The president was not angry at Nick Fury’s commanding tone, but after hearing the words, he meditated, on the one hand, he was a little annoyed, such a secret, as the president of the United States, he could not know, on the other hand, he was worried about the current situation.

Finally, he hummed, “It’s a hell of a thing, I’ll let people hold an international conference to see if we can unite other countries, and as for the Wakanda you said, I will also send people to contact.” ”

“Okay, Mr. President, Asgar and the others over there I will contact, in the face of this crisis, the better prepared we are, the more help we can muster, the greater our chances of defeating Leon.” Nick Fury Road.

He was a man of power and wisdom, and unlike the silly and rude appearance of the average black man, he had an extremely sensitive heart and knew many things.

Even the president of the United States, compared with him, is not as strong as he is in terms of some means of playing politics.

The other generals did not intervene, nor did they know the real situation of Wakanda, and as generals they naturally did not need to worry about these things, all they had to do was suppress the unrest.

“That’s it.” The president finally made up his mind for the meeting.

On the other side of the time, after doing all this, it didn’t take long for Leon to see the killers who rushed back quickly, and he brought back two slightly broken robots.

This robot is the secret weapon of the American side to stop the soldiers.

“Well, the appearance does have some similarities with the Destroyer, but there are also many changes to it.”

In the laboratory, Li Ang used subatomic control to disassemble the two robots in front of him, and then discovered many secrets on his body.

First of all, in terms of materials, the material on this thing is an alloy that he has never seen before, and after analyzing the specific values, he is also quite surprised, because the numerical aspects of this alloy can definitely be called terrible.

The strength of this alloy is close to that of Edelman alloy, but it has the formability of Edelman alloy that cannot be compared, and he analyzed the formula ratio of this alloy through in-depth analysis.

In addition, what surprised him was that inside this robot, there were actually some traces of the existence of magical elements, and even the material itself was inscribed with the same thing as the Fa Array, and those lines were obviously the circulation route of magical energy, which made him very surprised.

“How can there be something magical in America?” It stands to reason that they would certainly not possess this kind of knowledge. ”

Leon thought about it slightly, and after thinking about it, he came up with a rough idea, thinking that it must have been obtained from Asgard, and it was even possible that the formula of this alloy, or the alloy itself, was provided by Asgard.

He didn’t know if there was any deal or connection between the two, but he thought there would be contact, after all, there was a common enemy of his own.

“Well, this robot’s attack method is very similar to that of the soldiers, and it turns out that the problem is here.”

Li Ang found the reason, because a core component inside this robot, that is, it is completely the ability operation mode of the warrior, which is to put the x gene cells into that metal, so that the individual has the ability to use multiple variants, and there is intelligent program control in this core, which is equivalent to the Svija sub-program of the soldier.

“It seems that they can make this kind of robot, or inspired by the soldiers, it is likely to be a direct imitation, hey hey, there is a signal receiver, there is a smart program, and there is a motherboard needed to run the program, sigh… Where do you guys get your confidence? ”

Leon disassembled it to the end, but he laughed directly, and Gein found that the deadly place on this robot was the core component.

“Svija, designed a set of intrusion procedures, through the war network, all the soldiers are loaded with this program, and when fighting with this robot in the future, they will directly use the intrusion program to occupy the core components of these robots, and then the occupied robots will be numbered as soldiers.” Leon ordered.

“Okay sir, the intrusion process is simple, and I expect it to be completed in ten minutes.” Svija Road.

Li Ang nodded, and then said, “In addition, make a big upgrade for all the soldiers, and all the weaknesses I found in the robots above, you must make up for them in the soldiers.” ”

“Okay sir.”

Leon was commanding, Svija was executing, and he had done so many times, and the soldiers had been further perfected under his orders.

He actually very much wanted these things to be done by Svija, but Svija’s current wisdom is not enough to win any kind of work, after all, he is not really human, although he already has the ability to innovate only intelligent creatures, but he also has a very important thing, that is, inspiration.

Without this thing, he could never get rid of the shackles of the machine.

However, this time is not too far before Svija becomes a real person, and when Leon’s ability is improved a little, he is ready to go to the universe to find the remaining Infinity Stones.

The time soon came to the next day, and since yesterday, the media around the world have been paying attention to one thing, that is, the funny and smiling asteroid is rapidly approaching the earth, and now even without a telescope, the light of the asteroid can already be seen.

All the observatories had already calculated that there were at most more than four hours left before the asteroid fell to Earth, and it was close to the Earth’s orbit.

All the countries of the world are alarmed, and everyone has a sense of despair.

In this case, the United States suddenly released the news, the world’s major powers, finally decided to unite to deal with this crisis.

Leon, who heard the news, was really happy, he was very much looking forward to the scene where all the countries of the world united against themselves, it was definitely a pomp and circumstance, and just thinking about it made people excited.

His main excitement is to single-handedly fight the whole world, and then overturn the whole world, so that the world feels hopeful and desperate, and there is nothing more fulfilling than this.

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