The American side placed the battlefield more than three hundred kilometers outside of New York City, which was the farthest place for Leon’s soldiers to expand outward, because it was a targeted advance, the soldiers’ advance speed was not very fast before, and even paused for a long time in the middle, because Leon upgraded the soldiers twice in a row, and it also took time.

And the army of more than 200,000 people also gathered on the battlefield that the United States had decided on in advance, and they had full confidence that Leon would send people here to fight a decisive battle with them.

The war is a matter between the two sides, if one side does not contact at all, then the war will naturally not be fought, but the army of more than 200,000 people is not placed here, and it is not a small threat to Leon’s side, so he will indeed let the United States do as he wishes.

It was a vast plain, surrounded by fields, with only grass and only low trees, and the Coalition had built a long defensive line here from the beginning, with heavy weapons such as tanks, mortars, artillery vehicles, and rocket launchers lined up in rows.

In order to fight this battle, the United States has increased its investment, and there are many foreign equipment, which can completely fight a very large battle, which is enough to show the determination of the United States and most of the world’s countries.

As for the high sky above the sky, there are even more teams of warplanes flying by, except that there is no sea here, the air force and army are all complete and fully prepared.

In the Provisional Operations Command, officers from the United States, China, Russia, and several other countries gathered to make arrangements for the next engagement.

Many of them are general-level people in charge of the overall situation, which is one of the few coalition forces in human history, except for World War I and World War II, this can already be regarded as World War III, except that one side is the coalition army of the human world, and the other side is a person.

“Gentlemen, Leon’s threat is far more terrifying than you think, especially the soldiers under his command, each of whom has the strength of an alpha-level mutant, and only Omega-level mutants can suppress it, and there are few such mutants in the world, and there are five around Leon.” An American general said heavily.

The faces of the people present were solemn, they knew Leon’s horror, but when they were told in person, the pressure suddenly appeared.

“Therefore, no matter what the circumstances, we should have no less caution and caution, and the cooperation between the armies of our various countries must also be close, so that we can put aside our previous prejudices and use the best cooperation to face the enemy this time.”

Everyone present nodded, and then a Chinese general said, “According to the information you have given us by the American side, this Leon really can’t be treated with common sense, but can such a powerful and terrifying person be defeated by these conventional weapons alone?” ”

Others also have this suspicion, they do not have much intuitive feeling of Leon’s terror, the only understanding is what Leon has done since this time, and most of them also know from intelligence and news, they know that Leon is terrible and difficult to deal with, but how to deal with it is not easy to deal with, their senses have not yet experienced.

The American General shook his head with a heavy face, “It is impossible, with his degree of terror, our weapons are unlikely to hurt him even a little, and our role is only to play a slight role in him, and what can really stop him depends on the team of mutants.” ”

“This time we have brought a total of nearly a hundred mutant heroes from China, many of whom are super strong, and other countries have also brought some more or less, I believe that these people should play a decisive role on the battlefield.” General Huaxia Road.

The others nodded as well, their coalition was just ordinary warriors and these conventional weapons and equipment, but secretly there were mutants who came with them, and these people were specifically requested by the United States, because when the United States was organizing the coalition army, it was only possible to use the same strength as him.

What is the same power as Leon, that is naturally these mutants.

Mutants are outliers in society, and they are also discriminated against by normal people, but these people hold the power that ordinary people cannot grasp, and before Leon appeared, there had never been a country or organization that could organize so many mutants and quickly recognize their normal social status.

All this is also brought by Leon, who has made the world see the horror of mutants, and ironically, now, everyone who saves the survival of ordinary people in the world has to be left to the mutants.

“In short, everyone, let us do our best to drag Leon and create the greatest help for the mutant team, and our role is only that.” The American general said heavily.

Hearing this, the hearts of all the people present could not stop sinking, and from the words of the American general, they felt a deep pressure, and the officers of some countries were still full of ambition, but now it seems that it is completely arrogant and contemptuous of Li Ang.

At this moment, a harsh siren sounded in the conference room, followed by someone rushing in and shouting: “Report! There was a warrior energy reaction in the front, and according to the observation, the number was no less than three thousand! ”


There was a sound of cold air in the conference room, and General America’s brow tightened, and he asked in a deep voice, “Has Leon appeared?” ”

“Report General, no! But one guy showed up, and it was Captain Steve! The man shouted.

The American general looked straight and then said, “That’s not Captain Rice, soldier, remember, from now on there will be no Captain Captain in America, that has become history, now tell me, which one is Steve?” ”

The soldier’s face turned solemn, “The one who is good at casting corrosive gases.” ”

The American General took a deep breath, then sighed, “Okay, I see, order it down, and all the troops are on alert, ready to fire at any time.” ”

“Yes!” The people who came took the command and left.

Then the American general said to all the people present: “Gentlemen, here comes a terrible figure, Corruption! ”

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