The people mentioned by the military made most of the people present wonder, and the president was shocked when he heard the words, and then he thought for a while before saying: “At the end of this meeting, except for the people of the general level and the people of S.H.I.E.L.D., everyone else has left, and the next meeting is top secret, and you have no right to participate.” ”

All the deputies and officials present changed their faces, but they didn’t say much, just got up with different faces and left the venue, and in the blink of an eye, there would be more than a dozen people left in the large venue, except for the president and a few admirals, Nick Fury was among them, he seemed to have guessed what was going on, and there was no expression on his dark face.

“How did the backup plan for the final weapons work?” The president asked.

A general said: “The effect is very good, compared to Li Ang’s soldiers, the combat effectiveness of a single has exceeded a lot, and the laboratory has only developed the second model, I believe it will not be long before mass production.” ”

“Very good, you continue to work hard, don’t let my efforts be in vain, but I have worked a lot of effort to make the old stubborn people in Congress shut up.” The President’s Road.

“We will.” The admiral nodded.

“Speaking of you, have you developed any powerful weapons?” The president asked Nick Fury.

The latter sighed for a moment and then shook his head, “I’m sorry, Mr. President, judging by the current situation of all the laboratories under S.H.I.E.L.D., it is not yet possible to come up with weapons that can threaten Leon.” ”

The expected situation of the president’s anger did not appear, but he sighed and helplessly said: “With our current level of science and technology, it seems that it is indeed difficult to develop a weapon that can directly hurt Li Ang.” ”

He shook his head and said, “Now that the whole world is facing his threat, the asteroid has more than a day to descend, and there is not much time left for us, and now I order, in my capacity as president, Director Nick, to contact the Asgard Ader, saying that the earth has reached the point of life and death, and asking them to send someone to help us through the difficulties.” ”

Nick Fury nodded, “I will, any one of the nine worlds is destroyed, the balance of the nine worlds will be broken, although our earth has not had any contact with them for a long time, they will certainly not sit idly by, I have a way to convince them.” ”

“Very good, in addition, it is time for us to launch an initiative in the world, Leon’s strength We in the United States a country can not defeat, at this time only by gathering the power of the world, we have the possibility of winning, this is a real war, our opponents are incomparably strong, we must also unite all the forces that can be united.” 」

Under the threat of Leon, the president of the world’s most powerful country finally laid the head of his arrogance.

And just when everyone in the meeting was still deliberating, a phone in the president’s hand suddenly rang, the president answered, and after a moment the look became inexplicably strange.

“What do you say? Wakanda? The poorest country in Africa? Are they capable of solving this crisis? To be clear, is it to solve the asteroid? ”

The further down the answer, the look on the president’s face became more and more strange, and finally he couldn’t help but directly reprimand: “Damn, do you know what you’re talking about?” It was an asteroid two kilometers in diameter, not a ping-pong ball, what ability did they have to solve that asteroid? Are you joking? ”

The president hung up the phone angrily, and only Nick Fury’s face changed in the audience, and then he coughed and said with a strange face: “Mr. President, if it is Wakanda, their technological ability may be able to help us through this crisis.” ”


The president thought he had heard wrongly, in his perception, Wakanda was the poorest country in Africa, and its level of poverty was only a little stronger than that of some primitive tribes, and even in the whole country, there were many primitive tribes, such a country, how could they have the ability to solve the asteroid?


The president suddenly thought of something, and his face changed: “Damn, is there something you S.H.I.E.L.D. is hiding from me?” ”

Nick Fury’s expression became flat and he said directly: “Yes, Mr. President, some things are absolutely confidential, and even if you are presidents, some things are impossible to know.” ”


The president angrily slapped the table and pointed directly at Nick Fury: “You’d better say these things today, damn, at this time, there are secrets that can’t let me as the president know?” ”

Nick Fury just said plainly, “Okay sir, now what I want to tell you and the people in the place is some of the things in the dark of this world, which are secrets that have existed in human civilization for a long time, some of which are even older than the founding time of our country.” ”

He continued in a flat voice: “Although Wakanda has always been isolated, ostensibly a poor and backward agricultural country, it is actually the most technologically advanced country on the earth, with a unique and rare resource vibrating gold. ”

“Wait, Zhenjin I know, but when you say that Wakanda is the most technologically advanced country in the world, are you sure you’re not joking?” The president interrupted him.

“Yes sir, I know what I’m talking about, please don’t interrupt me.”

Nick Fury was still the same black face, indifferent like an ice ballast, directly blocking the president’s words, and then continued: “Their level of technology has exceeded our four or five hundred years, and such a level of technology, if they want to, is indeed capable of solving the asteroid.” ”

“Moreover, in addition to Wakanda, there are other ancient forces on the earth, such as the Divine Spear Bureau that you know, which is far away in the Eastern Kingdom, a powerful organization with many superheroes, and the Kunlun Mountain based in the Eastern Kingdom.” There are also some other forces, it is difficult to introduce them to you here, I will give you some information later, now you only need to know one thing. ”

“That is that this crisis may be a catastrophe for us, but if these ancient organizations or countries unite, they will certainly be able to survive, and now your task is to think about how we should unite with these organizations and countries.”

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