The world’s most powerful countries have basically united to deal with this crisis, and the funny asteroid is close to Earth, and the first thing these countries think of is to detonate the asteroid at this distance.

Within an hour, the United States, China, Russia, Dé, Ying, France, and other countries fired more than a hundred super intercontinental missiles into the universe, and these missiles were all loaded with nuclear warheads.

Many people are looking forward to the success of this interception plan, because the cost of failure is too great for the whole world to bear.

The truth is that it slapped everyone in the face and made people despair again.

Hundreds of super missiles have indeed reached their intended orbits and positions, but they are still far away from the asteroid, and when the funny smiley asteroid passes by, most of them have not detonated, and even more, they have detonated in between.

On Earth at that time, even during the day, you could see the flashes of light in the sky, which were the light of the nuclear bomb explosion, almost overpowering the sun’s brilliance.

But that’s all, the aftermath of those nuclear bomb explosions is extremely strong, and under the cosmic vacuum environment, the power of the shock waves combined is also earth-shattering.

But such a shock wave did not even cause any damage to the surface of the funny asteroid, because the speed of the asteroid was so fast that it passed directly through the area where the shock wave was located, like a beast rushing out of a wall of smoke and dust, but the surface melted a little.

Now the asteroid looks, the funny smiley face has become more funny because of the superficial melting, and with such a big smiley face rushing towards the earth, the world will not be frightened.

And this interception failure directly interrupted the spirit of 80% of the ordinary people in the world, and all of them were already desperate, thinking that the world would definitely fall into destruction, and there was no possibility of salvation.

It is precisely because of this that some countries whose social order is already very loose have collapsed at once, and all kinds of thugs have appeared on the streets, some attacking passers-by, some are doing all kinds of ugly things, there have been many violent crimes, and the order of the country has also collapsed.

There are not only one or two countries that have undergone such changes, but many countries, and as long as they are countries that aspire to freedom, basically such changes have occurred.

It is also at this moment that those people give full play to the ugliness of human nature, which makes people sick.

Li Ang saw all this in his eyes, just a cold smile, he was well aware of the ugliness in human nature, and he also knew that under this pressure, there would definitely be a lot of national order on the earth to collapse, and the collapse was so thorough, it still made him feel a little sad.

Then he ignored these things and focused on the asteroid, which was now the next day, more than two hours had passed since the missile launch, that is, at most an hour or so before the asteroid fell.

He was eager to see what other hands the Earth had to do to stop the disaster, and in order to see the asteroid hit the Earth up close, he even came to the sky above the planet’s drop point early, accompanied by Qin and Lorna.

“Leon, are you really going to do this?”

Compared with Qin’s indifference, Lorna is naturally full of humanity, the earth as the place where she lives, she is naturally emotional, although she is already with Li Ang, and does not oppose what he has done, but at this moment, in the face of the imminent destruction of the earth, she still can’t help but ask.

Li Ang shrugged at her and smiled calmly, “This must be done.” ”

“Why?” Lorna asked a question that had been hidden in her heart for a long time.

She knew how powerful Li Ang was, and she only knew why Li Ang did this, or what kind of fierce means, or it was inevitable that she would think more.

“The reason is that I told you a long time ago, I want to see if the world will change, the world is full of war and killing, the pain caused by human beings is far more than I have brought to them, even if they always put themselves in the position of a master, then I don’t mind letting them change their identity, such as victims.” 」

Although Leon was smiling, his eyes were very plain, and he did not show other emotions.

Lorna sighed and said, “Are you so sure that people will be able to survive this crisis?” What if they don’t have the ability? If the asteroid falls down, won’t the world really be destroyed? ”

Li Ang patted her shoulder and said, “Don’t imagine that humans are so weak, their potential is much stronger than you think, even if the asteroid really smashes, it will not necessarily destroy mankind, they have enough ability to cope with the things that follow.” ”

“Mutants have been in the world for so long, and they have not seen the world really destroyed, but mutants still have to survive in the society composed of ordinary people, and have never occupied an active position, which is already very telling, human society is not so fragile, and when they really react, the energy they explode will exceed your imagination.”

Li Ang said this, but it made Lorna even more surprised, how could she not have imagined that Li Ang, such an anti-human and anti-social person, had such a profound understanding of human beings themselves.

“I hope so.” Lorna said helplessly.

Li Ang smiled slightly, took her hand, the latter looked up slightly, just silently leaned towards him, Li Ang knew her uneasiness, after all, what he was doing now was indeed too amazing, she could make up her mind to accompany him, it was already a great determination.

On the other side, the piano is still calm, without any emotion, just waiting.

At this time, there were a number of helicopters in the distance, countless warplanes in the sky passing quickly, and in a higher place, there were huge aircraft as the air command, which was the second interception site for humans, and it was obvious that they had begun to prepare now.

The helicopters and fighters had apparently spotted them, but no one had attacked him, because at this time, Leon had been lucky not to attack them.

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