When he analyzed the vibranium, people all over the world were rejoicing, because a crisis that destroyed the world had been successfully stopped, although the turmoil in some countries was still not over, but for ordinary people, they saved the earth, and the crisis of human extinction was over.

While ordinary people are rejoicing, all the insiders at this time are still worried one by one, this crisis is indeed over, but no one knows what the next crisis will become.

Up to now, Li Ang’s several shots have been quite extreme, there is no pity at all, slaughtering an unknown number of military soldiers, let alone how many ordinary people have died or been injured because of his connections.

But sometimes, he behaved very calmly, as if he had no interest in the whole world, even if he watched the asteroid he had made was stopped by the group, there was no sign of wanting to shoot.

This makes it a little unclear what he really thinks, one moment like a great villain who wants to destroy the world, but then let people unite to resist him, and no one can understand his thoughts and mental principles.

Too hard to figure out, that’s what all insiders think of him.

And now all the people in power are planning how to counterattack, and the alliance formed to resist the fall of the asteroid was combined at this time, but because of this incident, the combination has become more and more close.

They knew very well that only by truly uniting could they have the capital for Leon to fight, and if they were to be scattered like before, then they might be able to play themselves to death without Leon’s hand.

This was something that Li Ang hadn’t thought of, but it was also something he was happy to see, and now he was doing his best to analyze Zhenjin, not so hard to pay attention to other things, but this did not mean that he was indifferent to foreign affairs.

In a flash, more than half a month passed, during this period, because of the analysis of vibranium, although he had not yet completed the analysis, he also successfully made the inferior vibranium.

The so-called inferior vibranium is a metal inferior to the original vibranium in various values, the strength of this kind of vibranium is about 70% of the original vibranium, the molecule is in a relatively static state, but it is not as perfect as the original vibranium, it is a defective product, but this defective product is also a rare high-grade material.

Coupled with the Edelman alloy formula he already had, he could completely recreate something similar to the material of Captain Miko’s shield.

And what Leon himself possesses, in itself, can give him the perfect ability to convert other substances into this material after analyzing a certain material, just like the previous point of stone into gold, the entire Manhattan neighborhood into a huge city of gold.

So now for him, the secondary vibranium is already an inexhaustible thing, not precious at all, and there is the Edelman alloy that has been analyzed earlier, these two metals are not precious things for him.

Another combination, it became a secondary Edelman vibranium alloy, and it also became a rotten street in his hands.

However, in his hands is a rotten street, if it is left outside, it will still be an incomparably valuable thing, and even if he wants, he can use secondary vibrating gold to make human society re-use as a financial carrier and form a new financial order.

Li Ang has always positioned himself as a scientist, thinking that the relationship between the power of the phoenix, his IQ is far beyond ordinary people, coupled with the power of the phoenix and some of his own abilities, which has led to his current unspeakable ability is amazingly strong.

If you really want to make an analogy, his ability to speak alone is even more powerful than that of a country, and for example, he has already eaten through the technology contained in that fighter plane in minutes, and has also separated a lot of high-tech from it, which is a systematic super technology, which is also a big gain for him.

During this time, he not only patronized to analyze the vibranium, but at the same time he also carried out a large-scale upgrade of the soldiers, and the materials used were added to the secondary vibranium component.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of the current soldiers has increased exponentially, and the combat effectiveness of a single soldier has been called a monster level, even if it is against the Magneto King, it is not necessarily defeated, and it can be imagined that its degree of terror is known.

Even so, the current soldiers are just a transitional stage in Li Ang’s eyes, and when Zhenjin is truly parsed, the soldiers at that time can be regarded as mature bodies.

Soldiers like that can easily overturn the whole world!

In addition, the fighters he captured were also modeled after him and designed a new fighter, which was reduced by 30% in size, but the speed was five times that of the original version, reaching the super high speed of Mach thirty-six!

Such a speed is completely the speed of the space shuttle, which can be called a star fighter.

In fact, this is indeed the case, because Leon’s design idea is to use a starry sky fighter, which can completely fly on the moon and the earth, and even if the fuel is sufficient, it can also take a flight around Mars, of course, this must be closer to the earth.

Such a fighter is still just a transitional product, and Leon’s purpose is to build a real space battleship, but now it is still a little far from this goal, but it is also very close, at least compared to other countries on the earth, Leon alone has far more black technology in his hands than they themselves have.

He was also aware of the movements of the outside world, and he also saw the current international situation in his eyes, but there was no look of worry, those countries were afraid of his terrorist means, and now they did not dare to take the initiative to provoke him, and he was happy to use such fragmented time to strengthen himself.

It is not so much to strengthen himself, not to say that he is developing science and technology, after all, his own ability can now be called the level of a god, and if he grows again, that is, the fourth level, at that stage, he will basically be able to dominate the universe, rather than still making a small fuss on the earth.

In the next two days, he finally succeeded in parsing the real vibranium.

On this day, Li Ang looked at a ball of metal melt in the palm of his hand and showed a long-lost smile on his face.

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