What appeared in front of Li Ang was a person who had the same appearance as Captain Mi Guo, with short golden hair and very capable Lisuo, wearing a power suit, that power suit Li Ang was also very familiar, this was clearly the clothing of the Eastern Martial Artist, thinking that he had gone to China for a trip, Li Ang was not surprised by his dress.

And because of this power suit, it makes Leon and a new association, in the Marvel Universe world, what is the most famous force in the East? That is, the Divine Spear Bureau.

That’s right, the Sharpspear Bureau, which is on a par with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the United States, this name… Li Ang didn’t bother to evaluate, and could only say that the Marvel editorial board was really too convenient, and he didn’t even have the effort to rename it.

And the other big force is Kunlun Mountain, where there are successive iron fists, all of whom are strong, and there are cultivation methods that warriors dream of, as well as the powerful energy of qi.

As for where the main body of the captain of the United States has been in China, it is already obvious to see this power suit, and it must be Kunlun who has not run.

Leon looked at each other curiously, and Steve suddenly changed his face after seeing Leon, becoming very serious, and then said: “Leon! How did you end up here? ”

“You know me?” Leon asked curiously.

The expression on Steve’s serious face remained unchanged, and he said in a deep voice, “Of course I know you.” ”

Leon then asked, “Do you know who you are?” ”

“I’m Captain Captain Rice, Steve Rogers, why do you ask?” Steve said.

Li Ang only slightly bowed his head when he heard this, and then said, “Because I want to confirm that after experiencing that experiment, you are still not you, how, what do you want to say about that experiment?” As far as I know, it seems that the experiment did not come according to your wishes, and it can be said that it was forced to start without your consent. ”

He smiled and said, “How does it feel to be betrayed?” Do you still want to continue to guard this country? ”

Steve was silent, perhaps because Leon said something about a pain in his heart, making his originally serious face become a little relaxed, and after half a moment of silence, he said: “Although that experiment is not my last wish, but for the sake of this country, I am willing to give everything I have.” ”

“Well, when did you learn to fool yourself?” Leon asked with a smile.

Steve did not answer him head-on, saying directly, “What else do you know?” ”

Leon shrugged and took a step to the side, letting the three people behind him appear in front of him, and said to Steve, “I know everything about you, from the fact that you were fished up and sent to the laboratory, to the experiment that went wrong, and the three splits that ran out to make trouble, I know all this.” ”

Steve’s eyes suddenly shrank when he looked at his three splits, and his face became more and more solemn, he was now the product of a split after the experiment, although he was the most complete captain of the United States, but he was the one who inherited the personality of the United States Captain Steve and reason and self-knowledge

Therefore, his ability may not be the most among the four branches. But it is definitely the most human-like one.

And because of the full heart of the original Captain of the United States, he was also full of complex senses for this experiment, on the one hand, he was extremely resistant, especially after learning what the three splits had done, he imposed this evil on himself.

The other is the guilt caused by what he did that made him not want to face the country, so he chose to run to the East to seek spiritual comfort.

“How could they be with you?” He asked the key to the problem.

Li Ang smiled, and then his smile faded, but he said very calmly: “As you can see, they are now my people.” ”


Steve had a visibly angry look on his face, but he was forced down by his self-sufficiency, took a deep breath, and said, “So, they have regained their senses, all because of you?” ”

Leon shrugged, “Indeed, correctly, I have shaped their personality and self-perception, and I have instilled in them the command not to betray me, and now they are all my people, the sharp knives in my hands, what do you want to say?” ”

Steve closed his eyes and clenched his fists, he was extremely angry inside, because he knew that his vision of merging with the three splits had failed, and having three splits to help Leon would bring more terrible disasters to the whole world in the future.

This makes Steve, who has always claimed to be the guardian, extremely uneasy in his heart, but because of that sense of mission, he has to face Leon.

So the first thing he said when he opened his eyes was, “So it seems that I can only give everything I have to stop you.” ”

Li Ang raised an eyebrow, and did not show how surprised he was, but laughed: “How you want to do it, in my opinion, it does not matter at all, because I am an enemy of the whole world, there are not many enemies for you, less than one enemy for you, and if you want to stop me, it is not enough to rely on your strength alone, teach you a skill, to unite all the forces you can unite, and then appear in front of me, now you… Still not working. ”

Leon’s words are very blunt, even almost ironic, but it is this attitude that makes Steve feel powerless, he knows that he is now strong, and to put it bluntly, he is not afraid of anyone in this world except Leon and Qin.

But the most uncomfortable thing for him was that the two people were in the same group, and now even his three splits had become Li Ang’s accomplices, making it more difficult for him to accept.

“It’s useless to talk more!”

As soon as Steve opened his mouth, he said in Chinese: “I learned about a culture from the ancient East, and this culture is called chivalry!” In addition, I also understand a sentence, the great hero, for the country and the people! ”

Li Ang heard the corners of his mouth twitch slightly, and this kind of middle two line came out of Steve’s mouth, and the contrast was really unacceptable.

“Oh, if you want to fight, I won’t shoot, let your brothers play with you.”

As Leon spoke, he stepped back, ceding the battlefield to Steve and killing, corruption, and distortion, and the atmosphere in the field suddenly changed and became solemn.

Steve was fully engrossed, and a momentum rose up from his body, a kind of pressure like substance, which made Leon look slightly sideways.

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