“We can’t wait like this, we must let the troops launch a more violent attack, otherwise when those things get closer, our ground troops will not be able to hold on at all!”

Many people present were silent, but that silence was quickly broken.

The generals of the three countries of America, Huaxia, and Russia nodded, and then the general of Huaxia said, “You can try to increase the intensity of the attack and try it with the plan specified earlier.” ”

“Okay, that’s it!”

They had already made combat arrangements earlier, and naturally they had prepared several contingency plans in advance, which can be said to be very well prepared, and the best way to face the soldiers’ inability to enter the sword and gun was to increase investment.

“Well, the American side can do it.” General Huaxia Road.

The American General nodded, then picked up the phone and said, “Inform the air force to throw high-powered weapons!” ”

After putting down the phone, everyone present was nervously watching the changes in the war situation, and by this time, the soldiers had left the army at a distance of about six kilometers, and even the ground troops could already see the incomparably terrifying explosion in the air in front of them, as well as the incessant sound of explosions.

Some soldiers have sweaty palms, and if they are fighting with soldiers or terrorists from other countries, all of them will not be afraid and nervous, but now they are facing a group of non-humans, which makes them feel a sense of fear of the unknown.

The solemn atmosphere spread among the army, but fortunately, these soldiers are elite, and their psychological quality is excellent, even if they are uneasy in their hearts, they still firmly adhere to their posts.

At this moment, the group of fighters in the high altitude once again swooped, the ammunition compartment under the belly of the aircraft opened, followed by another salvo, and countless rockets roared and flew rapidly into the distance, and then exploded again.

However, the soldier side did not know that among these rockets and missiles, there were several different things, such as one of the missiles was exceptionally thick, the other missiles were thirty or forty centimeters in diameter and more than one meter long, while this missile was fifty or sixty centimeters in diameter and almost two meters in length.

This missile fell behind the other missiles, and in front of it, all the missiles and rockets had begun to explode, and the flames suddenly splashed out, blocking the sight of all the soldiers, and the corruption of the leader had encountered this situation several times, and it was not surprising that this was an ordinary attack.

Yes, this kind of large-scale coverage indiscriminate firepower strike is indeed an ordinary attack in his eyes, and he has only used his ability to make the power of those missile explosions unable to cause half damage to himself, and then together with the soldiers, he is ready to rush through the fire blockade.

But at this moment, an extremely terrible sense of crisis enveloped him, Corruption had the personality and cognition given by Li Ang, and it seemed extremely sensitive to this danger, which could be said to be the sixth sense, or it could be said that he himself was overreacting to the danger, in short, he did not want to think about it, so he fled from the place in an instant, and his figure instantly appeared two or three hundred meters away.

At the same time, a blazing blob of light exploded in his original position, and endless bursts of light and heat were as dazzling as if there was suddenly an extra sun in mid-air!

“Nuclear bomb?”

The corrupted eyes shrank, his face became solemn, and then his endless radiation energy hit his body, and the terrifying heat energy rays made the skin all over his body fester, evaporated by the high temperature, and in an instant, the side of his face facing the nuclear explosion was only bones.

It is true that he left the central area of the nuclear explosion, but for the nuclear explosion, two or three hundred meters is still within the scope of the nuclear explosion, but the power has dropped a lot.

Corruption is indeed a terrifying creature, it is true, it is indeed one of the strongest people on the earth, but in the face of nuclear bombs, he does not have the ability to open his mouth and swallow, not everyone has the power of the phoenix, which can swallow the same ability as nibbling turnips.

He was swept away by ultra-high energy radiation and heat, and the degree of physical injury at this moment was a degree of terror that he had never had before.

The corrupted eyes were blinded, the skin and flesh of the face instantly turned into fly ash, even the bones were plowed a layer, even the forehead bones were cut off, the brain tissue was exposed, and a piece was wiped out by the terrible power of the explosion.

He was like a rag, thrown with the terrifying power of the nuclear explosion, thrown out at a much faster speed than when he came.

This was a corrupt encounter, and at the same time, more than three thousand soldiers at the center of the nuclear explosion really tasted the terrible power of the nuclear explosion.

In an instant, the thousands of soldiers closest to the center of the nuclear explosion did not even have time to use the mutant ability, and at this moment, they were melted into molten iron by the ultra-high temperature, and then blown away into fly ash and iron juice by the extremely terrifying thermal radiation.

That is to say, these more than a thousand soldiers died directly, and there was no longer the possibility of being repaired in half a year! Even if their whole body is made of the earth’s strongest metal Edelman vibranium alloy, they still can’t resist such a terrible ultra-high temperature and thermal radiation, not to mention that the nuclear explosion is not only these, the characteristics of vibranium not being hot can indeed reduce its loss, but the radiation in the nuclear explosion can destroy the molecular chain in it, so the collapse is a matter of an instant.

The remaining soldiers who are slightly farther away, fifty or sixty meters away from the center of the nuclear explosion, the situation is a little later, but the good is also very limited, the whole body is melted, the core is burned, although it can still vaguely maintain a vague human form, but it is also directly “dead”, but it also maintains a certain degree of repairability.

And some of the outside, the situation is even better, the magic shield instantly collapsed, the metal layer on the surface of the body was melted, but it was firmly bound by its own ability, and then each of them automatically used their ability to quickly escape, and finally escaped the disaster dangerously and dangerously.

However, the explosion of this nuclear bomb directly wiped out more than 3,000 or 80% of the soldiers, and finally fled, and still retained the combat effectiveness, not more than 600.

The determination of mankind to resist was also revealed at this moment.

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