A standard spherical asteroid with a diameter of more than two thousand meters, a pale yellow funny smiley expression, appeared in the universe so suddenly, anyone who saw it would doubt life.

What the hell is that?

This is the first thought in the minds of all those who have observed this asteroid at this moment.

Yes, this asteroid appeared too suddenly, and its original body, the asteroid that was heading towards the earth, itself was always receiving the attention of many observatories around the world, and after seeing the asteroid have changed, the result made everyone stunned.

The funny face is extremely famous in the earth of the past life, as long as it is the patience of contacting the Internet, almost no one does not know this expression, which can be said to be globally famous.

But this is the Marvel Universe world, this yellow strange smiley face is the first time to appear, and the scene that appears is so frightening, the people who observe this change are only a signal that Leon expressed to the world, but what kind of signal it is, no one can understand.

After Leon did this, he didn’t care, but it was bitter to those who analyzed it.

Some intelligence services quickly mobilized and began to analyze the meaning of this expression, but after half a day of not coming to an accurate conclusion, but individuals could see the irony on that expression.

At this time, in the combat conference room of the United States for Leon, the military, intelligence, congressmen, government officials, and even the president had gathered, and they were listening to all kinds of people reporting and analyzing, but they never came to a conclusion.

“What the hell is that?” Can any of you answer for me? “It’s the president who speaks, and he’s very flaming right now.

Because someone suddenly told him that the earth had more than a day to destroy, who could accept it? Especially if it is the president of a country like him, the pressure can be imagined.

Now, there is nothing the United States can do with Leon’s threat, and new dangers appear in space, and the time is pressed for this president to want to curse.

“Mr. President, that was what Leon made right, and I now think it’s very likely that we are over-interpreting.” A man said directly.

This statement made everyone stunned, and some people couldn’t help but follow this point of view to think next, yes! It is likely that we have over-interpreted, Li Ang has never thought of communicating with any country, organization or individual from the beginning of the attack, he is always maverick.

Behaviorists analyze his motives as interested, psychologists see it as the result of his inner desire to conquer, and politicians see him as trying to dominate the world and become the master of the world.

But whether Leon will behave against the world or not, this is something that no one knows.

“You go on.” The President’s Road.

The man came to the monitor, pointed to the funny face on it, and said: “This is a kind of network emoji, a special Internet term, although we have looked for all the emojis on the network, and we have not found an expression similar to this expression, but this can only mean that it is Li Ang’s original.” ”

“I venture to assume that the reason why he made the asteroid like this may be because of his own bad taste, and please see.”

He enlarged the picture, and then he could see several lines of handwriting in the lower left corner of the funny round face.







“These are Chinese, English, Japanese, French, German, Russian, and the words in these different languages translate to one meaning, which is funny.”

Everyone’s face became a little strange, not people looking at each other, so everyone really thought that Leon was probably doing this out of bad taste.

The man continued, “The two may not have any intention of expressing anything to us at all, but after countless analyses, all of us know that Leon’s strength cannot be matched by any one country alone, and that he is an invincible being on the entire earth, and that such a person, all the rules of conduct, will only depend on his personal preferences.” ”

“That is to say, he does not have a comparison table to communicate with us, and there is no need to explain anything like us, he is doing, we are suffering, it is as simple as that.”

Some people can’t help but sigh, and some people hate it, in the face of Leon, everyone has a sense of powerlessness, even the world’s most powerful United States, it is also unable to resist Leon, this sense of powerlessness makes everyone very uncomfortable.

“Abominable.” Someone slapped the table viciously.

Many people agree with that person’s statement, think about it carefully, Li Ang is now powerful, and he really doesn’t need to say anything to them at all, everything he does, people all over the world can only passively bear.

And such a big funny face also fully demonstrates the unscrupulous behavior of Leon, which is simply a rule of destruction, and he alone plunges the entire world into chaos and turmoil, which is more dangerous than any known dangerous person in human history.

“So what do we do now?” It is still the president who opens his mouth.

Everyone was meditating, or in silence, because at this time, in the face of such a large asteroid falling, they could not come up with any practical and effective way.

An asteroid with a diameter of more than two thousand meters, you are a real asteroid, not a meteor or something, then a behemoth falls, the atmosphere can not burn it down, not to mention it is still an iron and nickel core, no one can return to the existing weapons can destroy it.

“Or shall we have a nuclear bomb into the universe right now and try to blast and intercept it?” Someone proposed.

The person who spoke was stared at by others with a look like a fool, which made the person who opened his mouth angry.

“How? Am I wrong? ”

“Shut up and damn it, do you know what the speed of that thing is?” Which kind of missiles can do this level of interception? Someone despised.

“So what do you say we should do?”

The rebuttal was dumbfounded.

At this time, the military suddenly said: “Perhaps, it is time for us to ask those people to help us.” ”

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