The next scene, like the first interception line, thousands of missiles exploded one after another, and were detonated in a very small range, so that the energy catharsis was extremely violent, although it was still not as powerful as the nuclear explosion, but because it was a division of the point potential, the explosion was continuous, so the deceleration of the asteroid was also continuous.

After all the missiles exploded, the speed of the asteroid also dropped again and again, about one-third slower than before.

“Sigh, you see, this is the means of human beings, it is amazing.” Li Ang said with heartfelt admiration.

Lorna next to her was a little speechless, it was not the first time she had seen Li Ang make a similar sigh to ordinary people, which seemed to her somewhat incredible, obviously he was the culprit of the world, but he seemed to know more about the power of human beings than humans themselves.

“Look, humanity will eventually have an outbreak.”

She remembered this sentence with excitement, which was a sentence that Leon had said to her a long time ago, and now it seemed that he was really right and surprising.

At this time, another loud noise that shook the heavens and the earth interrupted her thoughts, and she looked up to see that several nuclear bombs had been detonated on the route of the asteroid landing in the sky, the same situation as before, the same consequences.

Once again, the asteroid’s mass was stripped away, and its speed was drastically reduced, and even the landing orbit was once again deviated.

Li Ang looked at it intently, in his eyes the nuclear explosion is a large-scale fireworks, and this firework scene, it is rare to see in the world, so many nuclear bombs in human history have been detonated in the atmosphere at the same time, only this one.

The asteroid’s appearance is now broken, and the funny smiling face he has spoofed is now beyond recognition, and the asteroid has also returned to its original iron-nickel color, showing a dark silver, and the near-perfect circle has also been broken, which now shows that it is even more potholed.

Its mass was reduced by a full 40% compared to the original, and now only a diameter of more than 1,000 meters remains, and this diameter is further reduced as it descends and burns.

At this time, the asteroid has reached a distance of only more than 10,000 meters from the ground, and it is obviously unrealistic to want to intercept at this distance.

That is to say, the explosion just now was already the last time, and mankind was helpless in front of this small one.

A smile suddenly appeared on Leon’s face, and he felt that this matter could not be ended so simply, because although the speed of the asteroid had plummeted and the mass had plummeted, if it really had to fall down, then the entire United States would not be a problem.

If a country is destroyed, the impact on other countries will not be so great, at least all mankind has survived, and it is believed that for other countries, the destruction of the United States is not a bad thing.

And Leon is also waiting for the reaction of the American side, and such a result will certainly not be accepted.

At this time, although the landing speed of the asteroid has been weakened to a very low level, for humans, this speed is still extremely fast, enough to have a speed of Mach ten, who can intercept it? In particular, this is still the speed that is already in the atmosphere, and no missile can reach this speed and then intercept it, that is, the opportunity in the United States is already small.

The asteroid continued to do the most, and soon reached a distance of more than six thousand meters above the ground, and at this time, in Leon’s position, the violent vibration of the asteroid when it fell, as well as the harsh beep and rumbling tremor, and the air around it trembled.

Time passed by minute by minute, ten seconds of effort, the asteroid was only more than two thousand meters away from the ground, and it seemed that it was about to hit the ground at this time, and in this instant, the change was steep.

A fierce stream of light shot out from a very distant place, which was an extremely strong ray, like a cannonball, directly hit the asteroid, and the asteroid’s iron-nickel core had no blocking ability under this ray at all, and it was directly pierced.

Immediately after, the second, third, and fourth paths, more than ten rays in a row struck instantaneously, hitting the asteroid again and again, and then all of them ran through the asteroid.

Subsequently, the body of the little nova, which was shaking due to the violent friction, exploded with a loud bang, exploded in an instant, and split into hundreds of different sizes, like a huge firework, exploding in mid-air.

This instantaneous explosion made Li Ang stunned, subconsciously sighed, and then turned his eyes to the direction of those rays.

The power of the mind spread out, and over a distance of several thousand meters, he saw a facility on the top of a mountain, a huge ball of pure silver luster, more than sixty meters in diameter, and the center of the ball was cracked, and six thick tubes stretched out from it, like the muzzle of a Gatling machine gun, and at this time there was smoke coming out of the barrel.

And Li Ang already knew in an instant that the materials of this facility were actually made of vibrating gold materials, and it was no wonder that he could bind the energy of such a high energy level and then directly launch it, which was completely black technology.

The energy level in that ray is extremely high, if you make an analogy, the energy contained in a ray is more than tens of times more than the laser light of the laser eye, and it is no wonder that it can easily penetrate the asteroid with the iron and nickel core.

Just when Li Ang wanted to find out again, the large and small fragments that had exploded had fallen to the ground, the largest of which was hundreds of meters in diameter, which would be indispensable if it hit the ground.

At this moment, a huge explosion suddenly appeared on the ground, which was not caused by the impact of asteroid fragments, but by nuclear bombs!

Another super-high-yield nuclear bomb exploded here, exactly where the debris fell.

“Oh! Terrific! ”

Li Ang was sincerely amazed!

The power of this nuclear explosion is absolutely tens of millions of levels, and the timing of the explosion is also very good, just the moment when those fragments land, so that the power of the nuclear explosion is all used on those asteroid fragments, once again causing the falling speed of the asteroid fragments to drop sharply, and even a large part of them is directly vaporized.

“It’s amazing.” Leon sighed again.

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