Washington, D.C., in a secluded conference room, was sitting in it, and as before, this time they were still discussing something, but they were suddenly startled by the huge movement over Washington.

“What happened?” An old man with a shoulder strap will star ask.

“General, two thousand meters above the city, mutants are fighting!” Immediately, a meeting assistant looked like someone responded.

“Are mutants fighting on it? Find out now! Go now! The general quickly ordered.


The man took the order and left, and after a moment there was a result, and when he returned, he turned on the monitor in the conference room and said, “General, it has been ascertained that there are five people in the sky, and one of them is… It’s Leon! ”

His voice trembled a little, indicating that he had a certain fear of the name itself.


The general stood up and snapped, “Is he going to attack Washington?” ”

The assistant’s face became a little strange at this time, and he hurriedly said, “No, General, I have not yet seen whether the other side is ready to attack Washington, but… But those who are fighting, but… But it was the same person. ”

“What do you mean?” The person who opened his mouth was another general-like person.

The assistant hurriedly said, “Except for Li Ang, there are a total of four people in the melee, and these four people… These four people look exactly the same, there is no difference in the slightest! ”

“Quartets?” Someone wondered.

“No, no, no, not the quadruplets, that guy’s looks, most likely Captain Colonel, Steve Rogers!”

At this time, the monitor was turned on, and some of the pictures were revealed, and he stopped and hurriedly said, “This is the battle screen in the sky.” ”

The scene of the fight above is revealed, the four Steve fighting together, extremely fast, although the camera is sometimes difficult to keep up with this speed, but it is still filmed in the front, when the people in the conference room see the appearance of the four people, they can’t help but become silent.

The general who spoke first looked at the scene in the picture with some confusion, and only then did he sigh and say, “You don’t have to guess, those four people are all Steve, but which is the real captain of the United States, it is still impossible to know, I never thought that the Captain of the United States would have such a powerful and terrifying power.” ”

“General, according to our observation, three of the four people are obviously besieging one person, do you think that the person who is besieged will be the captain of the United States himself?” Of all the people here, only you have worked with Captain Miko, and you should know him a little bit. The assistant asked suddenly.

The general was slightly silent, and then shook his head: “I can’t tell if such a thing is beyond my understanding, but now is not the time to go to the captain of the national team, but to determine whether these people will attack Washington next!” Especially that Leon, what is he going to do? ”

“In addition, first inform the surrounding garrison of the defensive forces, let them pay attention but do not cause Leon’s main one.” The general commanded.

“Yes!” The assistant got the order and quickly withdrew.

At this time, there were still a few people left in the conference room, but basically all of them were people with the rank of general, the atmosphere was very silent, they were basically insiders of the experiment of the captain of the United States, and naturally knew the real situation of the four captains of the United States in the sky.

The general who spoke first a moment later said, “Of the four divisions of Rogers before, the only one who was still sober ran to Huaxia, and the government let that split enter the Kunlun Mountains through relations, and now it seems that the one that was besieged should be the one who went to Huaxia.” ”

Someone nodded, “It doesn’t look wrong, but the other three, I think it is very likely that they have become Li Ang’s helpers, or even have been accepted by him.” ”

The others were silent, and it was not difficult to see that the mere fact that the three were besieging one person while Li Ang was still watching from a distance was already very telling.

“So, what are we going to do to resist Leon?” And those three schizmos? Someone asked.

The atmosphere was still silent, and everyone knew the horror of Leon, which was not at all the category of human war, but more like the appearance of all mankind facing a god.

Very incomprehensible and desperate.

“There is no doubt that the Captain of the United States enhancement experiment has failed, but at least one of them is sane and seems to be much stronger than the legitimate Captain of the United States, which is also the only consolation award.”

“But this still doesn’t make a decisive difference, so I suggest starting a backup plan for the final weapon!”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of silence became more solemn, and someone said: “This is likely to be our last resort, are we sure to start implementing it now?” ”

The general nodded silently, “Now that it is a critical moment, there is not much time left for us, and we can no longer have half a hesitation, compared to the Captain of the United States experiment, this backup plan is much safer, we can try it completely.” “、

At this time, no one opened their mouths again, but they were all thinking.

After a moment, someone finally raised his hand and said, “Let’s start the backup plan for the final weapon, we have no choice.” ”

The others looked at each other and nodded along with them.

“Then let’s start this experiment.”

After the negotiation, everyone turned their heads to look at the screen again, and the fight between the four Steve in the picture had not stopped, but they could already see the decline of the besieged.

“That man is going to lose.”

As the man who opened his mouth said, at this time, in the sky, Steve flashed left and right, under the siege of killing, corruption and distortion, had become precarious, and it seemed that he would not be able to hold out for long.

Li Ang still had a good time watching, he didn’t have the slightest look of intervening, and he didn’t care about whether he was dead or alive.

The ripples of space became more frequent and intense, the corrosive smoke had spread for nearly a kilometer, and the movement brought by the killing was also echoing in hundreds of meters, and the abnormal changes were followed by the death of Steve.


Leon muttered softly, killing as if he had heard his words, and swooped up and circled to Stephen’s side, breaking his defenses with one blow.

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