“Another split is moving?” Leon asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes master, another split is moving, very fast, it is a space-jumping movement, and it is now in the Pacific Ocean.” The Way of Killing.

“He seems to be sensing our recovery, no longer that muddy state, so he should have moved this time to find us.” Corruption Road.

“That is to say, you can still detect each other’s state by feeling each other?” Leon asked.

The killer nodded, “Indeed, although this feeling is very vague, with our ability, we can clearly perceive each other’s state.” ”

He did not pause, and then added: “Just like before, in the state of chaos, this kind of perception is simply impossible to achieve, because at that time we did not have any knowledge and cognition, and the reaction to external objects was very random, so this ability was basically useless.” And now that we have personality and self-knowledge, we have strengthened this perception, and we can easily analyze each other’s state from induction. ”

Li Ang nodded, and then asked, “What is the state of that sub-embodiment?” ”

“Very normal.” Corruption Road.

“Normal?” Li Ang was slightly puzzled.

Corruption said, “We can sense his state, it is indeed very normal, this normality means that he has a normal personality and self-knowledge, and even these two are clearer than us, in fact, in fact, he is the entity.” ”

Li Ang was slightly stunned and then reflected, he had seen the split scene from the memory pictures of the three people, that split was indeed the most normal of the four splits, from the beginning of the performance was very calm, and from the way he broke the ceiling to escape, he seemed to be subconsciously escaping something.

Or in the original subconscious, he did not want to do more killing, so when the other three split slaughtered the experimenters, he chose to escape.

“Well, from this point of view, it seems that he ran to Huaxia in that split, it is very likely that he acted autonomously, and before this he should not have much reason, but also relied on instinct to act, instinctively let him feel that he could get help in Huaxia, so he went directly there, so it seems that his sanity should be restored in the process of going to China, or after going to Huaxia.”

“Then he sensed your presence, but you were always in a state of chaos and disorder, and he did not show his face, but chose to continue to escape, but now when he found that you had regained your sanity, he quickly came to you.

The three of them were silent, and after a moment they said, “He may be trying to devour us.” ”


Leon heard a new word, which surprised him, what it meant he couldn’t be clearer, in fact, without three people to explain, he could analyze a rough idea.

The subject chose to escape, and it is very promising that after his sanity has been restored, he understands what the three branches are doing, or it is difficult to resist the three divisions at all, so he chooses to leave.

And all four of them originated from one person, is the captain of the United States, Steve, so in fact, the experiment is not a failure, but the experimental goal is from one point to four, as long as each other has sanity, restored personality and self-awareness, and then fused with each other, then it can be restored to the real Captain Steve.

It seems that the subject wants to communicate with the three people who have regained their senses in order to make them agree to the fusion of each other.

Li Ang brainstormed and got a rough idea of the cause of the matter, and he couldn’t help but feel a little funny.

These three branches really seemed extremely powerful, and if they were really counted, if they were able to exert their abilities to the fullest, although they could not hurt him, they might all bring a lot of trouble to the qin.

You must know that Qin’s current ability is extremely strong, and it can be called the most powerful mutant on the earth under him, and the existence that can bring him a lot of trouble is really good.

Thinking of this, he suddenly laughed, and then said, “Let’s go, find a place to wait for him.” ”

“Yes, master.” The three spoke in unison.

Li Ang opened a space-time passage directly next to him, and then stepped into it first, and the three people followed closely behind, the space-time passage disappeared, and the figures of the four people also disappeared.

At this time, in the sky above Washington, a time and space rift appeared, and Leon walked out of it with the three of them, looking at the still bustling city below, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

The prosperity below seemed to him to be a little too false, the result of America’s strong control, although the whole society had produced a lot of turmoil, but under the suppression of a strong conquest and an army, all the rebellion had been suppressed for the time being, and because of his threat, people had to put away their grievances and unite, which made the current social order look a little strange.

The people’s hearts floated, fear, panic, uneasiness, and then stability and unity, self-improvement, self-courage, thus reaching a strange balance, and under this balance, the social order also tended to be stable.

Leon looked at everything below, not at this moment to destroy this false prosperity, but waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a chance to give the world a fatal blow.

The three stood behind him, and the wind in the air blew on the three people, but even the hair of the three people could not be lifted.

“Master, the main body has entered North America, landed from the west coast, and is now coming to this side.” The Way of Killing.

Leon nodded, Washington was on the East Coast, coming from the West Coast, and Steve’s main body was obviously going to cross the whole of America, but the speed of reaching North America so quickly was really amazing, at least the ability to move freely around the world was still worth affirming.

This wait was more than ten minutes, the process was very short, Li Ang at a certain moment, suddenly turned his head to look in a direction, that is, the West, from there, he felt a powerful force flying rapidly.

It is not so much a powerful force as a powerful person appearing, and the visitor is naturally the body of Steve’s four splits, and when he appears in front of Leon’s eyes, he smiles.

The person who came was Steve’s appearance and stature, no different from the original Steve, and even if he didn’t know that they were one, Leon would think that the person in front of him was Captain Mi himself.

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