This blob of pale silver metal melt in the palm of his hand is the real vibranium substance, exactly the same as the original vibranium, there is no difference between the two, and this blob of metal melt is just Li Ang randomly breaking the metal table corner and then transforming it through the transformation between atoms.

After turning stones into gold, he can transform other substances of any number of knowledge into vibrating gold, saying that he is not a god, so what is he?

Li Ang casually squeezed, the metal melt in his palm was squeezed into a standard round ball, and quickly cooled down, placed in the palm of his hand to weigh twice, just such a ping-pong-pong ball-sized metal ball, but it weighed almost half a kilogram.

Release the hand, the metal ball falls, snaps and falls to the ground, if it is other metal, this time it will definitely bounce, but the metal ball is steady landing, steady and static, not even rolling.

“Hahaha, with this thing, the soldiers can upgrade to a mature body.”

Leon was very happy, and then beckoned, the dribble flew back to his hand again, he reached out and lightly touched it, and saw that the surface of the ball rippled with a layer of ripples, and then where the ripples passed, the color was quickly changed, from the original light silver, to bright silver, and in the interior that ordinary people could not see, the order of the yard that made up the dribble was also displacement and change.

This is a change from the inside out, it is a earth-shaking change in the overall structure of this vibranium, it is no longer just vibranium, but Edelman vibranium fused with Edelman alloy, which is exactly the same material as the shield of the captain of the United States.

Unfortunately, the alloy fused with Edelman metal has the same characteristics that the Edelman alloy can not be shaped again, that is to say, the ball will remain this way from beginning to end, even if it is re-melted, the resulting material is not Edelman alloy, but ordinary metal after the structure is destroyed.

But this is the case for others, in his hands, he can easily shape the matter itself, he can produce these two metals indefinitely, and the material drawbacks that hinder his scientific and technological development are now being overcome.


He snapped his fingers, and in the laboratory he was in, the ground quickly changed, forming a huge pool, and in the pool, the Edelman vibrating gold melt was churning, because of the combination of the characteristics of the two, so this melt would be rapidly cooled, but the pool was added to his own ability, and it would always maintain the activity of the melt and prevent it from condensing.

“Svija, now start a big upgrade for all the soldiers, and on the basis of the existing upgrades I have previously upgraded, replace all the soldiers with this combination metal, and build another fighter, also use this combination metal.” Leon ordered.

“Okay sir, your order has been loaded into the production plan and is expected to be completed in three days.” Svija Road.

“Very well, go for it.”

After doing these Li Ang clapping his hands, the figure appeared on the top floor, Qin’s daily life was in a daze, or she was familiar with her own ability, and Lorna usually paid attention to the fact that she was lying on the sofa, her jade body was horizontal, and she was relishing the news on TV.

After following Leon, especially after Leon declared war on the whole world, Lorna had no normal life before, which was not a small loss for her, but in order to see the wider world in the future, this bit of boredom and tedium she could endure.

Seeing Li Ang appear, she cast her eyes and said, “Busy? ”

“Yes, bored?” Leon asked.

“Sort of.” Lorna shrugged helplessly.

Li Ang smiled lightly and sat down next to her, hugged her into his arms, and then said, “Then do something interesting.” ”


Lorna’s body trembled, because she had been thrown down by Leon, and the next thing was difficult to describe, in short, the clothes were thrown out, the sofa was ringing and so on.

Lorna’s current physical strength is still not enough to accept Li Ang’s negative distance contact alone, often insisting on more than half an hour will be defeated, and usually at this time, she will ask Qin for help.

For example, at this moment, she screamed and called out the name of the piano.

“Qin, come and help, I’m going to die…”

Qin is very indifferent, even if Lorna intends to have a good relationship with her, she is still so indifferent, not half interested in external objects, but only interested in things that enhance her strength.

And the way she increased her strength was to have a friendly match with Li Ang, who had already been familiar with the road, and when she heard Lorna’s call, her figure appeared directly next to the two people, or the kind of Chiguoguo.

This absurdity took more than two hours directly, Li Ang was relaxed, and the two women were paralyzed as mud.

When Leon used his ability to put the two women on the bed, because both women were already asleep, and he sat on the sofa with red wine and watched the news.

The protagonist of the news is him, and the headline is “Threats affecting the world, how long will we have to endure him after all?” ”

Such hostile news headlines have appeared many times before, and in the news they are nothing more than various experts expounding their own arguments, analyzing from all aspects why Leon did this and what his purpose was.

The most controversial of these are still conspiracy theorists, who feel that Leon wants to conquer the world, establish a new regime headed by him, and enslave all people, whether ordinary or mutants, to become his slaves.

And those means of threatening the world are nothing more than his desire to make the whole world obey him.

Not to mention, in such an argument really won the support of many people, at least in ordinary people, if Leon did not have a purpose, then he had no reason to do so, and interest is always the first driving force for people’s actions.

Seeing this, Li Ang couldn’t help but smile, but also felt quite funny, why he did this, it was only out of his own interest, as for what enslaved the whole world, he didn’t even think about it.

If he really wanted to, he now had the ability to destroy the world in minutes, and he didn’t have to spend so much effort to toss it at all.

What he wanted was to see how far humanity could go under his persecution and oppression.

Whether it erupts under pressure or sinks under pressure.

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