This scene is very spectacular, the dense planes in the distant sky are flying everywhere, one by one in formations scattered around, counting down, the total number of helicopters and fighters present is more than four thousand, such a force is completely a scene that can only appear in super war.

But these fighters appeared this time only to deal with an asteroid, and this asteroid is the root of the destruction of the world, but now in the presence of Leon, the culprit who caused the disaster, they still choose to ignore him, because Leon’s existence itself is a huge threat, a key factor in the failure of their operation.

No one dared to do it at this time, because provoking him would only make things worse, and the consequences would be unbearable for the whole world, and at that point, the ordinary people of the world would absolutely die ninety percent.

I have to say that there is a very ironic point that Leon, the murderer who wants to destroy the world, and the countries of the United States, actually have a strange tacit understanding at this time, which is not shown by both sides, but is actually observed.

Leon would not have acted at this time, and those of them chose to ignore him when he was transparent.

Time slowly passed, in the blink of an eye it was half of the past, more and more fighters and combat units were deployed in the sky, and they also showed more and more organization, among these fighters, Leon even found the figure of many other countries’ fighters, obviously this interception is a joint operation situation, not a country in the United States fighting alone.

His eyesight was extremely strong, and he could clearly see the weapons hanging by those fighters, and then he did not pick them slightly, because he found that among these fighters, there were at least more than twenty nuclear warheads, which seemed to be not small.

Li Ang’s mind power radiated out, through the atmosphere, through the low Earth orbit, and soon saw the asteroid that was coming at a rapid speed, and according to the speed, it was still more than ten minutes away from landing at most.

These ten minutes are the final preparation time of mankind, and the life and death of human society on earth will only produce results within these ten minutes.

Leon was expectant, Lorna was worried, and those in the units that had been deployed were horrified and suspicious, but at this time, even if they were suspicious, they could only start intercepting according to the battle plan.

Soon, Leon saw the planes where the high-altitude command was located flying away in the distance, and the fighters began the angle of high elevation, rushing straight towards the sky dome, and the acceleration of less than a minute increased the speed of the fighters to the maximum, and then the missiles under their wings were all dumped one by one.

Thousands of missiles, all of which were left, were launched and flew towards a certain position in the air, naturally extremely fast, and Leon knew the intentions of these people in an instant, they were obviously going to use these missiles to intercept the first time in the atmosphere, and wanted to use the power of their explosions to reduce the speed of the asteroid slightly.

This plan is feasible.

At this moment, above the sky dome, a faint hint of redness could already be seen, which was caused by the friction caused by the asteroid’s contact with the outermost part of the atmosphere, and those missiles were also running to that point.

Two minutes later, one point of light after another lit up above the sky dome, which was a missile explosion, all of which converged on one point, and the calculation was very accurate.

However, the movement produced by these explosions was easily dispersed by the small, downward thrust of the small, downward thrust and impact breaking, the two streams of Li Ang interacted, Li Ang clearly perceived in the mind force, the asteroid’s falling speed has a slight deviation, the speed is reduced by at least one hundredth.

This degree of decline is naturally a drop in the bucket for the asteroid, but then five nuclear bombs exploded in this instant, and five rays of light comparable to the sun lit up in the atmosphere, making it difficult to look at it directly.

The fluctuation of this explosion can be much stronger than the explosion power of the previous missile combination, and through calculations, at the exact detonation time, it is just on the path of the asteroid, and even the asteroid has a direct collision.

The five nuclear bombs exploded together, and the high temperature and radiation generated in an instant directly shattered the asteroid’s yellowish outer layer, and even caused cracks and melts on its surface, and the diameter was also reduced by one-sixth in this explosion.

Li Ang raised an eyebrow, quite surprised, he once again saw the power of human beings, which is a complete scientific and technological power, a power that belongs to human beings themselves, although it still did not intercept the asteroid, but it was enough for Li Ang to take a look.

However, the power of the explosion is indeed good, so that the asteroid’s landing orbit has a considerable deviation, and its speed has plummeted by nearly half.

The mass decreases, the speed plummets, so that the power generated by its impact on the ground will naturally show a geometric reduction, and Leon estimates that even if it hits the ground now, its power will only make nearly half of the volcano on the earth erupt at most, which is no longer enough to threaten the survival of the entire human race.

“It’s amazing!”

He had to sigh, and then said to Lorna next to him: “You see, this is the power of people, your worries are completely in vain, they are not as weak as you think, and even many times, they are far more powerful than you think, which is why mutants are so powerful, but they have never been able to occupy the mainstream in society.” ”

Lorna looked at all this, and the shock in her heart was naturally needless to say, and she sighed and sighed, and she didn’t know whether she was worried about the humans themselves or the mutants.

The oppression and change that Leon has brought to this world is not an opportunity for mutants.

This first interception path here, basically even if it is over, very successful, at least Leon already feels that these people have done enough success, and at this time the asteroid is still extremely fast, and any mutant other than him wants to intercept alone, it is extremely unrealistic, even Magneto.

And then another rain of missiles flew out and headed somewhere the asteroid landed, in the same way as the first interception line, hoping to slow down the asteroid with an explosion.

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