The reaction of the human world was more intense than he thought, and the action was faster than he thought, and what Leon did not expect was that the United States actually directly provided the robot manufacturing methods they mastered to other countries free of charge.

No less than twenty countries have been given this method of combat robots, basically including the top twenty countries in the world’s GDP, and to be honest, this is the first time Leon has seen the United States so generous.

Whether there was a political game in this was something he didn’t know and wasn’t interested in knowing, but he was surprised by the outcome anyway.

“When did America turn sexual?” That’s what he thought.

Then there was even more surprising news that came to him, led by the United States and China, the United Earth Army was established, which was different from the loose international organization of the United Nations, but a real joint army, and nearly thirty countries were quickly linked together, with money and powerful contributions, and millions of troops were organized in a short period of time.

This is not the most ruthless, the United States in this matter did make Leon a little unequal, this million-level coalition army, half of which was thrown into the United States.

Yes, you read that right, the number of troops of more than half a million people, as well as all kinds of equipment, were all put on the territory of the United States in one go, and the number of troops in China and Russia was already more than 60% of the half a million miles.

As the world’s number one for a long time, the United States has always been very hostile to China and Russia, these two countries can be regarded as the lifelong enemy of the United States, and now the United States actually has such determination, which is really unpredictable.

As a battlefield of war, the United States is also the country that has suffered the most losses under Leon, and now even its sovereignty and national defense have been thrown to one side, and the forces of the world have been linked to deal with him, and it seems that Leon’s existence has really made them feel a great threat.

In such a situation, Leon did not have half a point, on the contrary, he was extremely happy, he finally saw the world’s major countries unite, although not the whole world combined, but this is also a big leap, especially for the United States, which has always been the boss of the earth, it is very rare.

Leon had thought that the United States would pause a little when it did this, but the reality surprised him again, and the United States naturally declared war on him directly.

Yes, it was a declaration of war, or a declaration of war in the form of a year-round live broadcast, and at a certain moment, all the television stations in the United States broadcast the president’s declaration of war to Leon.

“In the history of mankind, there has never been an individual like Leon, who is pure evil and has no ill will for any reason, who is the devil of hell, the source of all the calamities that bring mankind, and his appearance is a great loss to the whole of mankind.”

“Here I call on all the people of conscience in the world to stand up against him, because he is stronger than everyone can imagine, the most powerful weapon suppressed by mankind, the nuclear bomb, has no effect on him, and he can easily summon an asteroid that is enough to destroy, which is only a small point in his many means.”

“Consider his previous warning, in three months, the moon will collide with our homeland, and at that time, no life on Earth will be spared.”

“Therefore, we must unite the front, together against him, against the devil who brought disaster to the whole world!” Now I declare that the United States has entered a state of war with him, and the outcome of this war will only have one winner left, and the other side will be destroyed! ”

This live broadcast Li Ang naturally also watched, he looked at the TV picture of the impassioned president, could not help but laugh a little.

“Sir, the movement of the coalition forces has been detected, and the first thirteen thousand troops are approaching the occupied area of New York.” Visgar informed him in due course.

Li Ang nodded, didn’t say anything more, just said: “According to the previous filing operations, first send air troops to contact the enemy forces, and then let the ground troops advance.” ”

Yes, he was talking about advancing, not letting go, because in his opinion, no matter how many people and how well equipped they were, in his eyes, it was still difficult to resist his own strength.

It should be known that in addition to analyzing the vibranium substance during this time, he has made two major upgrades for the soldiers, and any soldier has the ability to not be afraid of the murderers such as Magneto.

And now the number of soldiers under his command has already exceeded fifty thousand, just imagine what kind of force this is, and it is no problem to push the world across.

He was going to do the same thing next, and after preparing for so long, he had to surprise the world.

As for the air error in his mouth, that is, through the analysis of the captured fighters, the new type of fighters created, the number of fighters is not much now, but there are also ten, each of which is a black technology level, and the technology content alone can directly crush Tony Stark’s Mark suit.

With his order, a hole of more than twenty meters high was split in the center of the sword-shaped building, from which fighters quickly flew out, one after another, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Now the search for the building has become a whole, and even he has not relaxed the transformation of the sword-shaped building, if anyone can see the underground, he will find that the base of the sword-shaped building has become a six-shot thruster when it is on it.

The current material of the sword-type building has also unconsciously become an Edelman vibrating gold alloy, a sword-type building that is hundreds of meters high, and now it is completely a space station.

This was the headquarters base of the two, he naturally had a plan a long time ago, and even at this time, the transformation of his sword-shaped building had not yet been completed, but only a slight re-architecture of the main structure was completed, which was far from his final transformation plan.

As for what his final transformation plan is, in fact, it is very simple, he is going to transform this battleship into a super battleship that can pass through the cosmic wall film, which must be a long process, and the scientific and technological content required in it is not at all what he can do now.

But now that he has laid the groundwork, he will continue to renovate in the future.

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