saw the aberrant body begin to change, and the overgrown hands and feet quickly retracted into the body, and then his body became a normal human form.

At this time, it seems that the distorted appearance is no different from ordinary people, there is no difference, but the ability hidden deep in its body is changeable, very strange.

“The host!”

Distortion knelt down on one knee and offered loyalty to Leon.

Li Ang smiled slightly when he saw this, up to now, he had already subdued these three Steve splits, one was killing, killing thoughts, and definitely a god-killing level existence.

The other is corruption, whose ability is focused, can corrupt everything in the world, even the existence of space itself can be corrupted, if his ability is stronger, the universe is a being that can be corrupted at any time for him.

As for the third is distortion, its ability focuses on changing shapes, but it is not so simple as different deformations, he can freely combine his body, kaleidoscopic is only the most basic ability, and even in Li Ang’s estimation, in the future, under the improvement of his ability, he can change the size, larger than the universe, less than the molecule.

All of a sudden, Li Ang accepted three more tiger generals, and there were more things he could do to the whole world in the future.

“Now let’s sense where the last split is.” Leon ordered.

All three close their eyes at the same time, and then their colleagues open their eyes.

“He’s moving.” The Way of Killing.

“Very fast!” Corruption Road.

“He feels us.” Distortion of the channel.

(This time ask for some flowers and evaluation, everyone support the next Ha, thank you very much!) )_

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