A space-time crack tens of meters wide appeared in front of the fighter, the fighter was controlled by Leon to float into it, and then the space-time crack closed, everything returned to the original, as if it had never appeared in it, but the huge fighter had disappeared.

At the same time, above the headquarters of the sword-shaped building, a space-time crack appeared, and the fighter plane floated out of it, and Li Ang’s figure appeared in front of the fighter, with his hands extended, and a piece of steel rose from the ground around him, melting rapidly in mid-air, and the color became red.

Then the molten iron fused together, and a huge tarmac was built outside the terrace of the sword-shaped building, just enough to accommodate the battleship parked on it.

After doing all this, Leon landed next to the fighter, reached out and tapped lightly on the fighter twice, and nodded with satisfaction.

What he was satisfied with was not the fighter itself, even if the degree of science and technology of this fighter was high, in his eyes it was just a scientific and technological creation, what he was satisfied with was actually the material of this fighter, and this fuselage full of vibrating gold was the most valuable in his eyes.

Leon heard it for a moment, then he heard Svija’s voice.

“Sir, the cracking is complete, the master control program of this fighter has been rewritten by me, and now you can do whatever you want.”

Li Ang nodded his head, and the smiles on the two became brighter, and he said loudly: “Open the cabin door.” ”


With the sound of a closed gas flowing, a crack was opened in the fuselage in front of him, and then a cabin door was opened in front of him, and Lee was inside the airport.

“Send ten soldiers over and remove all non-vibrating materials and facilities inside the airport.” He commanded again.

“Okay sir.”

“Oh yes, before this, don’t forget to record the basic data of the fighter, although this thing can only be regarded as the most high-tech product of the earth, it is not much advanced in the universe, but recording it may provide me with some ideas later.”

“Okay sir, the record is done.”

Li Ang nodded, and at this time ten soldiers flew up from downstairs, and without him doing anything to command, they fished in through the cabin door and began to get busy.

The strength of the vibranium is second only to the metal of the Edelman alloy, the melting point is extremely high, but no matter how high the melting point, it is difficult to defeat the soldiers with many variant capabilities, their actions are rapid, uniform, and for a time the entire airport is like a lively production line, and all kinds of mixed noises frequently sound.

The reason why vibranium is precious, in addition to the very rare outflow from the outside, there is also a main reason is that its particularity, without the characteristics of Edelman alloy that cannot change the shape after a molding, that is to say, it can be forged and applied many times like ordinary steel, which is the biggest unexpected gain of this trip for Li Ang.

With these vibraniums, he was able to come up with a lot of weapons and facilities that were still in the imagination, and the main purpose of them was the analysis and reconstruction of the vibraniums that Li Ang wanted to carry out.

To put it bluntly, he must master the atom order of this special metal, as well as its special atomic properties, so that as long as the analysis is completed, then he can convert any matter into vibrating metal.

At that time, he will have inexhaustible vibrating gold resources.

With the ability to master the manipulation of subatomic matter, it is not difficult for him to do this, the difficulty is to master a strange metal, which is at best a matter of time.

Soon more than half an hour passed, and the ten soldiers were surprisingly fast in their mobility, and soon piles of things were carried out and half of the terraces were placed, all of which were high-tech instruments, and all of them were ordered by Leon to be put into the laboratory.

Qin and Lorna knew that he had something important to do, and neither of them came to bother him at this time, and when all the equipment inside the fighter plane had been emptied, he focused on the analytical material.

The thought force radiated out, enveloping the entire fighter, and his perspective also changed, seeing the presence of the vibrating gold material and the depths, seeing the special structure of the metal, and the arrangement of atoms in a static state.

“Well, such a special structure, so that it almost does not conduct heat and kinetic energy, the key is not to conduct thermal energy, the advantage is buggy, if this is replaced by a past life, how can there be such an anti-heavenly material.”

The so-called non-conduction of thermal energy, in other words, this thing does not conduct heat, even if a certain point is heated to tens of thousands of degrees, the other place is still the original temperature, and this temperature is likely to be constant, and will not change because of the change in temperature.

But the good thing is that even if this thing is against the sky, it only conducts almost no heat.

And even if it is, it does not mean that it will not be heated, otherwise this thing cannot be forged into a different shape, and the temperature reaches a certain point, and this thing will still become a pool of molten iron.

Under the control of his mind, he easily cut a small piece of material from the entire fighter fuselage, and Mo Yue’s fist was as big as his fist and slowly floated to him and stopped.

Then he turned his thoughts again, and above the large piece of vibrating gold of the fist, a ball of flame was ignited, and this flame showed a fiery white color, which was caused by the temperature being extremely high, and its brightness had also climbed to the extreme.

Visible to the naked eye, fist-sized metal blocks dissolve rapidly, and in a moment they become a pool of pale silver metal solution, suspended in mid-air changing shapes.

“Its melting point is more than thirteen thousand degrees, which is indeed very scary, out of the artificial sun bound by magnetic force, there is no such high temperature in the natural world of the earth, and the temperature of more than five thousand degrees alone can vaporize people.”

Li Ang was surprised to find that after the thing was smelted, the stationary properties between the molecules were broken and became moving, but as its own temperature decreased, this movement was rapidly solidified.

This solidification speed is very fast, just ten seconds of effort, the metal molten solidified again, turned into an oval iron ball, and once again restored to the characteristics of vibranium.

“Well, it seems that the analysis of Zhenjin has to start from here.”

Leon’s eyes lit up, and he finally found something that interested him again.

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