Suddenly, the wind and thunder in the middle of the air dispersed, like a cannonball being suddenly detonated, erupting into violent energy fluctuations, instantaneous fire splashes, strong air currents spread around like a tornado, and the rumbling sonic boom seemed to make the heavens and the earth vibrate.

Steve’s arms were strangely bent, obviously broken, and several deep wounds had been torn out of the chest position, which were almost visible and bloody, as if to tear his whole body into two sections.

Even such injuries had only recovered from Steve in a moment, and when he withdrew from the group, he only gasped twice, and then all the injuries on his body recovered as before, except for his tattered clothes, he could not see any other injuries at all.

This ability is really amazing, even Leon looked at it, it was obvious that the recovery ability of the four people was very strong, far from the healing factors like Wolverine and Saber-Toothed Tiger.

With one against four, Steve was obviously somewhat invincible, but at this time he did not show any intention of retreating, even if he knew that he was invincible, he also launched another charge at the three divisions.


Another collision, the same shock, the horror of all the people in that secret office, and Leon retreated a little further, making room for the four of them, curious about the means of the four, while also carefully observing and recording.

The four of them were obviously split into one, but the fight was fatal, especially killing and distortion, and the two joined forces to hit tons of damage, and the main injuries on Steve’s body were basically caused by them.

Only corruption, his ability is too sinister to be invincible, but fortunately, Steve can also somewhat neutralize its corrosive power, otherwise it is estimated that he would have lost a long time ago.

But even if he insists no matter how he insists, in fact, the defeat has long been revealed, from the initial attack and defense of two arrivals, to the final attack and defense of less, his state is getting worse and worse, gradually breathing like a cow, the beads of sweat on his body are constantly dripping, and the injuries on his body are getting more and more serious.

Finally, Steve seemed to be unable to make it, and was stabbed in the abdomen by the killing hand, and then fanned out by a distortion slap, flipping in mid-air and falling into the distance, spilling blood all the way.

The three people of killing, deformation and corruption naturally will not let him go, for the three people, Steve is a great supplement, as long as it is swallowed, its own ability can grow again, so seeing Steve defeated, the three of them invariably pounced on it at the same time.

Li Ang’s brow frowned slightly, he vaguely felt that Steve could not be swallowed by the three people so simply, and when he was about to stop it, he saw Steve flying out, his body suddenly trembled, and then expanded rapidly, instantly like a bomb exploded in front of the eyes of the three people, and blood and broken bones suddenly burst out.


An earth-shaking boom resounded throughout the heavens and the earth, such an explosion was extremely powerful, and the shock wave of an instant included the three people, and Li Ang saw that the three people were covered with invisible forces, as if there was a blade acting on the body, and the flesh and blood blurred in an instant.

What was even more strange was that the flesh and blood of those explosions did not disperse, but turned into a fine powder, quickly wrapping the three people, as if they were wise, directly contaminating the three people’s bodies.

Li Ang’s eyes narrowed, and only then did he understand Steve’s intentions.

The previous death-defying and bloody battles were all fake, and it was for this step that he actually wanted to forcibly devour these three people with his own flesh and blood.

Leon didn’t know exactly how Steve would devour the three of them, but looking at the spiritual flesh and blood, he knew that the crux of the matter lay in these flesh and blood.

Visible to the naked eye, all the flesh and blood that were contaminated with the three people quickly penetrated into the bodies of the three people, and from a distance, it looked like water had been heated and evaporated, and some hot steam came out, and then the bodies of the three people changed.

Their bodies began to proliferate, and many body tissues appeared, including hands and feet, and even many heads growing out, which looked extremely frightening.

From a distance, killing, decaying and deforming, the three of them were like three monsters, they had completely lost their human form, and the tissues that had grown on their bodies were changing more and more, and the three of them also let out a painful roar.

This roar is like a beast, full of painful meaning, and people who don’t know it still think that the three people are enduring some kind of torture.

Li Ang flashed in front of the killing body, and at this time, the killing had become a large ball of meat more than three meters high, with his hands, feet, head and other body tissues exposed, and from time to time there was blood squeezed out, which looked very terrifying.

But what Li Ang had in his eyes was just curiosity, but there was no look of concern.

Others don’t know, but he is very clear, when he is shaping the personality and self-perception of the three people, but he has added a lot of bootlegs to it, if Steve has the ability to directly make the sanity and personality of the three people collapse in an instant, it is okay, so the impact will be reduced to the minimum.

But if this is not possible, then it is really impossible to say who will swallow who in the end.

As soon as his thoughts moved, a little reddish light on his body rushed to the monster in front of him to envelop it, and then the latter instantly became still, as if someone had suddenly pressed the pause button.

Leon’s thoughts went deep into the monster’s body, and began to observe from the microscopic level, and in his line of sight, he saw that the flesh and blood of the two were blending with each other, and on the one hand was Steve’s flesh and blood, obviously with his own control, showing a large-scale and situational invasion.

The other side is the flesh and blood of the killing itself, which can only appear passive defense, but in a short period of time, it is invaded by Steve’s flesh and blood, and little by little, it is defeated.

Looking deeper again, he saw a change in the cellular level.

Both of their cells are very active, but Steve’s cell activity is incomparable, and Leon feels a kind of intelligent spirituality from Steve’s cells, which makes him intuitively figure out the reason.

“Emotional Steve is already able to control the cell-level substance, which is obviously better than killing them.” 、

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